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27 Nov 2011, 00:26
ღ.Life With 3
Post Count: 48
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27 Nov 2011, 01:55
Post Count: 260
Gotta admit though - her reasoning behind it is pretty good motive, LOL
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27 Nov 2011, 05:16
Post Count: 283
Death was too easy. Should've tied the sick bastard to a chair and tortured him.
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27 Nov 2011, 09:58
Poetic Justice
Post Count: 229
She shouldn't have even been arrested, in my opinion. She was protecting her child from a very sick predator. What kind of mother would she be if she didn't?
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27 Nov 2011, 15:37
ღ.Life With 3
Post Count: 48
I totally agree. I'm sure I'd kill my husband in the same situation!
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27 Nov 2011, 21:51
Post Count: 217
@Poetic Justice But it's not like he actually went ahead with the relationship. She just said he WANTED to.... if he would have tried and stuff, then I could see the not going to jail.

But yeah, that's pretty gruesome.
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28 Nov 2011, 06:31
Poetic Justice
Post Count: 229
Yeah, that's true. But keep in mind, this is a kid (actually, YOUR kid) we're talking about here. You could wait to see if he's serious or not, true, but if he is he'll have ruined the little girl's whole life before you have a chance to step in. That's an awful lot to gamble with, and once it's done you can never undo it. She'd have to live with that memory for the rest of her life, and it will forever tarnish how she views/interprets personal relationships. Protection is about preventative action, and I can't help but feel she was in the right because what sane person 'jokes around' about having sexual intercourse with their own child?
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28 Nov 2011, 11:28
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
couldn't you just remove the kid from the father's reach and tell the authorities he's been saying some fucked up shit? murdering him and cooking him seems a wee bit extreme.
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28 Nov 2011, 19:09
Poetic Justice
Post Count: 229
Sure *I* could... But think of the culture difference. I don't know much about that culture and don't want to make any stupid comments about it, but I have some friends from India and they tell me that the culture over there is still pretty "traditional" (as in, the men are men, and the women are there to serve them and do as they're told). Assuming the Pakistani culture is similar, that may not have been an option for her- Or at least not one that would have worked.
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28 Nov 2011, 13:46
Post Count: 322
You know, my first thought is "Why didn't she just leave?" -- but things are different in other areas of the world.. it isn't for me to judge.
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28 Nov 2011, 20:30
The Crafting Wife
Post Count: 64
scary,,, i googled it to have more ideas on this story but apparently there was alot of wives that has been killing and cooking their husbands....

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29 Nov 2011, 08:46
Post Count: 1779
Haha- maybe it's a trend! Maybe, who knows, it happens way more than is being reported - like, the ones being reported are just the ones that got caught! I must say, if I'd just murdered someone and wanted to hide the evidence, chopping them up and cooking them wouldn't be the solution that popped into my head. But maybe if my friends had all been doing it and getting away with it...
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27 Nov 2011, 02:02
*Forever Changing*
Post Count: 847
My husband better hope that is all that would happen to him if I was in this situation the death would be the slowest most painful death imaginable. My mom didn't protect me I will be damned if I fail my babies like she failed me.
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27 Nov 2011, 04:17
Finally Mrs. Bailey
Post Count: 181
I can't say I blame her. I would kill and cook up my husband too if he tried to do that with any of my kids...and I don't even have kids.
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27 Nov 2011, 04:25
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
fail at body disposal. still, decent motive if he really did want a relationship with their daughter.
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27 Nov 2011, 17:55
HorrorVixen XO
Post Count: 869
he got what was coming to him, IMO.
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28 Nov 2011, 06:31
Post Count: 1779
WTF is with everyone saying they'd do the same? Even if he had raped the daughter, it's gonna be a lot more traumatic for the daughter to also have witnessed a murder - particulary such a gruesome one - and to no longer have her mother around. How old was the daughter anyway? People need to think of the consequences of their actions on their kids, rather than just react emotionally with an 'OMG - how awful of him! I am now going to chop him into tiny pieces and cook him!' instinct. It's possible to protect one's child from abuse without putting her through all that trauma.
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28 Nov 2011, 11:26
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
i'm wondering if it were even true anyway. maybe the wife was just a bit off and is saying he wanted to rape the daughter. can't exactly ask him any more.
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28 Nov 2011, 12:44
Post Count: 1779
Yeah, exactly - there's absolutely no way to prove what she's claiming anyway. She surely doesn't have a leg to stand on. It sounds like she's not quite right in the head.

Or maybe, to be fair, her husband had been repeatedly cruel and oppressive to the her - that would make more sense than the daughter reason, because then her hate would have had time to grow and congeal. While stabbing someone could be seen as a crime of passion - an instinctive reaction to a threat - chopping up a body and cooking it cannot! That requires more longterm hate that has built up over the years. Well, either that or being not right in the head! Her best chance would be to plead insanity.
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28 Nov 2011, 13:00
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
yeah the chopping up and cooking bit throws it off for me. there's protecting your kid and finally having enough of taking abuse, then there's what she did.
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