![]() valerieeeee ![]() Post Count: 274 |
Then why did you enter the thread at all? Why are you reading it if you don't care? Clearly, other people cared enough to share their experiences, so maybe you're in the minority of people who think the thread is stupid.
![]() once.upon.a.time. ![]() Post Count: 70 |
Oh good grief.
If you DONT want to read about it, DONT go into the thread clearly marked "period talk". Unless you're quite unfamiliar with what a "period" is and thought it was going to be about punctuation. As far as I'm aware, the poster did not "slather" it "all over Bloop". It's in a public forum. Maybe she did not realise that some of Bloop are clearly not mature enough to handle such talk? But she has and had every right to post her topic here. If you don't like it, why are you still here bitching? Don't be so rude and obnoxious as to assume that everyone HAS a gynecologist. Bloop used to be a friendly, helpful society. Obviously, it's become a society of bitchy, sarcastic people that like to make fun of ANYTHING and of course being helpful would be like pulling a tooth to some people. |
![]() fifty shades. Post Count: 56 |
@girl.from.gotham I agree with you! Thanks :) I liked Bloop a lot better when this place was a friendly, helpful society.
![]() HorrorVixen XO Post Count: 869 |
I totally agree with u @girl.from.gotham!
I had noooo idea there were issues with people posting a certian topic on a forum. People act like periods r a taboo subject. What century r we living in again? |
![]() Jessica ![]() Post Count: 283 |
The title pretty much does get down to the point of this thread. It says period talk, I expected to find (gasp) people talking about periods!
Heaven forbid! |
![]() ~Aiure Post Count: 118 |
Triggering subjects are unavoidable on the interwebs. I find them all over the place. It sucks, but I recognize the fact that it's gonna happen anyway, so why bother getting all bitchy about it.
Picture this: you're walking down the street, and you happen upon a couple of people having a conversation about a triggering subject. You overhear a couple of things as you pass, but try to put it out of your mind as best you can and get on with your day. You don't stop, eavesdrop on the entire conversation, and then complain about the fact that you overheard everything. For the record, before anyone gets up in arms: I've been following this thread since it began, despite the fact that I haven't said anything until now. |
![]() Winged Centaur Post Count: 301 |
The forums seems like the best place to post this particular question, since it is likely to get more responses than if posted in a private diary. The viewing audience is much smaller and thus less likely to get the response needed. Posting in the forums is all about a wider audience and a wider pool of experience.
And gosh, why is this a question for only a gynecologist? I ask my obgyn questions when I visit because she's there and available. But I wouldn't make a special visit to ask why my period is heavier now than when it started 9 years ago. This is the perfect question for non specialists to answer. I bet when fifty.shades. goes for her yearly visit, she will ask her vag doctor. |
![]() Estella ![]() Post Count: 1779 |
I gotta say, I've found it pretty interesting to discover I'm not the only one whose cycle has become shorter over the years! It's not something I'd have even thought to ask my doctor about, because it doesn't bother me in the slightest - but it's jolly interesting to know that it's quite common. For me, it happened after I took the Pill for a few months and then came off it, so I simply associated it with that.
I'd be curious to know (now that we've established that this is a thread about periods and that people who don't like such discussions should avoid it) whether other people whose cycles have become shorter have also been on the Pill, and whether it was directly after being on the Pill that such a change happened. For me, I don't think it's anything to do with working with other women - I'm not working with any more women than I've always been! |
![]() fifty shades. Post Count: 56 |
@bad penny i was on the pill for a few years and then i decided to come off of it. i feel better to be off it. I've only been off it for about 5 months now. I like the lighter periods for sure. I use to have awful ones.
![]() Winged Centaur Post Count: 301 |
My periods have always been light, except immediately following my lost pregnancy - they were extremely heavy the months following, and my doctor said that was to be expected. Now that it's over a year later, my periods have gotten lighter, but still heavier than before I was pregnant. I went off birth control a few months ago, and my periods have gotten even more lighter, closer to "normal".
![]() fifty shades. Post Count: 56 |
i guess next time i'll go to the doctor for a simple question like this and pay the doctor hundreds of dollars.
![]() Kelsey Lynn xox Post Count: 150 |
(ignores all previous nonsense arguing and actually goes to answer about questions posted) My periods used to be horrible, actually. I've heard somewhere (and not sure if this is confirmed or not..so if anyone actually does know and has a link or support, let me know) that you are more likely to inherit your periods from your mother, and she is much larger than me and can stand the amount of blood loss that I cannot. I would faint sometimes from the pain and blood loss. After I got on the Pill, my periods are drastically lighter, shorter, and generally more enjoyable..if there is even such a thing.
