love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
So I just got my 4th tattoo:
Show me yours! :D My boyfran is getting a pinup devil next Friday by the same girl who did mine and the place I went to is fucking awesome. I ♥ them. XD |
.like.a.drug. Post Count: 137 |
I hope that's not huge :-/ |
Jessica Post Count: 283 |
You used the wrong URL. The url for that picture links to someone's facebook :(
.like.a.drug. Post Count: 137 |
Wow. I fail.
.like.a.drug. Post Count: 137 |
Obviously the wrong one ;-) The < img src > one.
love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
Huh. That's weird. That's the same one I used.
.like.a.drug. Post Count: 137 |
I probably typed it in wrong. It's late and I'm tired. I'm not really sure why I'm still up ;-D
.Broken Angela. Post Count: 114 |
I love hello kitty! I want a Hello Kitty tattoo!
love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
@Broken haha yeah I love it. I found this pic once during a google search and I've never found it again. HK w/ the cherry sundae on top was just lovely. :D
Aubrey; Post Count: 377 |
Ha, I love sharing a picture of my tattoo:
Sorry if it is huge! My cousin took this picture. |
love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
@Aubrey that's gorgeous! :D What's it for?
Aubrey; Post Count: 377 |
@Nic -- I love writing. :-) I kinda came up with the design myself, but had the tattoo artist put together a better version.
love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
@Aubrey I ♥ it :D It works very well and love the shading. :D
Poetic Justice Post Count: 229 |
Hmm.. I don't usually like writing/music/etc tattoos, but that looks freakin' awesome!! Whoever did it is a great artist!
Socially::AntiSocial Post Count: 3 |
love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
THAT. IS. FUCKING. AWESOME. XD I love it! :D Did you do it all in 1 go or went for a few sessions?
Socially::AntiSocial Post Count: 3 |
all in one. it took 5 hours. i got pictures taken after every step, since it took so long. Thanks by the way.. and my sis loves hello kitty, she's been thinking about getting one herself.
mo0se Post Count: 72 |
This is mine, next one is in about 3 months hopefully of a ninja turtle! |
Aubrey; Post Count: 377 |
@mo0se: that's so cute! Where is it? On your leg?
mo0se Post Count: 72 |
@Aubrey; Yeah right calf, so many weird looks when people see it but I love it!