![]() ~Melissa~ Post Count: 94 |
You know I just wonder if anyone really knows the meaning of that statement. Seems how since its okay to be RUDE to people online. I guess that its okay to be RUDE to people in real life! Would any of you walk up to a person you just met, and say that something that happened to them was their fault!? Highly doubtful. Would you blame another for their house being broken into "just because you cant figure out why they forgot to lock the doors?" I doubt it. Would you tell someone who got into a car accident and was hurt very badly that it was their fault because they were in the car in the first place? I doubt it. So why in the heck is it right for someone to be MEAN online? I was always told to treat others the way I would want to be treated. All of you who seem to think that saying someone was rude is crying and what not. Well you really need to realize how HURTFUL things can be. Even if it wasnt meant to be hurtful, it was! I would NEVER in my life tell someone that something is their fault just because they were there. That is so wrong and cruel. Then again the lot of you who say "its the internet get over it" obviously have no issues what so ever at all in life in general. So can anyone tell me what it really means when one is told to treat others as they want to be treated. Because I was obviously told the wrong thing!
![]() ~*Pagan*~ ![]() Post Count: 378 |
Seems certain generations have no concept of manners :S its my not so humble opinion that we should temper what we say to people..internet or not..peopls feelings are REAL and we should remember that.
like...someone whining about how their life sucks...cos they have no money etc...but dont seem to have a way of earing it...would they like to hear....'its ok hun...things will get better..hang in there'....or 'get off your lazy ass and get a job and stop whinging'.....sometimes we have to think about what we say. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, its how we chose to express that that makes us the better person. |
![]() ~Melissa~ Post Count: 94 |
thats so the truth and you would think that people would choose to think about what they say before they say it. No matter the time or place. Its still wrong and I hate how people are making things out to be so right just because "its the internet"
![]() ~*Pagan*~ ![]() Post Count: 378 |
Just beacause its the internet does not make it right. I am an extremely opinionated person but I have also learnt tact and diplomacy, there are some things that are simply better off unsaid.
While truth is always better making judgement calls on people simply because of what you may have read online is ..at best...ignorant. at worst narrow minded and wankerish. people cant always ecscape who they are tho or how they were brought up,,and what behaviour they were allowed to get away with. I refuse to tolerate rudeness from my children..always have..and even as adults if they are rude they will get a bollocking from their mother ;) |
![]() Chris Post Count: 1938 |
It's also an opinion. If you can't take it, then there are multiple things you can do to stop yourself from seeing others' opinions, especially on Bloop.
It IS your fault for letting a stranger's opinion get to you. |
![]() Chris Post Count: 1938 |
P.S. Making a new thread about this is going to solve your problem, aye?
![]() lithium layouts. ![]() Post Count: 836 |
Because being online means that there is distance, anonymity, and removal of blame. You can't see the person's face, or hear their voice, or see their body language. You can't always tell exactly how to intepret their words and what tone they're using.
I, personally, think that people on Bloop need to relax and slow down. People on here get riled up over the smallest things sooo easily. I read the various back-and-forth with incredulity and amusement. And I'm sure it's not just Bloop - I think it's evident in forums in many places. My argument isn't, of course, that it's "just the internet" so people should "get over it" and "chill". People do tend to be more rude on the internet than they do face-to-face, for the reasons that I mentioned above. People instead need to be mindful of the fact that words are very powerful, but to not let them get to them on an online forum/site. The good thing about the internet is that it's much easier to close the browser and walk away without leaving an angry, scathing comment than it is to just turn around and walk away from a person when they are talking to you face-to-face. People should practise this art of zen. However, many will continue to ignore it, as they thrive on the drama. xD Live and let live! |
![]() ninga Post Count: 27 |
when you dont like yourself, you are more apt to be mean to others, especially people you dont know.....its easier online because you are not face to face with them.
something about being annomous frees people. we have a whole new generation of people who think they are entitled to everything, even hurting others intentionally. they dont have face consequences of their behaivor, so there is no desire to change. best way to deal with it is avoid them. trying to argue with them is pointless and just feeds them. |
![]() jodi ![]() Post Count: 300 |
i would be the same online as i am offline.