![]() fifty shades. Post Count: 56 |
@Kelsey Lynn xoxo I guess I'm doomed if we inherit out periods our mother. Haha. I would feel light headed because mine were so bad before going on the pill a while back. I'm not on the pill anymore because I felt horrible on it. I tried multiple kinds of pills and such. My periods were better on the pill, but not like it is now. I'm definitely happy about it.
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"(ignores all previous nonsense arguing and actually goes to answer about questions posted) My periods used to be horrible, actually. I've heard somewhere (and not sure if this is confirmed or not..so if anyone actually does know and has a link or support, let me know) that you are more likely to inherit your periods from your mother, and she is much larger than me and can stand the amount of blood loss that I cannot. I would faint sometimes from the pain and blood loss. After I got on the Pill, my periods are drastically lighter, shorter, and generally more enjoyable..if there is even such a thing."
I never heard that you more than likely inherit your moms period. If it's true then it isn't true for me. My mom was regular and she never missed periods. She did have PMS though...mood swings, cramping, bloating. Me on the other hand, for the most part I was very lucky in the PMS department. I would get light to no cramping (mostly no cramping). I got moody and bloated but thats the extent of it. I don't think I've been regular off birth control pills ever. I have polycystic ovarian syndrome and I often miss periods, sometimes for months at a time. My gyno put me on Metformin for a year and I became regular, my periods were shorter. Now that I no longer take the Metformin my periods are not regular but they aren't skipping months like they used to. Once in a while I'll miss a month or maybe even two consecutively but it comes and I've noticed that since I stopped the medication the first two days of my period are heavier than before. I hate taking BC pills (in my case, I wasn't taking BC pills. Metformin is actually for diabetes but it also helps with PCOS) because they make your body rely on the pill so that when you decide to get off your BC pills (or shot or nuvaring whatever you're using) your body doesn't remember how to regulate your period on its own anymore. Wow, look at me going off on a tangent....sorry! lol |
![]() Estella ![]() Post Count: 1779 |
Surely, genetically, you're equally as likely to inherit the period pattern of the females on your dad's side of the family as your mum's. Although I guess if you're living with your mum then your periods may well sync. Less likely if you're living with your paternal grandmother, as she probably doesn't get periods any more!
![]() |
@ Bad Penny: this could be true but not for me. I don't know a lot about my dads side of the family. My cousin Jerica also has Polycystic Disease so its more than likely I could have inherited my problems with my period from that side of the family. I can't ask my paternal grandmother since she been deceased since I was about 15. My maternal great grandmother died from ovarian cancer. I could have a double whammy! @_@
![]() lithium layouts. ![]() Post Count: 836 |
I'd say it's not abnormal for your cycle to change in length and heaviness over time (I'm not a doctor... yet! I will be in a few months' time!), but if it's worrying you anyway then I'd say bring it up at your next appointment. And if it's associated with any other funny symptoms (pain just before/during periods, pain/bleeding after sex, bleeding between periods, pain at any other time e.g. associated with going to the bathroom), and/or if you're trying to have children but are struggling (this is just generic advice obviously, not specific to your situation!), then I'd also mention it to your gynaecologist.
![]() lithium layouts. ![]() Post Count: 836 |
FYI I noticed my cycle becoming shorter and lighter from when I was 18 until I was about 21, but my main complaint was terrible terrible pain leading up to periods, so I went to the doctor and got a diagnosis of endometriosis - hence my comment about other symptoms. =)
![]() Always Piney Post Count: 11 |
I haven't had my period in three-four months so, I honestly wouldn't know what was normal...
![]() fifty shades. Post Count: 56 |
@AlwaysPiney hopefully that's not a bad thing
![]() crazybeautiful; ![]() Post Count: 56 |
Mine have become lighter as well. Seems like it's a common thing and that you shouldn't have anything to worry about :)
![]() Estella ![]() Post Count: 1779 |
Ooh! Period talk is back! ;D Blood, glorious blood! ;D
![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
Mine are also lighter, but I'm on the pill which is probably to blame. Hey! I'm not complaining ;)
![]() Always Piney Post Count: 11 |
Well I got my period back after 6 months or was it a year not sure weather to be happy or squeamish I feel like a teen getting her first period again.