![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
No, that wasn't a ploy to get you to read my thread ;) I honestly want to know what you guys thinks about porn. Especially of the online variety.
I was reading a blog called 'spEak You're bRanes' [sic] which trawls the Daily Mail comments and the BBC Have Your Say sites, and picks out the stupidest things people say. There was one entry where people were all 'Arghh ban porn it's of the devil!' and other such nonsensical shit, and it got me thinking. I, for one, am all for porn. I don't like porn ads though, that can appear on any innocent site. If you want porn, you can go look for it. And obviously, kiddie porn = bad. But I have seen quite a bit of online porn in my time, and have never come across anything other than the legal variety, so I'm not sure how you'd go about getting it off the net. I don't buy into this crap about 'degrading women'. The women are earning LOTS of money from having sex and doing some poor acting. Yeah, I'm sure they hate their lives! I did hear about a porn actress recently testing positive for HIV. I think this is a big issue and even though it doesn't bother me either way when I watch it, I think they should probably all be using protection. I like porn. How about you? Tell me your thoughts! |
![]() -kay Post Count: 268 |
I'm completely in agreeance. I think it's just a matter of how the porn is made, really. I don't like the idea of people being mistreated. It's a job, and like any other job, it's likely that you can get f*cked (no pun intended) somewhere along the way. Not to say it's the case for everyone. But there are exceptions to every rule.
![]() *Forever Changing* ![]() Post Count: 847 |
I second that. I love porn, well I dont, I mean I dont watch it much unless I am really in the mood but I am not a prude who says it cannot be in my house, infact most of the time my husband has naked women (no one he knows) as his phone background. Maybe it has to do with my sexuality, or maybe my sense of relationship views...idk...i just dont see the point of view that its wrong, those women are legal, and if they arent then I dont agree with it, but they are legal adults, they made the choice, thats who has to live with it.
![]() *~Loving You~* Post Count: 507 |
i dun like porn... its gross, its sickening, and i dont like the idea that now guys men/boys think of women like a piece of meat cuz of this porn "oh imma gonna copy this guy lemme find a girl 2 fuck"
![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
Ahh but come on, most guys don't think like that! Some of the sweetest guys I know love them some porn! ;D
![]() *~Loving You~* Post Count: 507 |
even so i wont let chris watch porn as long as he is wit me he better not let me catch him watch porn
![]() Finally Mrs. Bailey Post Count: 181 |
I think porn is great, haha. But I'm the kind of person that thinks prostitution should be legal. What a woman does with her body is no one else's business. Or a man for that matter. I just think that if they are in the industry, they should be protected at all costs. There should be rules for the industry, like child pornography people should have broken glass shoved in their pee hole, too harsh? *shrug*
I watched an MTV True Life episode that was True Life: I'm addicted to porn. One girl was trying to become a porn star, and she actually liked her job and wanted to do well in it. She thought of it as how many people can say they are going to have sex with 2 girls today? I love porn, my bf and I watch all the time. |
![]() Villy Post Count: 204 |
I don't think its degrading to women, because they are CHOOSING to do it. They can stop at any moment.
I have nothing against porn itself, but my last boyfriend was an addict. It seriously affected our relationship. He would literally turn me down for sex so that he could watch porn. That kind of thing can really mess with you. So, I'm a little touchy, but I'm getting better about it, and i try to keep it to myself. But that's my own issues, and really has nothing to do with my opinion of porn itself. So basically, if its legal, and the person watching it isn't letting it take over their lives, there's nothing wrong with porn. |
![]() simply.love Post Count: 5 |
I like it & i dont think its degrading. I dont think less of men who are into it.
![]() ೋMindy☆ ![]() Post Count: 58 |
I agree with you..Think its gross! Isn't allowed in my house.
![]() Transit Post Count: 1096 |
Also, the sex education v porn show was really good, which had porn stars who all hated their jobs and had gross conditions such as prolapse.
![]() queenbutterfly ![]() Post Count: 425 |
Agree 100%. I think porn leads to things it shouldn't. Especially when men/women watch it alone. I had a previous relationship and it killed our sex life at the time and our relationship emotionally!
![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
'Leads to things it shouldn't'
How do you mean? |
![]() queenbutterfly ![]() Post Count: 425 |
This is my belief and my experience.
