![]() .Broken Angela. Post Count: 114 |
I have this neighbor, we don't get along at all! I've tried to get along with her but can't! She runs her mouth to much! She thinks shes the shit! Shes a big girl. I don't have anything wrong with big girls because I am, but shes way bigger than i am. But that's not the point. Since day one she's moved in we have gotten into it. When she moved in one of her friends drove through our driveway and yard. Well we don't want people driving through our driveway and yard just to be driving through. She asks her friend what i said and she started yelling at me so i yelled back. I went to her landlord who is to much of a chicken shit to do anything told me to go to the police officer. Well i did and he had a talk with her. Well me and my mom tried to be her friend and all she ever did was talk shit and say shes going to beat the fuk out of people. All she does is yell and scream defently at her little boy. Well i was being nice and added her on facebook. Seen that she shit talked about people on there too. She even talked shit about me and mother saying we are two faced when we arent. If she would keep her nose in her house and out of her windows she wouldn't be knowing whos over here and whats going on. When I was dating this guy before i broke up with him, we was kissing in the front yard and all the sudden i hear from her someone is watching yall. I'm like what the hell? Anyways When she was shit talking bout me and my mom i was nice and left a comment on her status and told her we arent like that to people and she also was bitching bout out elderly neighbor because she mowed his yard and he didnt come and thank her. Hes been robbed before he doesnt go to people who doesnt like. Well she started shit on her facebook, i told her to bring it outside and she wouldnt. She told my mom when me and her first got into it she should of bitch slapped me. A couple of times that i've posted something on my status she has commented to start shit with me on there. Well i had put something on my status and she started commenting and starting shit. I deleted the post she said i deleted her when i didnt so i left her a message telling her to leave me alone and what not and that i didnt delete her and she says that im a shit starter and drama. To me she is the shit starter and drama. All i did was tell her to leave me alone and never to bother me again! Well she just starts off the wall with bs and drama. I didnt want to hear no more from her so i blocked her and reported her for harrassment. She also posted on my wall some crazy shit but i deleted it also. I just wish she would move. I get tired of her nosey ass looking out the door if we half way pull in the drive way or looking out her windows over here or when shes outside shes staring over here. She says she doesn't care what we do but why she gotta have her nose in our business? I just wish she would move away im sick of her. Can't even step outside without hearing her yelling at her kid or talking so loud in her house. Ugh! I can talk to the police about this so he will have a talk with her. But it wont do much good. What should i do? Should i go to the police?
![]() *Forever Changing* ![]() Post Count: 847 |
I wouldnt call the police. Even when I hated my neighbor I didnt call until they did something highly illegal and broke into my car and stole some things. I think its pointless drama, and if you call the police, it will bring more.
![]() SugarNSpice Surveys Post Count: 128 |
Gosh, it sucks that you have a neighbour like that. Because it sounds like she's not going anywhere any time soon. I think the police probably won't help unless something actually happens - like she physically hurts you or threatens you. I can imagine how annoying it must be with her being so nosy but all you can really do is ignore her and hope she will stop trying to get into your business. I wouldn't talk to her or anything because it sounds like it will just end up in drama.
![]() & skull. Post Count: 1701 |
mistake number one: wall of text.
mistake number two: engaging her when she was yelling at you. just walk away, fuck her immaturity. mistake number three: adding her to facebook. if it's that bad, then all i can suggest is you move. doesn't sound like she's going to move any time soon and the police aren't going to bother unless she's physically threatened you or destroyed any of your property. |
![]() .Broken Angela. Post Count: 114 |
Skull im not going to move ive lived here since i was 5 years old we own this place, shes only renting well on hud. Shes only been there for a few months.
![]() & skull. Post Count: 1701 |
well then stop antagonising her and ignore her if she tries to "start you". i've lived next door to people that have daily domestics and play music all night. it sucks but the best thing to do is to NOT piss them off. act like they aren't there.
![]() K♥Blah Post Count: 65 |
Yehhh i'm living right next door to that haha. The neighbors behind my house have late night drinking sessions pretty much all week long. The neighbors next to me play music at full volume and the crazy woman who lives there calls for her cat every night. Yes...she calls...FOR HER CAT! It's so freaking annoying to hear "LUKEY!" At 1am!! But we keep quite about it...because they are the type that would start something and we'd never hear the end of it...It would be more stress than it's worth.
