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woman has to give up wrong ivf baby.
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22 Sep 2009, 09:45
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
A woman who has been mistakenly impregnated with the wrong IVF embryo will hand over the baby when she gives birth.

Carolyn and Sean Savage of Ohio in the US are due to have the baby boy in two weeks.

In February, Carolyn, 40, was impregnated with what she believed to be the remaining embryos but two months into the pregnancy doctors told her they were the wrong ones.

The couple decided not to terminate the pregnancy because of religious reasons but to give the baby to the biological parents.

"It has been hard, we have been rooting for the baby the whole time," Carolyn told NBC's Today Show.

She said she dreads the moment she has to hand the baby over but feels it is the right decision.

"They delivered the worst news of our life," Sean said.

"It’ll be exceptionally difficult."

The Savages have three other children.

article here

well that sucks. but that's really nice they're going to give the baby to the biological parents.
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22 Sep 2009, 13:28
lithium layouts.
Post Count: 836
So wait, they confused her embryos with someone else's? I wonder how the biological parents feel, not being able to experience the pregnancy for themselves? Particularly the mother, as part of the mother-baby bond is formed while the child is in utero.
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22 Sep 2009, 13:29
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
yeah it's a bit unpleasant all round really. well more than unpleasant. they don't get that bond, this poor couple's bonded with someone that's not theirs. very awkward and awful.
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22 Sep 2009, 13:50
Acid Fairy
Post Count: 1849
This happened recently where two IVF embryos were mixed up but each couple kept the wrong child.
The worrying thing is, this seems to happen way too often!
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22 Sep 2009, 17:53
Post Count: 1938
So... the child won't be biologically connected with the mother? That's going to create some family issues when the time comes.
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22 Sep 2009, 20:55
Meghans Follie
Post Count: 433
I dislike how the terms they used She said she dreads the moment she has to hand the baby over but feels it is the right decision.

Dont get me wrong I think its a wonderful thing she is doing, but she is choosing to give the baby to them. She does not have to.
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23 Sep 2009, 05:59
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
yeah exactly. still i suppose they think this is probably easier than all the legal crap that could come out of this.
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23 Sep 2009, 20:49
Post Count: 242
That is so sad... I don't know if I could do that after carrying a baby for 9 months.
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26 Sep 2009, 00:39
*~Loving You~*
Post Count: 507
....religious reasons...?! wat kind of a religon that doesnt accept a baby that was "planned" for them?

they have three other children so thats good... this sucks this is asking for a major lawsuit... for real... but they could have accepted it...
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26 Sep 2009, 03:39
Mary Magdelene
Post Count: 506
"....religious reasons...?! wat kind of a religon that doesnt accept a baby that was "planned" for them?"

That really didn't make sense. Are you asking what kind of religion would not accept a baby not biologically someone's child because of a procedure like this with a mistake like this? If you are, you are misunderstanding what they said, as that's not what they meant about not terminating due to religious reasons.

They were probably offered the option of termination by the doctor upon finding out this baby is not biologically related to this couple. They chose NOT to terminate because of their religious beliefs. In otherwords, their religious beliefs are what led them to decide not to terminate. It has nothing to do with a religion not accepting this child as this couple's on the basis of this child not being biologically theirs.
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22 Sep 2009, 10:27
Post Count: 132
wow, that SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that would be horrible
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22 Sep 2009, 10:34
.Blue Bella.
Post Count: 743
That is awful!

Hope they get all their treatment money back, and that any future treatment is paid for until they get their baby.
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23 Sep 2009, 01:46
Post Count: 885
Agreed! I realize that mistakes happen, surely we all make them.. but how does a mistake THAT major in THAT kind of business happen?! It must be extremely difficult to learn the pregnancy that you've been carrying and the baby you've been bonding is, isn't yours. Although I think it's EXTREMELY kind of her to give the baby back to the biological parents... even if I think if I were in the bilogical parents shoes, I don't know if I'd want to take the baby away from that couple. Especially since, like Teresa said, a large part of the mother-baby bond is formed while the baby is still in utero, and the biological mother, while biological, will still never feel that with the child.
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23 Sep 2009, 02:23
Mary Magdelene
Post Count: 506
This kind of mistake actually happens far more frequently than the medical community will admit, and far more often than we hear about, because it would deter people from attempting the procedure, and the doctors who do them make OODLES of money with each procedure. And if one procedure doesn't work and the couple continues to return for more after each procedure that didn't work, that's so much MORE money the doctors would lose.
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23 Sep 2009, 02:46
Post Count: 571
I think its a nice story actually. They can claim it was 'gods will' or what ever.
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24 Sep 2009, 00:51
♥ Mrs. Mommy
Post Count: 16
i seen this on law and order svu last night... hmmm
feel bad for the lady who's pregnant.. but shes better than me.. i dunno if i could give a baby who grew inside of me away.. biologically or not.. legally the baby is hers because she's legally the BIRTH mother.
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24 Sep 2009, 19:54
The Mama
Post Count: 51
I'd file a lawsuit with that fertility clinic.
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27 Sep 2009, 05:32
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
she's given birth to the baby and given it to the biological parents. both sets of parents are going to sue the fertility clinic.
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27 Sep 2009, 05:46
Catch May If You Can
Post Count: 157
i find it both sad and nice. I think that it was right to give the child to the biological parents, considering it wasn't their embryo's to give up. I would definitely be suing the clinic as well, that a terrible mixup and there is going to be some hard things to get over. I hope this couple gets another chance at having their miracle
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27 Sep 2009, 13:49
Post Count: 377
I read an article in People about this and it said that the pregnant couple wouldn't have a chance to have another baby. Don't remember why though. So that's sort of why this was a big deal.
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27 Sep 2009, 17:12
Mary Magdelene
Post Count: 506
I don't know that it not being biologically their embryo would make it wrong of them to not give the baby to the biological parents. These parents didn't sign up to be surrogates. It would be right for the biological parents to recognize the bond the baby will have with the "surrogates" and offer to let them keep the baby, but an offer or a lack of offer doesn't make one good or bad, right or wrong. It's a sticky situation. These parents would be perfectly justified in NOT giving the baby to the biological parents, just as the biological parents would be justified in suing to gain custody if that were the case. There really is no inherent right or wrong in this situation, other than the wrong of the mixing up of the embryos to begin with.
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