A man who is addicted to porn and watches it a lone without his wife; or at all in some cases, can become so infatuated with the porn itself that after it while it stops quinching his sexual desire. Soon he is desiring the women so strongly in the movies/pictures that he goes and looks for it at strip clubs. That than leads to possibly an affair. My ex-boyfriend was so addicted to porn and masturbating that I could never finish him. He had to masturbate himself off. It was a horrible experience to know that I was not satisifying him. |
![]() Villy Post Count: 204 |
Yeah but that says a lot more about the person than the porn. My ex was the same way, but in no way do I take that to mean ALL men will turn into addicts and prefer porn to a real woman.
There are alcoholics out there that can't go a day without being completely plastered and letting the alcohol run their lives. Does that mean that alcohol is bad? Maybe it does to you, I don't know, but to me it isn't. The people that can't control their desires, whatever those desire may be, and therefore cannot lead responsible lives or stay in reality, are the ones that skew the view. |
![]() Aiure Post Count: 308 |
Porn is fine. Normal. Healthy, even. You can find porn for every kind of fetish, and with the interwebz being as accessible as it is, people can find it from the comfort of their own home. It goes without saying that child porn = no, as does allowing kids to access porn sites. Common sense, peoples.
Female porn stars (and strippers, etc) always say that rather than degrading themselves, they're empowering themselves. And it's true. Most people have very little respect for such occupations, though, because, amazingly, we're still stuck with the prudish view that sex is some unhealthy act that should never be spoken of. Not only that, but the other vices tend to go along with it that are much worse (ie hardcore drugs) have further turned making a living out of sex into one of the worst, most disgusting things someone could do to themselves. And yes, people should always be using protection. But that still goes with the whole common sense thing. Doesn't matter what kind of birth control you're on, you can still get diseases. |
![]() 31Oct1517 Post Count: 134 |
Most people have very little respect for such occupations, though, because, amazingly, we're still stuck with the prudish view that sex is some unhealthy act that should never be spoken of.
At risk of starting an entire debate, I just wanted to point out that you've presented a false dichotomy here. Having a moral aversion to porn, prostitution, and the like doesn't automatically mean that you're a prude. Contrary to historically inaccurate popular perceptions, the Puritans had a rather high view of sex and valued it as a gift from God. They just happened to believe that it ought to remain within the bounds of covenant marriage. I'm a conservative Christian and I have no problem talking about sex. Just because I have ethics which differ from yours doesn't mean that I view sex as unhealthy or something like that. |
![]() Aiure Post Count: 308 |
I'm not sure where you got religion out of that - I wasn't trying to bring religion into the conversation. A lot of people of no particular faith, or no faith, even, treat the porn industry like it's a pest that needs to be eradicated. It just has a lot of stigma attached to it.
Really no debate needed. Two interpretations of the same sentence is all :P |
![]() 31Oct1517 Post Count: 134 |
Well, I only brought religion into it because such debates usually involve religion...or rather, the unfair and inaccurate mischaracterizations of Christianity regarding the subject. To be sure, I would love to see the porn industry completely eradicated myself. Yet I don't consider myself a prude by any means. My point was that opposition to porn is not itself an automatic swing of the pendulum to the other extreme.
Anyway, I appreciate your response and treatment of my comment. |
![]() DecentralizedByGuilt ![]() Post Count: 460 |
They also dictated what sexual positions between the married couple are accepted by the church.
all throughout history sexual repression as shown to lead towards violence, and abuse towards women. I highly recommend the book: "Saharasia" by James DeMeo |
![]() The Ryan ![]() Post Count: 415 |
I'm one of those guys that doesn't find porn a turn on. I'm not the only one! Lots of my friends are the same. I think it's mostly because I'm too picky with women, yo! I am only attracted to women who are hot and intelligent. I don't think I've ever seen porn where the woman has appeared either hot or intelligent. They're just whores. I don't have any porn. I guess it was something I just watched as a teenager because my friends did. While I'm not disgusted by porn, I'm not excited by it either. It's just something that is there! It's not something I give any thought. Unless I suddenly find it ON my TV. Which I don't think has happened the last few years... because, well, TV got boring! You totally used to be able to stumble across it while flicking through terrestrial late at night. Not any more! What went wrong?! hahaha |
![]() Lily-my one and only Post Count: 62 |
maybe you could find a fetish porn for a brilliant and hot porn star? ;-P
![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
I find it weird how some people can get off on it and some can't. Obviously, it's NO replacement for sex, but sometimes it may be needed! ;D