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Problem seeing bloop at work.
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11 Aug 2009, 05:47
Post Count: 263
Hey guys, so lately I've been having problems getting to bloop at work. I am on my own laptop, and on the wifi. I work at a hotel, so it's not like the company's wifi really, there aren't any restrctions. Most of the time I cannot come to bloop at work. I emailed Steve this and he told me to do the ipconfig/flushdns thing and sometimes that works, but only after 5 or 6 hours have gone by. I was just wondering if anyone knew why this is happening? Also, how can I fix it? It would mean a lot to me, cause without bloop I really have nothing to do online lol.
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11 Aug 2009, 18:08
Post Count: 1938
There just isn't enough information to diagnose the problem. Try deleting cookies, temporary internet files, try flushing the DNS again, and use another browser. These are all common troubleshooting steps.
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12 Aug 2009, 05:02
Post Count: 263
Yeah I have tried that, that's why I am asking for help. You don't have to be rude about it, I do have some common sense to try common troubleshooting problems. Geez.
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12 Aug 2009, 06:53
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
i hardly see how it was rude. it's true, we don't have enough info to diagnose the problem. and you didn't say that you'd tried most trouble shooting problems.

there are plenty of other things to do online, especially without restrictions. at work shouldn't you be working? just wait till you get home to use bloop if you've tried everything.
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12 Aug 2009, 07:13
Post Count: 263
I work at a hotel, which is very boring. The hotel I work at has people mostly staying long term. I usually only have a couple check ins at night, so my boss lets us bring our laptops and books in to do something else because I seriously have nothing to do. I have my paperwork at the beginning of the shift, which takes 15 minutes at the most. Then I have night audit, which the computer does most of it, it takes maybe an hour at most. So the other 6 hours and 45 minutes I am just sitting there. It's not a restriction at work, because I am on my own laptop, and use the wifi that is provided for the guests. I figured that since they were common trouble shooting problems, I didn't need to. I am asking because it wasn't a problem before, and I was wondering if anyone else had this problem. It will work sometimes, and won't other times.
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12 Aug 2009, 08:49
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
damn wish i could bring a laptop to work. would certainly keep me interested in the slow as shit morning shifts.

i think we're kinda used to bloopers being pretty computer stupid, so the common solutions may not seem common and we assume if you don't list them then you don't know them. at least you've tried the common things. maybe it's a more complicated problem.

maybe the wifi has an issue? does it happen to any other sites? it's a pretty strange problem.
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12 Aug 2009, 08:55
Post Count: 263
No it doesn't happen at any other sites, it just happens at bloop. If I flush the DNS cache it fixes it, but for some reason it takes hours for it to work again. I'm not sure if it's actually fixing it, or just a coincidence but it only works if I do that.
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12 Aug 2009, 09:00
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
i haven't had any issue with bloop, and if i di i usually chalk it up to server issues. like comments not saving or pages not loading. but this i cannot think of what it could be, or why the flushes take so long to take affect.

i'd trawl you tube in the mean time. lol.
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12 Aug 2009, 09:03
Post Count: 263
Yeah I do that, but the internet connection at work is so slow it takes like 30 minutes to load a 10 minutes video.
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12 Aug 2009, 09:24
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
oh god sounds like my boyfriend's place. problem is it's his ancient computer and not the connection.

i'd probably just read fanfiction or fmylife or texts from last night for hours lol.
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12 Aug 2009, 08:14
Post Count: 263
Also, it works at the work computers, so it's not actually restricted. I work the 3-11pm shift, and it works after 10:30pm which is just weird.
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12 Aug 2009, 19:13
Post Count: 1938
Honest to god, I wasn't trying to be rude. I apologize if it came off that way.
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11 Aug 2009, 06:20
Minda Hey Hey™
Post Count: 330
hmmm. that's a good question. when i was using my grandpa's laptop awhile back ago i was having the same issues, then one day it just started working. i checked the "safety" levels so it wouldn't be restricted and i tried deleting the cookies and that didn't seem to anything. so i waited a little bit and then i was able to get on, and then i didn't have any problems after that? yeah i know i'm just rambling lol. hopefully someone else can help you too.
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11 Aug 2009, 06:47
Post Count: 263
Yeah it did start working again, and then it started acting up again.
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11 Aug 2009, 17:23
Post Count: 263
*BUMP* Please help me! =[
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12 Aug 2009, 00:54
Hope Rising
Post Count: 42
This happens to me a lot, at work and at home. Sometimes it won't work for hours then it will just finally start working. I don't know what the deal is.
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12 Aug 2009, 14:14
Post Count: 28
When it's next not-working, can you go to the command prompt (start > run > cmd - probably where you go to do the ipconfig thing) and run:


