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Readers Choice
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1 Aug 2011, 07:36
Post Count: 425
Maybe it's me, and I'm cranky because I never sleep and it's almost 4am. But why OH WHY must we have readers choice entries with entries that NO ONE can really see or read because the diariest has certain privacy settings on. If you get voted RC or before we post an RC we should tell the diariest so they can change the setting on that entry..

I mean I am all for RC. But again lets make sure we make our RC entries PUBLIC.

Thank you and goodnight.
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1 Aug 2011, 13:38
lithium layouts.
Post Count: 836
I'm responsible for RC and am now in the practice of asking people before I post the entry on the main page.

I think it's perfectly acceptable for a diarist to be Members Only and on RC; I feel they don't have to go Public. But I can understand the frustration when an RC'd entry is Private or Friends Only (that's why I check them out before submitting them to the main page).
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1 Aug 2011, 07:42
Emily the Strange
Post Count: 195
Do you mean the most recent one about Amy Winehouse? I can see that one just fine.
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1 Aug 2011, 09:54
Post Count: 1938
I feel like RC entries should also have public comments.

It's also my opinion that "you can only see your own comments" is one of the worst features on the site.
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1 Aug 2011, 11:44
Miss Ice Fingers
Post Count: 27
If you mean my entry which is RC at the moment, you should be able to see it because all of my entries are members only. The only reason you'd not be able to see it is if you are on friends only and I have my diary set so only people whose diaries I can see can see mine. I'm really not sure if I have that option turned on or not but that is the only reason I can think of that you wouldn't be able to view it. I usually have it so people can only see their own comments but I changed it to public comments for now because I always find RC entries where I can't read comments irritating.
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1 Aug 2011, 12:38
Post Count: 425
No it's not yours. It's in general. I thought of by reading yours actually. But there are some RC entries that are private and that's just pointless.

@Anonymous Source - I 100% agree with you!
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1 Aug 2011, 12:48
Miss Ice Fingers
Post Count: 27
Cool. I checked my settings after my last post and everyone who is signed in should be able read to my diary, so I was a bit confused for a minute when I though you were referring to me. Thanks for clearing it up :)
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1 Aug 2011, 13:47
Post Count: 408
ah, okay, I am corrected then, since you changed the settings. :)

Just wanted to add to the thread that most of the time, I am unable to see RC entries because people have it set so FO diaries can't view them.
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1 Aug 2011, 17:50
Post Count: 1779
queenbutterfly - if you mean the previous entry, that was me, and I made it private on purpose, and requested it be taken off RC. I actually put a blurb at the beginning of the entry explaining why (which could be seen on the part of the entry that is seen on the main page) so that people would know. It wasn't private when put onto RC - I made it private afterwards, because I hadn't wanted it to be on RC. I contacted staff to ask them to remove it, but they didn't happen to be around for a few days, so the entry remained.

None of the other RC entries have been private lately. However, plenty of people have the setting that their diary cannot be read by people whose diaries they can't see (which is a fair-enough setting to have, even if you are on RC) so it will make sense that people with FO diaries won't be able to read all the RC entries. Nor will visitors to the site who don't have diaries.

Personally, I'd love for RC entries to have public comments - since RC kind of makes it a bit of a community discussion, so it's kind of boring to get involved in reading and commenting an entry with private comments. But at the same time, that's a setting that some people have for various reasons.

I suppose the only foolproof way to get around this is to insist that only people with the lowest possible privacy settings can be selected onto RC.
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2 Aug 2011, 01:16
Post Count: 425
I wasn't talking about any specific RC people! LOL. I was talking out in general...
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2 Aug 2011, 08:52
Post Count: 1779
Yep, but I'm the only one who's actually had an RC entry on private this year, and probably last year too - so I thought it appropriate to mention! All other cases are simply where people have privacy settings where there has to be mutual access.
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1 Aug 2011, 13:45
Post Count: 408
@Miss Ice Fingers-yeah, I can't see your entry, so that must be why. That happens on a regular basis since I'm FO. I usually can't read RC entries. I can understand why, although it is a bit annoying. I guess I could just make my diary MO, but I know people also don't like that when the diary is Members but there's few public/members entries.
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1 Aug 2011, 16:17
Emily the Strange
Post Count: 195
Eh, I disagree about the comments issue. If there were an option to make comments public for one entry, maybe, but I feel like I get more honest and open comments when people know it's just between the comment writer and myself.
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1 Aug 2011, 17:50
Post Count: 283
@Emily: Isn't that what private comments are for, though? ;D
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1 Aug 2011, 17:56
Emily the Strange
Post Count: 195
@Jellyka- Yes, so I suppose you could consider me extraordinarily polite by clicking the "private comment" button for the comment writer. ^_^
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2 Aug 2011, 07:23
Post Count: 65
Yeh I've had it happen a couple of times where I've wanted to read the RC and can't because of their privacy settings. I have no idea who's entries they were, I just know the titles sounded interesting!!! I have nothing against people having their diaries on FO that's's just when entries are RC'd and I can't read them - it's a bit frustrating.

Especially, like I said, when the titles are so interesting! It's disappointing when I get all excited at the sound of a title only to click on it and not be able to read it!! I don't mind so much about private comments and so main interest is always the entry itself.
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