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31 Jan 2021, 23:53
Post Count: 5
Is anyone else excited for the Superbowl?? I want the Chiefs to win, they ain't my team, the Saints are, but yeah... anything but Tom Brady. :P Any football fans out there??
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1 Feb 2021, 19:19
Zombie Mark
Bloop Core Developer
Post Count: 108
Being from the UK I've never watched.

I wonder if there is a way that I can watch it online for free - I do have a VPN that I can make it appear that I come from the States!
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1 Feb 2021, 21:21
Post Count: 5
Oh yeah. :)
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2 Feb 2021, 02:24
Greta Garbage
Bloop Community Organizer
Post Count: 309
I can care less. I hate sports. And I definitely hate "Cry Baby" Brady!
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2 Feb 2021, 03:46
*Forever Changing*
Post Count: 847
Im a packer fan through and through so I am heartbroken and cheering for KC lol. I hate Tom Brady with the fire of 1000 suns or whatever.
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2 Feb 2021, 07:40
Post Count: 5
@Greta What sport do you like?
@Always Changing IKR??
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2 Feb 2021, 22:08
Greta Garbage
Bloop Community Organizer
Post Count: 309
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