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Please, STOP supporting the "troops"
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25 May 2009, 13:46
Post Count: 76
That is because the UN is a bunch of pussies who have never done anything anywhere. A farce,
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25 May 2009, 16:35
Post Count: 460
oh damn that UN for feeding thousands CHILDREN every single day, and bring medical supplies to war zones and across the world. The UN that sets out resolutions for peace, and hopes the rest of the waring world will listen, but they dont............

dont be the farce and talk shit that is in no way true whatsoever Jimbo :)

I wish the UN would do more, but then again at the same time, it's not up to the UN they make suggestions only.
Other nations can help the UN by sanction countries that dont follow the UN resolutions for peace.
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25 May 2009, 05:02
Post Count: 35
it's not grasping straws at all. i'm using your "guilty by association" theory. since you logically believe that men who are in support operations, are "guilty," then i can only assume that we, who support our husbands, (many of whom ARE in support operations), are also guilty, no? but again, guilty of what exactly? i would like clarification.
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25 May 2009, 05:20
Post Count: 460
It's illegal and unconstitutional for any of our troops to be in Iraq.

It does not matter if you work on trucks there, or kill and rape children. you have no right to be there at all. Your husband is committing a crime. do not support him!
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25 May 2009, 17:27
Post Count: 78
Wow. This thread is asking for trouble.

My dad is military. My grandpa was military. My friends are military.

How do you know what goes on over there? I have known many people who went over and fought in the war. Not everyone kills. They help the innocent people over there. My friends take pictures with the Iraqi children and give them gifts. To say that they kill them and rape the women.. is just plain wrong. They fight against the people who are hurting the innocent.

I don't think you should voice your opinion about this. Keep it to yourself. Good thing this is online and not in real life because there would be a lot of people at your door.
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25 May 2009, 17:48
Post Count: 460
my entire family is military, father, grandfather, uncles, cousins, not all.... but quite a few. along with friends as well. Having family and friends in the military does not change the fact that the US not only broke it's own constitutional laws by invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, but the US also broke international law in doing so.

I support the military more than you do, bec I do not support sending them into harms way without having been first approved by congress, the senate, and the supreme court. I support our right to defend ourselves if attacked, and I support the right to go after those that attack us, Afghanistan did NOT attack us, Osama and gang did. Iraq did NOT attack us. Sorry kid, but incase you dont know it's illegal to preemtivly strike anyone. May seem like a flaw to some, but not to me, or our forefathers. We dont have the technology of "The Minority Report"
So unfortunately you cant attack, unless you get attacked first. and then you have to prove who exactly it was that attacked you.

we didnt primitively attack Russia and China, whom both have nukes pointing at us, and thank gawd for that!

ps. i believe there are just slightly over 800 cases of Iraqi women being raped by US soldiers. (keep in mind these are 18-25 yr olds full of hormone and the power of playing god, in every war in history, there's always the not so favored problems of rape and pillaging.

Did you forget, or just dont know, that the US forced parents to watch their children be sodomised?
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25 May 2009, 17:52
Post Count: 196
off topic: I ♥ Amy Goodman. I got to meet her last month! I was totally star-struck and incapable of forming a sentence though. Lame.
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25 May 2009, 18:10
Post Count: 460
wow, jealous! I ♥ her to :)

I cant believe she got arrested! u see that? I think it was at the RNC

oh here it is:
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25 May 2009, 21:14
Post Count: 196
CHYEAH! I heard them play the footage on her show the day (or maybe the day after) it happened! It's so sad that so many people don't know this is happening to our press- Democracy Now! was not the only media organization in the police van with her and her producer! What happened to FREEDOM OF PRESS!? She talked about it (I saw her speak at my university last month), and said how when she pointed out her press credentials, they RIPPED THEM from around her neck! And they beat one of her crew (I think it was the cameraman). Once they realized others had press credentials in the van, they took those, too. It's so upsetting! But listening to her talk is so inspiring! She and her brother recently put out a book (she was on her book tour last month), Standing Up to the Madness, have you read it? It's also pretty inspiring to know that we are not alone, the book is a collection of every day citizens who stand up for their rights and put their foot down when they know they are being violated.
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25 May 2009, 21:56
Post Count: 460
I haven't read it, but will keep an eye out for it, thanks :)
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25 May 2009, 20:39
blank page
Post Count: 18
It is foolish to think that the troops over there aren't doing any of the things that Tommy is saying. Not only are the Iraqi/Afghan women being raped, but our own FEMALE troops as well! Here are a few stories that I found, the last one showing you pictures of the rape of an Iraqi woman. Another one of the links has testimonies from women troops who tell their story of hardship, how they were scared to pee in the middle of the night because they were afraid if they left their bed, they'd be raped.

