![]() bloodyrose Post Count: 11 |
Note: I'm NOT blasting Obama. I fully support Obama.
I hear about the economic stimulus package that Obama has proposed. Yet, I hear all about people getting laid off and no jobs. My b/f just got his certification in HVAC and there are NO JOBS!!! And frankly, I don't see this economic stimulus happening at all. I haven't seen ANY change at all. I was wondering like WHEN are there going to be MORE jobs and an improved economy. I'm frankly getting sick of hearing that there are no jobs, the bad economy, and all this bull. I think Obama wants to help our nation rise up again, but it's those bitter politicians. They make millions of dollars sitting on their pampered asses, making the most ridiculous laws. They are selfish PIGS who'd rather horde all their paychecks buying four f*&king houses in different states/countries and unnecessary luxuries. They should be using their paychecks to HELP the nation: feed the hungry in 3rd world countries, building schools in bad areas, building more shelters for homeless, etc. But, why? I hear so many people blasting Obama, calling him One Big Ass Mistake America and such. I want to tell those people to PLEASE let it go. I'm tired of hearing people blasting Obama. It's getting kind of old. All I ask is that Obama speed up the process a little with the economic stimulus package. I want to see more jobs in the newspaper. I want the troops in Iraq to come home. |
![]() ~*Shannon*~ Post Count: 462 |
He can't speed up the process when he is not the only one involved in it.
![]() .xoxo Post Count: 263 |
Yeah I support Obama but the bank and the car stimulus package pissed me off. Why can't there be a tax payer stimulus package? With all that money he gave to them, he could have gave each tax paying citizen over 100,000 dollars and the only catch is that they had to spend it in a year. That would have really upped our economy, and we wouldn't be in the crappy situation we are now. People would have caught up on their mortgages, and probably bought cars, which in turn helps the dealerships, and the banks.
![]() Chris Post Count: 1938 |
It's a process. You can't expect things to get better overnight. Honestly, the couple of years-plan he has going right now is damned impressive if it works.
![]() jodi ![]() Post Count: 300 |
why does everyone think this process is going to happen at the snap of your fingers?
it's going to take awhile to see anything. just deal with it. |
![]() & skull. Post Count: 1701 |
yeah when's ruddy giving that to us? who gets it anyway? people have different opinions. it ranges from "only centrelink registered people" to "OMG EVERYONE GETS MONEY!" ;d
![]() melodye Post Count: 61 |
tax payers who earn under 100000, single income families, people with school age children, farmers and students get it.
![]() & skull. Post Count: 1701 |
pretty sure i earn under 100,000. as does my boyfriend. woot. free money. lol.
![]() melodye Post Count: 61 |
Yep if you've done your 07/08 tax return then you'll get if from the ATO some time this month. If you haven't done it yet you've got until June.
![]() & skull. Post Count: 1701 |
i keep hearing ads about that on the radio. i did that shit aaaaaages ago.
![]() Love Bipolar Inc Post Count: 45 |
*sigh* I knew there'd be people who'd think that Obama can "speed up the process" of cleaning up the economic mess Bush put us in. I want things to improve just as much as you and in a timely manner but realistically we can't expect things to happen overnight. It's going to take the next 4 years for us to see progress. I know that is not what you want to hear but you can't expect him to fix what took Bush 8 years to break.
![]() Mistress Sarah ![]() Post Count: 45 |
Thank god we have some damn realists on this site.
Foolishly, Obama came across a little bit too much as a miracle worker, and consequently, people are expecting him fix things over night. It's going to take 2 if not 3 terms for things to be substancially better in america alone!!! SO, taaake it eeeasy. Patience is a virtue. |
![]() Love Bipolar Inc Post Count: 45 |
Yep, someone has to see reality once in a while :P
![]() mixie ![]() Post Count: 196 |
Everyone thinks Obama is going to work miracles because his name isn't Bush. Don't get me wrong, I voted for him. But I'm also aware of the fact that he's a politician, just like all the other ones. Plus like the others said, it's a process. These things take time. Obama has set timelines. It can be something to look forward to, rather than something to ask for even though it's already coming. "Create more jobs in the ENTIRE NATION".... how easy of a task can that possibly be? Give the guy a break! He's already had the most productive first 75 days in office ever....
![]() Grace.Beyond.Measure Post Count: 9 |
Honestly, I didn't vote for Obama.. and I don't like him.. but I do think that its a different reason for our economy... I honestly think its the Federal Reserve that is doing the most damage... Have any of you read the book "Meltdown" ???? It really puts things in perspective..If we were to let these big businesses go bust instead of bailing them out ( the federal reserve acutally has to create money out of thin air to do this) then a sense of balace would restore quicker.. The businesses that actually provide a service we need would stay afloat and the economy would stabilize. Why keep a dying company alive with billions of dollars when they are of no use anyway?? All it does is cause inflation and stress to the already unstable economy.
The federal reserve started in the housing market telling banks to make it easier for people to get a loan ( so people who can't afford a home acutally thought they could), and to lower interest rates, making it appear like everyone could by homes... then when the interest rate went up.. BANG- the bubble burst and people went into forclosure.. and how does the fed want to fix it?? buy bulling the banks to keep doing the same thing.. only... the people who bought way too much house.. and already borrowed against it get a break.. if they still owe 90% of their house's worth.. and the people who got loans for way less.. .don't get any help at all... after all... the bank can better deal with some forclosures if they are around 50-70k instead of the people who decided to buy that 300,000 home they couldn't afford. Way to help the economy. I could go on and on... Really, the best thing Obama could do is to bring down the Federal Reserve.. we would have some hard times at first... but it would last about 10x less than this "sweep it under the rug, everything is fine.. see, we can keep all the big businesses, too.. we are fine" drama they keep feeding us. |
![]() Lady Sheri Post Count: 71 |
Part of the problem with the job market is that the people who don't have jobs don't have extra money to spend. So, in turn, other companies who wouldn't normally not be having problems are also suffering because spending is down. Then, the other companies have to lay people off, and then there is less money and spending to go around to the rest of the companies. It is a slippery slope. A business' objective is always to look for more money, and when the general population isn't spending, they have to cut costs. No one is spending so all business are going to cut costs. Which then means less jobs.
I was a casualty of this situation. Charter Communications has filed for bankruptcy. I lost my job in early February. Remember "Bloody Monday" when like 75k people got laid off around the country. I was one of those people. When I was working, I had a serious spending problem! I would go shopping and spend way more than I should just because I had the money. Now that I'm unemployed, I've fallen into the trap of conservation, effecting more businesses. If Obama was to let all of the poorly managed businesses, specifically, the auto industry collapse, Michigan would become a ghost town quickly. There aren't a whole lot of good paying jobs already, especially in Saginaw, and the good ones we have are quickly drying up. If the auto industry fails, all the other businesses are effected and more people are laid off subsequently. The hard part is waiting for things to get better, but we need to stabilize before we can repair. And that is what Obama is currently trying to do. Stabilize the economy, attempting to keep it from getting worse. Obviously things won't change over night, but I feel confident knowing that someone is actually trying to FIX the problem, rather than letting it burn out of control as we did for the last 8 years. These are fundamental problems that have gotten out of control and it will take years to be repaired. |