![]() K♥Blah Post Count: 65 |
I just wanted to get a general idea of what is "socially acceptable". I don't need help or clarity so much at this stage, so it's not like I'm "desperate for advice" this is more a question out of curiousity.
How long were you with/dating your significant other before you moved in with him/her? Was it a planned thing or was it a natural progression? |
![]() xanderthebuttmonkey Post Count: 43 |
We had been together just under a year. She was graduating college and so needed a new place an roommate anyway, I was ready to move out of my parent's house. We were both happy with eachother It just made sense.
![]() *Forever Changing* ![]() Post Count: 847 |
I moved in with Jeff 3 weeks after we met. It was a natural progression, I got scared at night and had night terrors.
![]() .Amber. ![]() Post Count: 260 |
We were together almost 2 years before we moved in together ... but it was extenuating circumstances. He moved in with me after I gave birth to our daughter.
![]() starsmaycollide Post Count: 408 |
We were together about a year and half when we moved in together. It was out of necessity. We were in college, and my husband (though we weren't married yet at the time) had to either move in with me or else move back home and we'd be long distance again. So we got an apartment together so we could stay in town over the summer and into the following semester. That was our freshman year. We waited to get married until we graduated.
![]() ICky VICky Post Count: 78 |
.... i slowly started moving my things into his about a month after we were together and got my own set of keys to his place 3 months after that but i still never moved all my stuff over his house. We got our own apartment together 4 months after that since he had a roommate at the other place and we wanted our own place. That is when i moved all my stuff and changed my mailing address to our place.
How it happened for us was slow and steady it wasnt planned til we got our own place so 8months in. |
![]() ♥ jes ![]() Post Count: 135 |
Hm, I was with Tyler for almost a year before we moved in together... but that's because we had our daughter and he couldn't stand being away from us. I've realized that when I move in with a guy right away, it causes a lot of problems, haha. I can be nit-picky, and if a guy is messy, I can't stand it!
![]() Fiat Post Count: 288 |
Marriage! :) Though it's not the social norm, we wouldn't have had it any other way. Obviously, it was planned.
![]() *Forever Changing* ![]() Post Count: 847 |
@MadeToShine, I wish we would have waited until marriage to move in together, it would have been amazing. My one "regret" is moving too fast with my husband.
![]() Madeline Rain Post Count: 151 |
@ MadeToShine: Same as you. We didn't live together until we got married. As liberal as some of my opinions can be, I think you have a better chance of staying married if you start living like a married couple after you're actually married.
![]() SoA ![]() Post Count: 252 |
From my experience, it was a normal progression at first but then he tried to speed it up. We'd go look at houses and then go back to his place & look at apartments online. Thankfully I didn't let him talk me into it because we ended up breaking up. For me, I'd rather live with someone before marriage, because then when it happens we already have the nitpicky things out of the way. Though I like the idea of not "living" in the same house for a month or so before the marriage. That way you have enough time to truly miss your other half before the big day. That way you're day is even more special.
![]() .like.a.drug. Post Count: 137 |
A month. I know that seems really, really fast but we were both already sure we wanted to get married. A year later it happened and four years after that we bought a house ;-D
![]() ♥ Steph Post Count: 52 |
My husband and I were together about 6 months. Which compared to others here was actually a long time for us to have waited :P
![]() holdtehpickles Post Count: 73 |
I've lived with V since they day we met in person.
![]() kein mitleid ![]() Post Count: 592 |
I moved in with my wife about a month before we got married, as we wanted to make sure we had a place to live in after we were married. I guess we're pretty lame like that, but it just kind of went that way. Also, I was hardly making enough money for a place of my own, so she needed to finish school, and that's when we moved in together.
![]() polywog ![]() Post Count: 4 |
We moved in together officially about six months into our relationship, but I was really living with him from about one month on. We just...work better together. Always have. I have friends that didn't move in together until they'd been married for almost a year, though! And no, this wasn't a case of involuntary distance, like one of them being in the military or something. They actually lived about a block away from each other. Weirdest arrangement I'd ever heard of, but they were happy. Even now, they rent two apartments that are across the hall from each other in the same building, using one for sleeping and work and the other for cooking and entertaining. They're very much in love and very happy. Some people just need more space, I guess.
![]() Jessica ![]() Post Count: 283 |
@polywog: do they sleep separately as well?
My aunt & uncle do that. They both are so uncomfortable sleeping in the same bed that they have separate rooms on either ends of their home. |
![]() polywog ![]() Post Count: 4 |
@Jellyka: These days, I think they do sleep together. They operated more or less like a bf/gf pair who don't live together before; each with their own personal space to retreat to when they needed, but generally spending the majority of time together. I can definitely see an advantage to that. I'd love to have my own little room to sleep in when I want to be alone.
![]() mo0se Post Count: 72 |
About 2 months into our relationship he officially moved in. His mum was moving, and his work was closer to us so it happened that way. He was staying with me from about 1 month onwards, when we got our licences. It was kinda natural progression, and I honestly wouldn't have it any other way.
![]() ~Aiure Post Count: 118 |
Nic and I were together about 1.5 years before I moved in with him. Mostly because we were so far away from one another in the first place....and were both still in highschool. Once I graduated, I moved to his town to be with him.
![]() & skull. Post Count: 1701 |
i'd been with my boyfriend 2 years when we moved in. lived together for a 2 years, then i lost my job. so we moved back to each other's parent's places for about another year. we moved in together again about 2 months ago.
![]() .love.struck. Post Count: 492 |
My husband and I were together for almost 5 years before we moved in together. We lived together 4 months before our wedding so I guess you can say it was planned in a way.
![]() HorrorVixen XO Post Count: 869 |
I was with my husband for a year before I moved in with him(and his wholeee family. Brother, bro's g/f & mom).
![]() HorrorVixen XO Post Count: 869 |
Oh, ours was planned. We had been talkin about it for a while.
@polywog: "I have friends that didn't move in together until they'd been married for almost a year, though!" What!?! Married & NOT living together!? Or was that a typo? |
![]() Unauthorized Post Count: 72 |
Ben was still in high school when we moved in together. We were together 6-7 months before that, and it was necessity really. His parents didn't like me, my parents didn't like him. He wasn't allowed to talk on the phone and I wasn't welcome at his house most of the time. Getting our own place was the only way we could actually see each other..it was ridiculous.
But, we had dated off and on all throughout high school so we'd known each other for quite a while anyway.. How many of you feel like..if only we had waited..lived with our parents longer and saved money..? We joke that we could have had our own house by now if we had..but, we also might not have stayed together considering the way things were.. |