I also disagree about him not voicing his opinion about this. It's good for people to hear these things, because a lot of Americans are completely in the dark as to what really goes on over there. Obviously a lot of people on here doubt the rapes and murders of innocent people (not just women and children, and not just Iraqis and Afghans), and a lot of people are in denial about what this war really is about, and it's legalities (or illegalities).

Here are the links I mentioned above:
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25 May 2009, 04:05
Post Count: 242
Actually, no, my husband has never done those things. I know that for a FACT. This war is NOT unconstitutional, nor am I stupid for supporting my husband and every other person laying their lives down for this country. My husband is NOT a murderer, and just because you call him, and his brothers and sisters in harms way, murderers over and over, it does not make it so. If you are such an MORON to use your term, that you believe that these countries did NOT attack us, you must be blind. Whether that be because you are mentally ill, retarded, or just blind by choice, I have no clue. None the less, you're blind.
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25 May 2009, 04:37
Post Count: 460
Iraq did not attack us
Afghan did not attack us

No one is trying to take away your freedoms, only YOUR government can do that, not Iraq or Afghan

The constitution says we have the right to defend ourselves if we are attacked. Afghan did not attack us on 9/11
we were attacked by a small group, whom we supported when they fought Russia off.

They only wanted us to leave their holy land in Saudi, and to stop supplying their economies with weapons. we didnt listen to them, and 9/11 was the result. They are not a country. They're killers that we founded and trained to fight Russians, but now that the war is over, we needed a new threat, bec war is money, and you are stupid.

Your husband and his naive buddies are putting this whole entire country in harms way, bec you clueless fools forgot how to read the constitution, let alone understand what it means!
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25 May 2009, 04:37
Post Count: 460
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25 May 2009, 04:45
Post Count: 242
Please, it's you who needs to brush up on knowing what the constitution says. Although, in your case, you probably interpret it in some crazy radical way that would support your idiotic way of thinking. You speak so much of our founding fathers, however, in reality, they would be in an uproar over the sewage you are spewing. There is no way that our founding fathers would support a word of all that you have said. Honestly, give it up... you're not going to win this argument. You're an idiot hiding behind a computer screen. Come to our post, say all this to our soldiers, to their face. I'd LOVE to see their reaction, and the end result, lol. Our boys are patriots, and there isn't anything you can say to change that. Your opinion, is thankfully just that, an insignificant unfounded opinion. MOST of us love our country, and those fighting to protect it. Enough said. Reply with what you wish, however, I will not be reading any more of your toxic, psychotic BS. I have a daughter to take care of, who is SO PROUD that her daddy is in Iraq getting the bad guys so we can be safe here at home. Listen to Sean Hannity, or Rush Limbaugh for insight on the TRUTH of this matter. All you're giving here are lies and deceit. Although, no one in their right mind would take you or your crap seriously.
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25 May 2009, 04:59
Post Count: 1938
As passionate as you are about your husband in the military, you seem to have an idealistic view of what's really going on. We are not over there "getting bad guys" so that we can be safe here, because there is no evidence of the United States being targeted by the people were trying to fight in the first place. Possibly now, but not then.
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25 May 2009, 05:10
Post Count: 460
okay smart ass. you show me where in teh constitution does it say the US has the right to attack countries that never attacked us?

Our forefathers gave us the constitution, your husband is breaking it. If you care about him at all, please inform him that legally he does NOT have to fight in a unconstitutional war:

^^Take a good look at what a real soldier looks like, a soldier that goes by the supreme law of this land. Look at his face, that is man of courage, he chose to stand up for justice, he chose to do the right thing. and he WON! woo hoo yay yay go Lt. we love you and support you :D
maybe others stuck in the ignorant bliss will follow your lead Lt. Watada

I'm not afraid to speak my mind in person to anyone, and threats of violence do not scare me.
If your pussy baby killer wants to come to Vegas and step in the ring with me, i'll be more than happy to toss him around like a rag doll ;)

I listen to Rush and Hannity both, along with Savage, Curtist Sliwa, and a whole host of others. I'm huge talk radio fan, and have been for many years.