and copy and paste the results here please? To copy, right click on the black box and select 'Mark' then drag the box around all the text, and finally press 'Enter' to copy the selection.

Also please do the same with

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12 Aug 2009, 21:37
Post Count: 263
Yeah I will try that. I don't go back into work until Friday though so I will let you know what happens then.
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22 Aug 2009, 23:54
Post Count: 263
I did that for you, and replied to steve. I took a screen cap of what the results were cause the thing wouldn't let me copy and paste. =] Thanks for all your help!
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13 Aug 2009, 19:53
Post Count: 507
It happens a lot at work and at home... sorry if I don't remember every detail... but is this on the same machine?

Just some things to try... different browsers. Netscape, Opera, Firefox, Google Chrome, Sea Monkey 2, etc etc. Clearing the machines temp files... easiest way to do this is with Disk Cleanup if you use windows. Try downloading and burning a Linux Live cd like Ubuntu which will run from the CD and your RAM without using your harddrive. See if it works ok that way. Some live linux systems are very small in size like Puppy Linux which can be ran from a flash drive... (100MB). Try updating the drivers for your network/wireless card. If you can, use another card. Iunno... heh. Good luck.
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13 Aug 2009, 22:16
Post Count: 263
No it just happens at work on the wifi there. I can see it fine at home, never had any problems. I can even get on the work computer which is connected through a LAN connection, and see bloop just fine. It's just that wifi and only at work. I can get on at work sometimes, and it's usually later at night but other times I cannot.
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15 Aug 2009, 20:46
Zombie Steve
Bloop Owner
Post Count: 110
What you need to do is like Sam said, ping from a CMD prompt.

Go to Start, Run, type CMD and press enter.
At the prompt type PING
Hit enter and let us know what the results are :)
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22 Aug 2009, 23:53
Post Count: 263
Hey thanks for helping me, don't think that I didn't appreciate it. I couldn't ping it cause it was working fine until this morning. It just started acting up again at work so I did what you asked me to, and another person also asked me to ping google so I did that too. I took a screen cap of it so you can see exactly what the results were.
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23 Aug 2009, 03:26
Post Count: 28
That tells us a lot. Can you do the same thing with

ipconfig /all

please? It looks like you've got a DNS problem (the bit of the process that turns names like into the addresses the internet actually runs on), which is weird. Shouldn't be impossible to overcome it though.

One thing you can try which you don't need to tell us anything for is changing your DNS servers:

Go to Start > Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center. Then click 'Status' next to your wireless connection and on the box that comes up, click 'Properties'.
In the properties box you should see a list of items with ticks, one of which will be 'IPv4 Configuration' or something similar. You're looking for IP and version 4 anyway. Select that then click 'Properties' and you should get a box with 5 greyed out boxes in it. Something like this:

Set it up as I have but if you already had numbers in the top three boxes leave them as they are. Only change the bottom two boxes. If you get confused, and aren't sure if it's right, click 'Cancel' and start again. If something goes wrong you might have problems getting online so we won't be able to help you very easily. Once that's done, click OK a couple of times and try the pings again. Let us know how you go :)
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23 Aug 2009, 05:47
Post Count: 263
Can it just do it sometimes? It was acting fine all week and then BAM! it stopped working all of a sudden. I also had my itouch with me, so I connected that to the wifi at work and it wouldn't work on anything connected to the wifi, but it would work on the work computer that is connected through LAN connection. I also bring my laptop home and bloop works fine on the wifi that home.
I'll try it tomorrow at work and let you guys know the results, sorry it's taking so long but I have to do what you ask me at work, and then come home and tell you the results. :)
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