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Kim Jong-Il dead at 70
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19 Dec 2011, 03:34
Post Count: 283

North Korean leader Kim Jong-il has died at the age of 69, state-run television has announced.

Mr Kim, who has led the communist nation since the death of his father in 1994, died on a train while visiting an area outside the capital, the announcement said.

He suffered a stroke in 2008 and was absent from public view for months.

His designated successor is believed to be his third son, Kim Jong-un, who is thought to be in his late 20s.

The BBC's Lucy Williamson in Seoul says Mr Kim's death will cause huge shock waves across North Korea.

The announcement came in an emotional statement read out on national television.

The announcer, wearing black, said he had died of physical and mental over-work.

South Korea says its military has been put on alert following the announcement and its National Security Council is convening for an emergency meeting, Yonhap news agency reports.

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19 Dec 2011, 04:20
Post Count: 283
and by 70, I meant he was 69. :|
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19 Dec 2011, 08:02
Post Count: 111
Eeehhh...this makes me nervous. We all know Kim's favorite hobby was running around with Nuclear scissors, playing the "i'm not touching you" game with the doomsday button, but who knows about his kid? Maybe he's just got that extra pinch of crazy that will make him actually PUSH the button...ehh. But, by that same logic, he might be super awesome and turn North Korea on it's ass and into NOT-such-a-psychotic-nightmare-land. WHO KNOWS, in any case i'm glad he's dead, fuckin angry little psychotic chubby dude.
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19 Dec 2011, 08:06
Post Count: 283
The first thing I think of when I hear Kim Jong-Il is that bit from Team America where he sings.

But I agree, dude was nuts. I hope his kid isn't a chip off the old nuthouse and decides to go in a different direction.
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