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Miley Cyrus Pole Dancing
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15 Aug 2009, 13:34
Post Count: 314
She wasn't pole dancing, goodness gracious. Give the child a break. What teenager DIDN'T rebel, NORMAL teenagers? She's 16 with a crapload of money and an unusual glamourous life. :P

Also, I don't think Dane Cook should have humiliated her like that but she was kind of asking for it. I wouldn't have said that the first time the photos leaked, but a second? Learn your lesson girl: Keep your clothes ON. He's right.
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15 Aug 2009, 17:57
Post Count: 107
I watched it on tv and omg i cannot believe her dad and mom let her do that...i was like did she just shake her hips like that???? HUH? lol
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15 Aug 2009, 19:10
Zombie Steve
Bloop Owner
Post Count: 110
Whether she was pole dancing or not, the producers are incredibly stupid for putting a pole without an umbrella on there. It'd make it all the less conspicuous!
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15 Aug 2009, 21:38
Jessica [Private]
Post Count: 1751
But with that logic, the lights wouldn't be on her, she'd be in a shadow and no one would see her.

Ah I lost my point.
I say we put an umbrella over her 24/7.
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15 Aug 2009, 21:40
Zombie Steve
Bloop Owner
Post Count: 110
How about a transparent umbrella? OH WAIT! MAYBE THERE WAS ONE!
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15 Aug 2009, 21:42
Jessica [Private]
Post Count: 1751
Clearly that's their bullet-proof defense, yes?

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15 Aug 2009, 20:25
- misseriin*
Post Count: 64
what a joke
yet another girl who got famous because daddy is famous

17 year old on a pole, LOL
also there was no spin and leg around the pole.

i can fully say i danced like that at 17, and because im not famous its no biggie.
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15 Aug 2009, 20:49
Post Count: 162
I have an issue with the clothes. It's like the advertisement for her clothing line when she's wearing shorts of similar length. If you can't bend over without the bottom of your ass hanging out you should not be wearing it, especially in public, on a stage, and before the eyes of millions of tweens squealing over "Hannah Montana". If I was her father I would have slapped on some more flattering attire. It's about being a young girl in the public eye--as if we need more excuses to sexualize youth.
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15 Aug 2009, 21:56
Hidden Depths
Post Count: 81
Ugh.. It was OBVIOUSLY just something for her to hold onto while they were rolling her around stage. So they choose a pole instead of a rope or something--I don't see any problems with this.
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16 Aug 2009, 04:15
Post Count: 162
I didn't even think about this until now, though, but maybe it's the venue of her performance that has so many people upset. She was at the Kids Choice Awards. Not the teen choice awards. Not the 20-something chioce awards. Not even the "pre-teen" choice awards. It was the KIDS Choice Awards, and the majority of the audience were children.

If she were at the Grammys or at the MTV Music Awards or the American Music Awards, then I don't think such a big deal would have been made about this whole thing, because those are award shows for adults. At the MTV Awards those kinds of performances are acceptable, and even expected of people. That's where Madonna and Britney kissed...but really, at the Kids' Choice Awards, they should've done that performance, and her outfit, much more tastefully - and more for the target audience, which is children.

I also agree that it was made even more "pole-dancing-ish" by the absent umbrella on the pole of the ice cream cart. It may not have been an actual stripper's performance, but it was still more of an adult performance than one for children, despite it being an ice cream cart.
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17 Aug 2009, 00:21
Post Count: 72
I watched it to see what the fuss was about, and the whole time she was on that cart, I was just waiting for her to fall off! Idon't think the outfit was out of the ordinary for a 16/17 year old girl, I've seen 13 year olds dressed worse than that! But for a kids award show, maybe just having the bra covered up woul've made it better, in my eyes.
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17 Aug 2009, 11:34
Post Count: 239
whether she was actually pole dancing or not, it was very suggestive. if i had a young daughter i wouldn't want that to be her role model. miley cyrus isn't wholesome, she's a product.
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18 Aug 2009, 14:33
Post Count: 1938
Bingo! Welcome to The Whole Point.
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19 Aug 2009, 03:08
Post Count: 239
of? i was just giving my opinion, dude.
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19 Aug 2009, 03:43
Post Count: 1938

Okay, the "whole point" is that she is a product and not a role-model.
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19 Aug 2009, 06:29
Post Count: 239
...okay? that's what i said. i'm confused why you think you need to repeat it to me XD
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17 Aug 2009, 15:52
Mary Magdelene
Post Count: 506
It's not her place to censure herself. If the Kids Choice Awards were willing to let her do that, then so be it. She's doing what a 16 year old does, and that's asserting that she's becoming a woman.

Maybe parents need to take a more active role in what their children watch and listen to. Because really, that's where the censuring should occur. If more parents would take that responsibility, fewer people would be upset about this.

But hey, what do I know. I only have two pre-teens.
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17 Aug 2009, 16:47
Mary Magdelene
Post Count: 506
My fingers got ahead of me. That should have been "censor", not "censure".
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18 Aug 2009, 02:50
Post Count: 9
Maybe it's just me... But she was dancing... and there was a pole... And she was dancing while her hand was ON the pole...


I think she was pole dancing. I think it's disgusting and irresponsible.

She, her parents and the Teen Choice Awards people should be ashamed of themselves for letting her put on that performance.

This is solely MY OWN OPINION.

I think that if she was my kid... She would not be on stage doing that. Especially in front of kids who are 10-14 years old!

What makes me mad is that they censored Dane Cook for telling Vanessa Hudgens that phones are not for naked photos... But they let a 16 year old dance with a pole.

I think that's disgusting...

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18 Aug 2009, 16:31
panda bear.
Post Count: 150

that's what most people consider pole dancing
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18 Aug 2009, 18:27
Winged Centaur
Post Count: 301
If that was pole dancing, I wouldn't give her a single dollar.
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19 Aug 2009, 11:31
Juniper ♥
Post Count: 69
Maybe she wasn't grinding the pole, hanging off of it or even dancing around it really... but it's still a pole. Maybe some younger kids wont have naughty ideas in their head, but older teens and adults do. I understand the pole was for balance on the ice cream cart... but maybe the cart didn't need to be in the performance? She's 16. Some say it's young, some say she's growing up. Regardless, she's underage and it was a pole. It doesn't matter that it was supposed to be innocent, I think she could have done a cute performance without it at an award show for kids and teens.

Her outfits always blow my mind, though. Short shorts is one thing. That's normal and at least her ass wasn't hanging out. But the tank top was a bit much. Had it been a regular tank top, no big deal. But no, this one showed off way more than most women need to show in any non-private moment. Not only was her bra showing, but said bra was also see-through. Ok, you can't see anything in the front, just see-through on her back... but that's not the point. She shouldn't need to show off her bra at all... at the very least not in a show for kids and teens. Seriously. And did you get a load of her dress when she presented that award to Britney? Does a teenage girl REALLY need to be wearing such a revealing cut in the front of the dress? I don't think so. You don't need sneak peaks to a 16 year old girls boobs. And once again, it was supposed to be a show for kids and teenagers. It just wasn't very tasteful.

The pole, or the idea most people have regarding poles, in combination with that outfit... I think the whole thing could have been planned better. Otherwise, the performance was harmless... and dammit I can't get that song out of my head. Hmph.
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