![]() *Forever Changing* ![]() Post Count: 847 |
What type of BC do you use? and how long have you used it? Any problems or side effects?
![]() Mami 2 ♥ 1 Post Count: 361 |
i have implanon, i have had it for about 13 months. i have had one period since i gave birth 16 months ago. i like it. I have gained 30lbs but idk if it is from BC or poor eating habits or both.
![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
I was on Femodene which gave me a sort of depression. Anything would set me off crying. I had really painful boobs and terrible headaches. It was an awful 3 months.
I then got changed to Yasmin and it's been great! But my friend was put on that and it raised her heart rate, gave her migraines and a temperature. Weirds me out how people are affected so differently by the same thing. |
![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
Oh butttt when they say the pill lessens your stomach cramps... it doesn't for everyone. Mine are still awful. And they say you have lighter periods too, but mine haven't changed at all since being on it. They're just heavy for like 2-3 days and then disappear, which I can deal with!
I don't seem to get PMS as badly as I did before, but I do tend to still be a bit teary and emotional in the days running up to my period ;D |
![]() starsmaycollide Post Count: 408 |
It's funny how things happen-my periods are lighter and shorter now that I am OFF the pill. Go figure. :-P
![]() minor_catastrophe Post Count: 123 |
I've been on Ortho-Tricyclen Lo. It gave me migraines, so I started taking Topamax. That helped a lot.
Then, I took Yaz for a bit, no side effects really. But my insurance got dropped so I had to quit taking it. Now I'm on the generic version of Ortho Tricylcen Lo. $20. No side effects but I am on the reminder pills of the first month, so yea. I wanted to get the NuvaRing or Mirena or something, where I don't have to worry about the damn pill every day because I'm absolutely horrible at remembering. I set my alarm to remind me and I still forget sometimes. Lol. But anyways, I've heard the NuvaRing falls out really easily. And I heard Mirena's expensive... so... feedback? :) |
![]() Beautiful Lies Post Count: 402 |
NuvaRing won't fall out. Unless your vagina muscles don't work. If you can keep a tampon in, you can keep the ring in. :)
![]() DivaAshley Post Count: 242 |
I never had a Nuva Ring fall out... and that was post-baby. The only way it will come out, is if it's not put in properly.
![]() Endless Love ![]() Post Count: 102 |
I used Nuva Ring for almost 6 months and never had a problem with it falling out. I don't think it CAN fall out cause when you put it in, your body automatically forms around it and holds it in. It's not really a bad price either, I think when I was on it, it was 53 dollars every 3 months.
![]() Beautiful Lies Post Count: 402 |
NuvaRing isn't a good price for everyone. Mine's $112 for three months. Which is why I'm switching to a generic pill in 3 months. Generics are $9 for three months.
![]() Lauren. Post Count: 885 |
Yeah, that depends on insurance coverage and the like. My insurance pays NOTHING on BC, so I pay $58/month for the NuvaRing. New BC method, here I come! Lol.
![]() Endless Love ![]() Post Count: 102 |
I was on medicaid when I used Nuva Ring, and Medicaid wouldn't cover it becuase it's a 3 month supply instead of one month (thats how it was given by my pharmacy) I was paying 53 dollars for 3 months, without insurance coverage on it.
![]() immortalized artiste ![]() Post Count: 112 |
I pay $0/mnth on BC, like I've told you a thousand katrillion times, COME TO CANADA.
Joking, that's my dad's prescription plan at work. |
![]() - cynthia - Post Count: 45 |
i use the NuvaRing currently, my insurance doesnt pay for it so i pay $58 a month for it. i like it, i think i've gained some weight due to being on it, but i cant complain. when i was on the pill i had horrible migraines!
![]() Lauren. Post Count: 885 |
Ah, so it's $58 for you too! I didn't know if different pharmacies marked the price up or down or how that worked. I planned on changing when I go to the gyno next month to a different kind, but when I went to his office last week angry because he'd written a prescription for one month shy of a years supply, he just GAVE me 3 months out of his "trial" supplies he has of different birth controls..so I suppose I'll change in November instead ;).
![]() DivaAshley Post Count: 242 |
I tried the patch when it first came out, and I was a hormonal lunatic... then I did OrthoTriCyclen, and got pregnant on that. Lol. Tried NuvaRing after my daughter was born, and that was AWESOME. And, I've been BC free for the last year, almost... hoping for a post-deployment pregnancy!
![]() Endless Love ![]() Post Count: 102 |
I have used the pill it actualyl screwed with my period. I also used Nuva Ring, which was kind of cool you cna use it for the 3weeks your suppose to and then either take it out for a week to have your period or take it out and immediately put a new one back in and skip your period completely.
![]() Lauren. Post Count: 885 |
I'm on the NuvaRing (a vaginal ring you insert yourself once a month.. it stays in 3 weeks, you remove it, and then a week later put another one in..the "ringless" week is like the week of sugar pills or placebo pills on BC pills). I love the convenience of it, not having to remember to take a pill daily. I don't feel it, he doesn't feel it, it's never fallen out or got stuck or anything like that, lol. I've been on it for 3 years, and up until 2-3 periods ago, it was doing great in controlling blood loss and cramping, but now it's seeming to "wear off". I go back to the gynecologist in October and plan on making a switch then. I don't know if your body is able to become "immune" to the effects of a BC after you've used it so long (although I guess it's still serving it's main purpose, which is great;)), but I need to find out. Also, if your insurance doesn't pay on BC, I wouldn't recommend you using the NuvaRing. My insurance pays nothing on it, and it's $58/month! Thats right at $700 I'm spending per year just to NOT have a child! Yeesh.
![]() RealLifeComics Post Count: 571 |
![]() Kate.Monster Post Count: 113 |
I'm on the generic form of Ortho Tricyclin Lo...it's called Tri-sprintac. It's covered under my school's health insurance, but out of pocket with health insurance from a Target pharmacy was like $9/month/pack. I really don't have any side effects. I didn't gain any weight and my acne did get better. Although, your body sometimes "gets used" to the pill, so i'm starting to break out a bit more, but that can be worked with. :)
I love bc though. Seriously. |
![]() annababe • • Post Count: 106 |
I went through all pages of this thread and saw that no one was on the same kind I am. I am currently taking Femcon. I have been on it for 2 1/2 years. I'm taking it because it's the only chewable form that's offered.
I have used the NuvaRing before and hated it. It fell out more often that I would have liked a piece of plastic falling out of my vagina. ha. With the Femcon, I have not had any weight gain or loss. (Just from unhealthy eating habits, relationship break ups, etc.) Really the only side effect I've had is Iron deficientcy. I've been told by my pharmacist that the three weeks of active pills lower your Iron levels, so you're supposed to take the on inactive week, because they're basically just Iron pills. After a few months of not taking the inactive/iron pills, I feel it catches up to me and I become extremely exhaused from doing the slightest bit of walking, I feel weak and nauseas, have diarrhea, etc. [To be honest, I felt like this this morning. (I was on my inactive pills last week.) So I went and took one of the inactive pills from last week and within a few hours I felt better.] Sorry if this is really confusing. |
![]() valerieeeee ![]() Post Count: 274 |
the withdrawl method.
haha not really. |
![]() *Forever Changing* ![]() Post Count: 847 |
Well we have used that method for two and a half years, and I am changing from that method.
![]() .erica. Post Count: 56 |
I use the pill. I've been on it for four months now and I have had no side effects. Ortho tricyclen. I think that's how you spell it.
![]() *Forever Changing* ![]() Post Count: 847 |
I got pregnant using that pill....twice...not trying to scare you, it works different for everyone, but it didnt work for me.