![]() Stinkerbell Post Count: 28 |
So, I am slightly curious as to why I am the new hot topic in Dear Anonymous? I have not judged a single person about their parenting skills, or in their daily life. So why is everyone writing entries about me, picking apart my life?
Just curious. |
![]() .Blue Bella. ![]() Post Count: 743 |
Unfortunately, instead of playing with THEIR children, they are more interesting in honing in on your life and judging you for your decisions and focusing on YOUR daughter. They are picking on you because they have found things they don't agree with and it is unfair because it is none of their business WHAT you do.
People are pathetic. And there is a high quota of pathetic people on Bloop, unfortunately. What is more pathetic is that these people are hiding behind an anonymous diary and you will probably find the huge reason for doing that, is because they themselves are not perfect parents and want people to focus more on you, and less on them. |
![]() Chris Post Count: 1938 |
You won't find any answers opposing the ones already posted in this thread. No one on this site who frequently posts on Dear Anonymous has the courage to come out with their crap with their name attached.
![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
I still think you should listen to some of the advice given regarding the health issues surrounding your daughter. But I do NOT think Dear Anonymous is the place, nor is the forums. I think those Dear Anonymous entries have gone too far, and really the best thing to do is ignore them, and listen the people who are giving you advice privately because they genuinely care, and are grown up enough to sign their names to it.
![]() .youll.carry.me. ![]() Post Count: 53 |
And hey, an even better idea (which I know shes doing) is getting advice from her Doctor/Pedi/Charity's Dr...I dont think she should listen to anyones advice she doesnt feel comfortable with unless it's her Dr, because none of you (or very few) actually know her and Charity. Your advice could be as bad as the next persons. Not everyone is the same...which is why there are a million of you telling her different things. Just leave her alone, she's already said SHE DOESNT WANT ADVICE from us.
![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
The entry I read it WAS her doctor who'd told her not to feed her what she was feeding her, and she'd written that she was ignoring that advice. So I think perhaps that is what prompted all the comments suggesting she follow the advice she was given... from her DOCTOR.
Also, I am a doctor, so my advice is slightly different to everyone else. And when I read of a mother doing something which I have been taught is unhealthy for a child it's VERY difficult for me not to say something (although I've at least tried to be polite about it). But I do not wish to discuss this in public anymore. And I wish everyone else would stop doing so too. By your commenting here, you are no better, as you're just promoting it |
![]() Stinkerbell Post Count: 28 |
And I have took some of the advice into consideration. And the only reason was because a few people actually came off nice, rather that bitchy.
Yes my doctor told me no baby food before 4 months. But it's not like I'm giving huge amounts, and not everyday. I am not harming my daughter in any way. But I can see where people are concerned. But the baby food thing seriously needs to be dropped. It's getting a little bit old |
![]() Transit Post Count: 1096 |
Your not harming her no, but giving her solid food denies her nutrients as her body simply cannot digest it, so it fills her up and goes straight through her body, where as she could of had the same amount in milk that helps her body grow, babies should be able to sit up and hold their own head before solid foods as well otherwise there is a large choking risk. It can damage the intestines too and make you more prone to allergy as the babies body can treat the solid food like a pathogen and attack it, so the next time they are exposed to the food it is 'attacked' again and makes baby poorly.
I know a few spoonfuls every other day doesn't seem alot at all, but thats an entire meal for a baby. Yes I know you were ok being fed early, but thousands of children have lots of problems from being fed solid food early, just because it didn't happen to you, or anyone so far that you know of, that doesn't mean the likelyhood of it happening is impossible for Charity. |
![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
Unfortunately, it's not about how much you feed her. You're exposing her to things which her body isn't ready for. Even small amounts can be dangerous. And while she might seem healthy at the moment, you cannot see what her immune system is doing, and how it's responding to the things entering her body.
The risk of developing allergies should be taken very seriously, because allergies CAN be life threatening. How would you feel if in a few years time she gets anaphylactic shock and dies? That is why it's difficult for us to drop it... because you COULD seriously be harming her. Answer two things for me... 1) WHY not just stop giving her the baby food? Is it becauase you think you know better than the doctor? Is it because you don't believe him? Or is it because you're stubborn, and don't want to stop, because you're annoyed at the people telling you you should? 2) What do you have to lose by stopping giving it to her? In what way is it helping her (or you) to give it to her? Surely it would make more sense to avoid doing her harm, with something which is not helping either of you in any way. How abouts, instead of just 'considering' the advice, you actually TAKE it? (And by the way, I didn't want to discuss this in the forums, but this is the only response I have had from you, despite the private comments I've left. And it's very difficult for me NOT to say something... what if you saw a child being harmed? Would you just ignore it and say nothing?) |
![]() Stinkerbell Post Count: 28 |
As I said before, the baby food thing needs to be dropped. Whether I change my mind or not about giving it to her, really does not concern anyone else other than me and her.
![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
It's difficult to drop something when you see someone potentially harming a child. Surely you would be the same if you saw someone else harming a child?
But if you can't answer my questions... at least think about them yourself... and think LONG and HARD... Do you REALLY want to take the risk of putting your child's life at risk?? And are you REALLY gaining ANYTHING from doing so? Ultimately, it's your own conscience you have to live with. None of us can make you do anything. |
![]() Stinkerbell Post Count: 28 |
I am thinking about it and I'm taking everything to heart. But whether i feed it to her or not is not anyone elses business.
![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
Well I'm glad you're thinking about it. And I'm sorry you can't understand why people feel they need to step in and help when they see a child being put at risk. I for one have never meant to offend you. Just help you to do the best for your child and her health.
![]() queenbutterfly ![]() Post Count: 425 |
Hey Momma@19. I've never written to you about this type of thing; however, I agree with you. It is no one's concern, however you also have to keep in mind that when you write things about your daughter that could be potentianally harmful people will respond. So just don't write about it you know?
![]() Meghans Follie ![]() Post Count: 433 |
I think you have made the most "common" sense out of everyone. And kudo's to you for explaning in layman and nice (although I have personally found you to be 99% of the time nice) the reasons to her.
![]() .youll.carry.me. ![]() Post Count: 53 |
Because they have nothing else better to do than think they are better than you. Obviously it's shown what kind of people are here. YOU are better than them. Even if you ask for advice, like i've already said, its advice, take it or leave it and fuck the rest!
![]() Stinkerbell Post Count: 28 |
Yeah but that's the funny thing. I never really ask for advice. People just give it. Occassionally yes, I do ask for advice, but not all the time.
And begging people to send me gifts? When did I do that. The 4 people that sent me something, I thank so much and appreciate them. But if someone is telling me to do something differently, that's NOT going to make me do it differently. And them downing me every chance they get is DEFFINATELY not going to make me do it differently. |
![]() .youll.carry.me. ![]() Post Count: 53 |
Yeah, the comment about the gifts was just something someone threw in to make the drama even more. I've been reading for ages, and I know when those people who WERE sending you stuff, it was out of their OWN kindness, not you asking.
Obviously! This is why I said about the advice, take it or leave it. And then again, most of what people had to say WASNT even advice, it was more "YOURE DOING IT WRONG SO DO IT RIGHT....THIS WAY OR ELSE". People are asshats. ^^ I'm sorry you have to deal with such ignorant and stupid people. |
![]() some miscreant. Post Count: 77 |
"There are ways of telling if she is a witch."
![]() Step.Into.The.Light Post Count: 11 |
Hahaha what is this Dear Anonymous stuff? I just looked at it for the first time ever after reading your post and I cannot believe what was on there. I clicked through every entry in record time like "Are you serious? ARE YOU SERIOUS?" Oh, man.
And there is a high quota of pathetic people on Bloop, unfortunately - Blue Bella & Bub Agreeing with this post. |
![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
I think you maybe pissed some people off when you became angry for a few days, and unfortunately people will always remember the negative stuff over the positive stuff.
Plus, I think meeting someone you have never met before will always start alarm bells ringing, for almost everyone. I agree that he seems genuine, very much so, but geez I'd be too scared to do it! However even if it's not something I do, I'm not gonna call you a terrible mother for deciding to do it, unlike others. I also think some people who 'offered' advice went about it completely the wrong way. It's one thing suggesting new things, but it's another calling you names because you don't do things THEIR way, so I'm totally with you on that one. And like you said in your diary, you don't hold back on what you write about. People hear about everything, so in comparison to other Bloopers who perhaps only write about the good stuff, it can make you stand out. Which is stupid as nobody on here is perfect. But I know I for one don't tend to write about shitty things that happened to me in here, and I'm sure there are quite a few others. I must just say, I really took issue with the really rude entry on there. The one littered with swear words. I think if they're going to carry on that diary, then shit like that shouldn't be allowed. There's one thing dissing someone in that diary, but it's a whole other thing when they start calling you names. The amount of entries in that diary that call people fat and ugly is disgusting. Those people need to take a good, long look at themselves first before slandering other people. I have self-esteem issues myself so I have a super big problem with that kind of crap. ANYWAY lol enough of me, those are just my thoughts on the whole deal, without trying to take either side too much. I hope it perhaps sheds some light into it for you. |
![]() ღPhoenix ![]() Post Count: 126 |
if these people got off the computer and SPENT TIME with their children they wouldnt be here to wad their panties.
You are a great mama honey, all your true friends know that. Fuck everyone else. i think that fucking diary should be shut down. It might be "annon" but its hurting people. love you hun! |
![]() ღPhoenix ![]() Post Count: 126 |
oh, it cut me off :(
I am one of the ones who sent stuff, she never begged for anything, i just sent her stuff that i thought she would like, as well as her daughter. Myself and the other 3 people, did it out of the goodness of our hearts, not like YOU would know anything about that. So why dont you stop being nutless, wad your panties, step down off your horse, and pay attention to YOUR kids... god knows they need it |
![]() Stinkerbell Post Count: 28 |
Yeah, I mean there are NUMEROUS entries on that diary about me. Which is rediculous (SP?).
Just because some people are upset that they can't control their own lives, they'll try to control mine. And it's not going to work. People may not agree with my decisions but that does not in any way make me a bad mother. Every mother needs a breather. Every mother needs a chance to clear her head. And this is my chance. Some think it's too early, but I'd rather do it now, than when she gets older and she actually is attached to my hip and I can't leave her sight for 5 minutes. Plus, I'm not going to Cali to get laid. Hell yes it'd be nice. But I am not in any way a whore. And even if I was, that's my business. If it happens, it happens. Get over it ya know? |