![]() & skull. Post Count: 1701 |
i've lived next to a couple who'd fight a lot. well, more the guy would yell a lot until the woman did, then we'd here a lot of what sounded like her being thrown around the room, then her crying. we'd call the cops every time this happened, but unless there were children involved, they never showed up. never mind that he might accidentally kill her one day 8|
my current neighbour had the cops called on him because he called an ambulance for no reason. he's known to the cops so they're trying to ask the guy why he wants an ambulance, but he's too drunk to be coherent and there wasn't any obvious injuries etc. the ambulance crew were just laughing there asses off. the house is like a clown car. i can't figure out how many people actually live there. i've seen so many people come out of there. |
![]() Emily the Strange ![]() Post Count: 195 |
Yeah, involving the police on things like this rarely accomplishes much. I'm not talking badly of cops, they're just more useful if something identifiably illegal has taken place. I hate to minimize it, but you got stuck with a bad neighbor. We've all been there. If you really want to get under her skin, kill her with kindness. You see her watching you? "Oh, hey, good afternoon! How's it going?" if you're nice and she's an a-hole, people notice. The more people notice, the more likely you are to have people tell her she's a d-bag. Also, if you believe her child is in legitimate harm, contact CPS. You can explain the yelling and let them make the decision if the child is in danger.
![]() .Broken Angela. Post Count: 114 |
Shes done been told if she gets to many complaints from the police or landlord that she will have to move. I've had the police talk to her before because of that first time we got into it. They told her not be starting shit with me. He told her she can get into major trouble because im mentally ill.
![]() *Forever Changing* ![]() Post Count: 847 |
I get that you dont like her, I just do not understand why you would want to cause more problems which is what calling the police would do. I dont get why you would not only want to make your life harder, but cause her to be kicked out, and make it harder for her to find another place to live. Let her be. Ignore her. I know its not quite as fun as calling the police, but its really sad that you would call the police and waste their time on a childish argument. They have better and more important things to do then to play referee.
![]() .Broken Angela. Post Count: 114 |
I didnt say i was going to go to the cops or call.
![]() *Forever Changing* ![]() Post Count: 847 |
You asked if you should, you also made it a point to say if you do call she will get kicked out and in a lot of trouble because of your mental state. That allows me to take from what you are saying that you want to call. I dont understand the logic behind calling, that is what I am saying.
![]() .Broken Angela. Post Count: 114 |
Yes i did ask if i should. What i did say is when i have talked to the police officer before he told her that she could get kicked out or be in major trouble if she kept on. I didnt say anything bout me wanting to call or go to the police.
![]() .Broken Angela. Post Count: 114 |
I'm not the only one who complains bout her!
![]() *Forever Changing* ![]() Post Count: 847 |
I didnt say you SAID you wanted to call. I said the way you are coming across is that you want to call, and I simply do not understand the logic behind calling.
![]() .love.struck. Post Count: 492 |
First of all, unfriend her on fb. Secondly, don't talk to her anymore. Act like she's nonexistent. This waste of space thrives off the negativity. I wouldn't call the police unless she physically hurts or threatens you. Sadly she will be in your business but if you act like she doesn't exist it might tame her. I would hate living next to that bitch.
![]() American Post Count: 221 |
You are too scatterbrained. I stopped reading halfway through. No offense intended, I just couldn't read anymore. Why are you so worried about what she sees at your house? Why are you so worried about her looking out of her own windows? Who cares if someone is watching you kiss someone, or do whatever, outside - in public? Don't want people seeing, don't do it outside. But, all in all, ignore her. Get raving mad when she actually invades your privacy/space (like driving through your yard) but otherwise, /block.
![]() KerriBlue ![]() Post Count: 260 |
Like most people have said, don't engage her. Don't talk to her, don't acknowledge her, don't speak to her, avoid looking in her direction, don't feed into her drama. Going to the police won't really help, there's been enough "news" segments on TV about this stuff and the police here don't really have any power to do anything unless a threat or something is made and usually then it just makes it worse. Just be the better person and ignore her. Yes it's hard, yes it's annoying having her yelling out to you and so forth, but if you don't feed into it maybe she'll find someone else to bother. So what about what she writes on her facebook I mean yes it's uncalled for but I think by now most people would know she's an idiot and wouldn't really pay that much attention to it. Most of her friends have probably learnt to ignore her just as you should.
If there's other people in the street who complain, maybe get everyone to write a letter to the landlord and bombard him with letters. Write a petition or something. I have no idea if those options will work, but perhaps the landlord will figure out that people really want her outskies! |
![]() Unauthorized Post Count: 72 |
I wouldn't worry about it because if she's really all that bad, she'll probably fall behind on rent and be evicted soon anyway. Some people do much worse than kiss outside at their houses...just saying.
Lots of people make crappy neighbors. Don't retaliate or encourage her, or you'll be one of them. |
![]() Bellatrix Lestrange ![]() Post Count: 234 |
I agree with most of the comments.
Personally, if I had a 'bad neighbour', I wouldn't want to have anything to do with them. It's best to ignore people who irritate you. Saves a lot of trouble. |