Jessica Post Count: 283 |
I was amused, and wanted to share ;D This guy does not fuck around! |
ೋMindy☆ Post Count: 58 |
lol I love how theres a door right there yet he goes out the window! looove it
Jessica Post Count: 283 |
@Mrs G.: It looks like it's probably a closet ;D
SoA Post Count: 252 |
Damn, sucks to be him cause those won't be cheap fixes LOL
SoA Post Count: 252 |
LOL I just noticed he's missing a shoe as he jumps out the window.
lithium layouts. Post Count: 836 |
lol!!! I think this is the best reaction video I have ever seen. xD
Beautiful Lies Post Count: 402 |
I enjoy his american flag-like pants.
Jessica Post Count: 283 |
"You think someone wants a round-house kick to the face while I'm wearing THESE bad boys?"
Tiger.10.Baby Post Count: 88 |
OMG lol! He reacted differently than I would of. That girl would've been smacked or hit with an object.
Jessica Post Count: 283 | well, he did throw a lamp at her.
Tiger.10.Baby Post Count: 88 |
I meant that I would've thrown something at her but it would've taken her to the hospital. He barely threw that lamp. I was on my ipod when I wrote that. Sometimes it's a pain to write on.
Jessica Post Count: 283 |
Here's the actual video: