![]() Eye.Lee.Uh ![]() Post Count: 21 |
Just out of curiosity - How many of you have or still is working for a call center?..
How long have you worked or been working for them?.. What do or did you do?.. What is the one call you got or made that just sticks in your head? -------------------------- (for me) How many of you have or still is working for a call center?.. Of course I do How long have you worked or been working for them?.. I have worked for call centers for a total of 8 years and 3 different companies What do or did you do?.. Banking, Cell phones (that was fun), Greeting Cards, Health Insurance, (now) short term installment loans What is the one call you got or made that just sticks in your head? There is this one lady that would always call and would want the last 6 months of her transactions and she was a sweet old lady - very kind. I was on the call for like 45 minutes and that didn't bother me, what bothered me was the fact that we had a "ACH" supervisors - they would monitor how long you've been on a call and if you are past your normal "supposed" mark then they would come to you and tell you to wrap it up. They came up to me like 5 times and I finally asked the customer "Would you might if I placed you hold for a brief moment" and her being her sweet self said "Of course not darling, I have a few more transactions I need to double check and I have to get my other book anyways" - The last person that came up to me I finally told him Look, It's an elderly woman who wants the last 6 months of transactions and YOU know how long it takes to get it done. Please stop telling me I am over my 'ach' limit. My ACH is better then some of the people here who take FOREVER and a DAY to get shit done" - the guy finally left me alone and told his 'ach' friends that I was on an elderly call.. |
![]() just samma; ![]() Post Count: 204 |
Just out of curiosity - How many of you have or still is working for a call center?
I do. How long have you worked or been working for them? Almost 2 years this go around. I worked for the same company, but different department for a year and a half, took a year off, worked at an at home call center and then went back. What do or did you do? I did inbound status check on repairs for HP, then billing, replacements & customer service for AT&T Mobility, then the same type of things, but was more sales driven for AT&T in the MOKAT region, then i did market research for a year from home, then i went back to do technical support for BlackBerry, i am now doing Enterprise support for BlackBerry. What is the one call you got or made that just sticks in your head? Most recently i dealt with a customer who had 6 devices replaced by his service provider. The carrier then decided to send it to a service center where it was determined it was physical and water damage. During the time the device was with the repair center (which is not RIM, they are just certified SCs) he was emailing & snail mailing RIM using an address he had googled. Which was actually a head office building. He received no response. so when he was told he would have to pay the SC for repairs he had the device sent back to him, then packaged it up, sent it certified to the office building in the UK and NINE months later wanted it back. He was NEVER told to send it in, he said it was an "emotional reaction". I basically had to give him the number for the office so they could see if it was in the mail room, if it wasn't then we couldn't be accountable for it as he had never received instructions from RIM to send it. He was determined that someone must have it because someone signed for it and he had proof. I had to tell him that without instruction to send it, we had no way to track it, to find it or any proof of who signed for it. it was crazy. |
![]() jessa. ![]() Post Count: 8 |
Then there was the guy that didn't know that BB's have PIN's.
/facepalm. |
![]() Lexie💜 Post Count: 107 |
How many of you have or still is working for a call center? I worked at a call center in 2008-2009
How long have you worked or been working for them? I worked there for four months. I wish I could have stayed! What do or did you do? I answered calls for the cell phone company Metro-PCS. Took payments, made new account, activated new phones and such...I loved it! What is the one call you got or made that just sticks in your head? One call that sticks in my head was a guy calling from Georgia. He wanted to know why his phone wasnt on. I asked him the usual questions, verified his account with him and looked over it. He had said that he made a payment at a local store. The payment wasnt posted though. I told him that according to his account there had not been a payment posted. If got a little angry and started cussing up a storm. I told him to take his receipt to the store and talk to them since he said he had made one and if they pay that way it should only take a couple hours to post onto the account. Well he got all crazy and hung up...so I went about my business...made my notes on his account and waited for my next call since we were kinda slow....I was checking my work email and there was a mass email stating if such and such called to transfer or get a supervisor ASAP! I looked at the name and my mouth dropped! IT WAS THE GUY I JUST TRIED TO HELP! He had called back and got someone else and made a bomb threat! Said there was a bomb in the bathroom! lol. Now we were NEVER allowed to give out our city just the state IF people asked. People were running around like crazy and the security guards were running around talking on there walkie talkies! LOL. ***there was no bomb*** Ill never forget that! |
![]() Eye.Lee.Uh ![]() Post Count: 21 |
Yeah I had something like that too. When i was working for WAMU some stupid person decided to write down all debit card numbers and account numbers and bought a crap load of stuff. So the FBI came to investgiate.. later that day the same person called in and did a bomb scare too..
Did you have any ACH goals? |
![]() Lexie💜 Post Count: 107 |
WOW! lol! Believe me I crossed my mind but I would never do that! lol
hummm as far as my goals went, I always tried to have no more than like 3 errors for the month...I always got KUDOS from customers...I was a hard worker and I wanted to go far...hummm for how long I was on a call, depending on the type of call and WHOM I was talking with calls could well over my goal time which was about 10minutes. (once I got good lol ) |
![]() Betch. Post Count: 111 |
How many of you have or still is working for a call center? I work in alarms monitoring, which is sort of a call center? I used to work for a legit one though, with like 80+ people taking calls every minute of every fucking day.
How long have you worked or been working for them? I've been working for Safeco since May but i was working at the other one for like 3 years. What do or did you do?.. Now, i handle home/commercial alarm system signals. I.e. burglary alarms, fire alarms, medical alarms, wireless panic buttons, etc. And then i dispatch accordingly. At the old one? I sold parts. Not car parts, but computer, cell phone, appliances, GPS parts. What is the one call you got or made that just sticks in your head? HA. Working at the previous call center, i answered the phone "Thanks for calling Derptacular Company my name is Samantha what part can i help you find?" and this woman with an EXTREMELY THICK southern accent, the kind you can ONLY find in the fucking bayou, goes "Are Ya'll technicians?!" This was a common question, people thinking we were technical support and then becoming downright IRATE when you told them no i'm just a call rep. So i said "No ma'am i'm sorry but if you look in your local yellow pages i'm sure you can find one. I might be able to help a little, i have a working knowledge of most electronics and appliances, what exactly is the problem?" "Ugh course' yew wouldnt be technicians that'd be too gad damn simple....welp, girly, my gad damn frigerator's shootin flames out the bottom, any idea what the fuck that means?!" I was like "....it's shooting FLAMES?! Yeah that's pretty much the OPPOSITE of what a refrigerator is supposed to do. Wait, is it still on fire?!" "No the fire stopped but it's makin' an awful racket and it's real hot, too hot to go near." "Well firstly ma'am you need to get the HELL out of the house and call the fire department to come remove that fridge!!!!" "Yeah i was gonna call them after i talked to a technician see if i can't fix the stupid thang myself.." "IT'S ON FIRE. MA'AM. YOU NEED THE FIRE DEPARTMENT." and hung up on her. |
![]() sognatrice Post Count: 1 |
Just out of curiosity - How many of you have or still is working for a call center? I currently do
How long have you worked or been working for them?almost 5 years here and 9months at a different one What do or did you do? The 9month one I worked for a home shopping channel. The current one I work for a big hotel chain's reservation center, but on the "help desk" (agents call us for assistance with reservations or info about hotels...or supervisor calls with irate guests) What is the one call you got or made that just sticks in your head? Oh so many. At the home shopping job there was this regular lady that would call and ask you questions about some shaving products we sold. Eventually she would ask if you use it and where and then specifically if you use it "down there." I only worked there 9 months and I had that lady 3 times! And you can't just hang up. You have to give them several chances to make the purchase. And then you can finally say something alone the lines of "I'm sorry I can't help you. Please call us back when you're ready to make your purchase. Thanks for calling [company].". My favorite one at the current job was this young sounding guy who called me "fuck face" because our hotel had a strict cancellation policy and he was calling past the deadline to cancel (for a not very legit reason). I had to take a brief moment to crack up laughing. |
![]() Let It Be Post Count: 226 |
How many of you have or still is working for a call center? Currently
How long have you worked or been working for them? Just over 2 years What do or did you do? I take emergency road service calls for you'll-never-guess-who What is the one call you got or made that just sticks in your head? Oh god, there are too many to count. Most of the time, it's people reacting poorly to bad news about their membership or coverage. Which I can understand. But don't freaking blame me because you signed up for a service then never bothered reading the material we sent you about whats covered and how it all works. Like one girl called me a bitch because I informed her (politely and professional of course, as always) she had used 3 out of 4 of her covered service calls and this would be the last one until her expiration date. When I looked back at her service history, almost all of her calls had been for lockouts and running out of fuel. Maybe don't be such an idiot and you wont use them up so quickly? Naw, just shoot the messenger. It would have been more bitchy for me to NOT tell her, and then have her find out suddenly when she needed help again. And then there was a guy a couple months ago who was clearly meaning to call a sex line, because he started talking dirty to me and moaning. That ended quickly. And not too long ago a guy told me to 'go shit in my hand'...he was hung up on, too. The people I talk to say/do such dumb and ridiculous things, I could honestly write an entire book lol. Of course I'm dealing with people in very stressful and unexpected situations, so I stay sympathetic of that....but still, they suck pretty hard. |