You dont debate the issues anyway. just huffy puffy do nothing smoke blowing with nothing to back up your regurgitated bias crap of lies. i feel sorry for you
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27 May 2009, 01:56
Post Count: 18
Good on you for being proud and supporting your husband.. Its ppl like the person who started this topic who should really be on the frontline getting shot at.. Lets see what their opinion is then..
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27 May 2009, 02:10
Post Count: 460
sorry honey. I fight only for constitution law, and international law. and in no way support those that broke the law, and teh agreed upon laws of morality, and use the lame excuse that I'm only following orders. Unconstitutional orders. When you have the slightest clue what it takes to be a REAL american, one that stands up for justice, and teh constitution of teh united states that REAL men fought and died for the freedom you now through away willingly, out of your naive ignorance to the law, and the reality of the US creates terrorism. oh honey, you and your baby killers are not real americans, not even close. may god have pity on them!
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27 May 2009, 02:15
Post Count: 18
Im not even american.
So what about the ppl who were murdered 9/11?
You make me laugh you are defending a country that attacked another for no real reason but you criticise the attacked country for defending themselves?

If a woman or child had a gun or some sort of explosive device aimed at you are you saying you wouldnt defend yourself?
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27 May 2009, 02:22
Post Count: 460
If your not an american then shut your pie hole. and stay out of our affairs!

Osama attacked us on 9/11 not Afghanistan, or Iraq.

keep refusing to look into why they said they did attack us. and just go ahead and endorse an illegal war. you're stoopid is showing, please cover it up by turning of your PC & TV and picking up a book!
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27 May 2009, 02:38
Post Count: 18
Who do you think is hiding Osama?
I have never ever said I endorse anything illegal... We all know Iraq is an oil war and I wont deny that.
And I will state my opinion, America isnt the only country involved
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27 May 2009, 02:53
Post Count: 460
According to many sources, including the some in the CIA
Osama is dead, and has been for a very long time.

All that the "terroist" are asking, and have been asking. Is for the US to remove her military bases from the Middle East. and to stop supporting Israel until Israel abides to international law. ie Israel must stop expanding her borders each and every year, remove the Apartheid wall, allow right of return and freedom of movement, return to the 67 border. 3.2 billion dollars a yr. along with over an additional 14+ billion more, plus all the weapons, tanks, helicopters, and nukes. the US supplies Israel with. It' not good. It's fairy ironic that all the terrorist ask is for the US to abide to international law. The US and Israel each refuse to, but yet their supposed to be the good guys.

The best way to fight terrorism is to not give them any motivation to hate you, and to do that one must abide to international law. For one thing, a country that doesnt abide to the law, has no right to demand anyone else does. Politicians will not stop the wars, the people that financed them to be able to even be in office, are much to much money. The only ones that can stop these illegal wars, are the soldiers fighting them. No one else is doing it.

But if one wants to catch an international criminal, they should do so in covert operations, so they can actually catch someone, and not end up bombing whole countries killing 100's of thousands of innocent men, women, and children.
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27 May 2009, 03:18
Mistress Sarah
Post Count: 45
Some good points here, and I think theoretically you are correct. However, you must keep in mind that hate for America is not neccessarily bound by your abovementioned issues. I think that it has gone beyond reason down to a pure hate. America is responsible for thousands of innocent deaths, and they will be hated for a long time to come.
America abiding by international law would probably certainly be a step to longterm peace and stability, but I suspect America will be hated for a long time to come.
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27 May 2009, 01:54
Post Count: 18
You ignoramous. How dare you attack the men and women who fight to defend our countries from terrorism. Where were you when 9/11 happened??
Do you honestly believe that if America didnt go to war that they'd just magically stop?
What about the Men Women and Children that were murdered that day? What about their families?
I would also like to say that the reason women and children get killed is because they are holding a gun at our soldiers or they are innocents caught in crossfire.
While I dont condone the killing of innocent people I tell you now that I would rather have my husband or Brother in law come home then have some kid alive who killed them..
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