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Crazy Bloop.
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5 Mar 2009, 00:32
Post Count: 200
Is it just me or is the main page different every time? Sometimes staff is on top, other times community announcements are on top, and sometimes forums are! What's going on? Is this an attempt to make all the aspects of Bloop reach our attention?
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5 Mar 2009, 00:33
Post Count: 462
It's not just you.
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5 Mar 2009, 14:01
lithium layouts.
Post Count: 836
It's Steve messing with us, in the hopes that we'll all... start... speaking in tongues... purely for his own amusement. xD
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12 Mar 2009, 05:24
Post Count: 269
I already speak in tounges.

Seriously. When it's raining outside and it's a nasty thunderstorm, I usually stand in the middle of it and chitter away in some language I don't even understand.

The feeling that goes through my body is a cross between orgasmic pleasure and a feeling of extreme peace and serenity.

.....Yeah.....I'm just that weird and crazy and freaky.
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11 Mar 2009, 22:17
Lady Elphaba
Post Count: 386
:-o Bloop is possessed!!!
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5 Mar 2009, 00:37
kid at heart.
Post Count: 108
No, it's doing it to me, too.

I want want to know why I can't post long comments without using the converse thing!
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5 Mar 2009, 00:37
kid at heart.
Post Count: 108
uh, that was supposed to be "just want", not want want ;D
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5 Mar 2009, 00:43
Post Count: 200
Oh, I thought you really reallly reallllllyyyy wanted to know. lol ;)
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5 Mar 2009, 00:42
Post Count: 200
Ah, I raised a ticket about that eons ago. Still waiting...
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5 Mar 2009, 00:49
Zombie Steve
Bloop Owner
Post Count: 110
Working on it! Nobody will send me the long comment they try to post.
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5 Mar 2009, 00:57
Post Count: 200
Well why don't you ask? lol Does it make a difference though? As far as I understand what is doing that is the fact that we try to copy something from notepad (or elsewhere) into the comment box in entries.
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5 Mar 2009, 00:59
Zombie Steve
Bloop Owner
Post Count: 110
I have asked. Other people have had a similar issue, and I commented on the BloopNews entry asking anyone that has the issue to send me a message.

I am curious as to why it won't work, it's certainly weird!
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5 Mar 2009, 01:01
Post Count: 200
Oooh, well hmm. Have you tried it yourself? I could send you one of my attempts... but it would just be a long comment full of babble and nothing else? Try writing a comment in notepad then copy and pasting it into someones entry...
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5 Mar 2009, 01:03
Zombie Steve
Bloop Owner
Post Count: 110
I have, and it works. lol. You should do that, and I'll see if there's anything strange about the comment that is stopping it from working. :)
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5 Mar 2009, 01:07
Post Count: 200
Well damnit, I think this is all an evil plan of yours to mess with my mind!!!! I just went to Laurens diary to leave a comment to her to have evidence to send your way... and sure enough.. it saves perfectly fine! Sheesh! Maybe it wasn't long enough? Well, here's an idea... go to Lauren.'s latest entry and look for my comments. There's one blank comment following by a very long one... that one obviously did not save until I send it through the converse feature. Then you scroll all the way to the end and you will find my last attempt to providing you with evidence which failed. Does that help in any way?
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5 Mar 2009, 01:10
Zombie Steve
Bloop Owner
Post Count: 110
Can you link me to it please? lol. Send me a message with the URL :-P
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5 Mar 2009, 01:11
Post Count: 200
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5 Mar 2009, 01:10
Post Count: 200
OKAY, and then after you do what I just wrote go and see the last blank comment.... I just tried posting that first long comment I mentioned again and the blank comment happened again.

(Am I making any sense? lol)
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5 Mar 2009, 08:12
.Blue Bella.
Post Count: 743
Mine did it without writing the comment in wordpad!
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5 Mar 2009, 11:19
Post Count: 200
Ohh, maybe it was the fact that it was just a long comment then? Who knows. I think Steve fixed it though.
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5 Mar 2009, 01:00
Zombie Steve
Bloop Owner
Post Count: 110
Also, the comment text can make a difference because of the way it saves the comment.
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5 Mar 2009, 21:04
Post Count: 2651
Oh, you can post long comments by using converse? That's good to know. It's annoying me that I keep losing comments because I try and save them but Bloop decides they're too long and deletes them!
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5 Mar 2009, 21:22
Post Count: 462
Someone tried leaving me a long comment a couple of times in converse, using a comment template, it left a blank comment. It wasn't until she left the comment without the template that it actually LEFT the comment.
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5 Mar 2009, 00:44
Eyegasmic Inc.
Post Count: 3
its me too, on 3 different browsers, including my psp. lol
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5 Mar 2009, 00:47
Post Count: 200
Yeah, it's clearly on purpose. I was more bringing it up than actually asking if I was the only one experiencing this. Would be randomly odd if I was! lol
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