"Would any of you walk up to a person you just met, and say that something that happened to them was their fault!? Highly doubtful. Would you blame another for their house being broken into "just because you cant figure out why they forgot to lock the doors?" I doubt it. Would you tell someone who got into a car accident and was hurt very badly that it was their fault because they were in the car in the first place? I doubt it." the situations you chose were really ..uh..lawl-able. i would blame someone for being to dumb to lock the door. it's their fault they didn't lock the door.. the whole car situation is just stupid. just stop now. you're dragging something really silly out for no reason. really, does it matter? we're all going to die anyways and you won't remember. ;] |
![]() Request thy Poison Post Count: 46 |
(nods) i agree. I was going to say something but you basically took the words out of my mouth ;)
![]() ♥C.A.♥ Post Count: 9 |
People act differently online than they do in real life. It's easier to be a tough, smart ass, wise-cracking SOB when you're really a wuss. Plus, people have lost self-respect for others over the years so with technology, it's much easier for them to attack each other. Even if they don't know them. It happens with online bullying as well. So it just happens no matter what & it's sad.
![]() ~*Pagan*~ ![]() Post Count: 378 |
exactly. its easy to be rude wanker when you wont risk a smack in the mouth for it. people are pretty brave behind their anonymous little computers.
![]() Aiure Post Count: 308 |
They may not be anonymous, but as far as the user is concerned, they are. People figure no one is going to actually go through the effort of getting revenge. It doesn't matter if the victim knows your IP address, exactly where you live, where you work and what you ate for breakfast. Actually doing something about the bullying is unlikely, so the bully believes he/she can wreak havoc without consequence.
![]() Chris Post Count: 1938 |
Looking at the bigger picture here, this thread comes off as saying people are only voicing their opinions on Bloop because if they did it in real life, they would beat us up or something. That's just quite laughable. I didn't want to discuss any deeper than that, because everyone is different in what they would do in trying to identify someone, but the fact is: voicing opinions on Bloop and in real life would bring the exact same results.
![]() Aiure Post Count: 308 |
Looking at the bigger picture here, this thread comes off as saying people are only voicing their opinions on Bloop because if they did it in real life, they would beat us up or something.
Obviously you are involved in whatever's happening here, so maybe you have more insight than I do, but I never got that impression from it. |
![]() ~*Pagan*~ ![]() Post Count: 378 |
Thats not what I said at all....all I said was ...being a c*nt to someone online is a whole lot easier than being one to their face. Not a lot we can do about some tosser in another country is there?
![]() Chris Post Count: 1938 |
I've never actually had an issue with being a dick to someone's face, and it couldn't be any easier doing it to someone over the internet. Though I'm not a dick to people.
Not a lot we can do about some tosser in another country is there? And if there was a tosser physically near you, what would you do? |
![]() ~*Pagan*~ ![]() Post Count: 378 |
I never actually said I would DO anything.
Geez....stop taking eveything so personally!! My point is, a lot of people are a whole lot braver when the repurcusisons of their c*nty behaviour just wont ever eventuate. And I would have no issued believing you would be a dick to someones face ;) somethings even shine through in your words ;) |
![]() Chris Post Count: 1938 |
I'm not the one spouting personal jabs in an attempt at being *~*edgy*~* - nothing I ever said involved you in the slightest.
And I'm the dickish one. |
![]() lithium layouts. ![]() Post Count: 836 |
Actually, I think it'd be a lot easier to be mean to someone over the internet than face-to-face. Same issue as in the other thing I *just* posted in reply to this thread - anonymity (in the sense that they can't track you down to your doorstep just from looking at your diary name) and distance (not having to deal with the repercussions).
And, for what it's worth, it's probably a lot easier to be polite to people on the internet than face-to-face. xD |
![]() ~*Pagan*~ ![]() Post Count: 378 |
Be real. You can be who ever you want to be online.