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Mom injects 8 year old with botox
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27 May 2011, 19:26
Post Count: 283
I don't know how many of you have seen this story, but I just discovered it - and I'm honestly speechless.

I found a few articles from TMZ, links will be at the bottom. She's been tagged "Botox Mom" if anyone wants to google it.

The woman who went on "Good Morning America" yesterday and ADMITTED to giving regular Botox injections to her 8-year-old daughter is now being investigated by Child Protective Services.

CPS in San Francisco says their phones rang off the hook yesterday after Kerry Campbell appeared on "GMA" -- and admitted she regularly administered the anti-wrinkle injections ... to give her daughter an edge in the world of child beauty pageants.

A rep for CPS claims, “It’s pretty unusual for a mom to be injecting an 8-year-old with Botox and certainly is grounds for investigation.”

The rep adds, "We need to sit down and talk with the mom, talk with the child, and see what's going on."


Here is a link to pictures (there are needles in them, so if you're squeamish don't look. But other than the needles it's totally safe for work):

Then there's an article where she claims she made it up for money:

Here's a link that The Sun claims the story is not a fake, because they SAW the woman inject the girl:

And on a somewhat better note, this woman has lost custody of her child.

What are your thoughts on this?
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27 May 2011, 20:05
Post Count: 1938
I laughed when she was all surprised that this was illegal, and she tried to claim that it was all a hoax, despite there being eye-witnesses.
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27 May 2011, 20:07
HorrorVixen XO
Post Count: 869
IMHO, if its true or if she made the whole thing up, its sad!!!
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27 May 2011, 20:29
Post Count: 72
Sadly, this doesn't really surprise me coming from a beauty pageant mom. It was only a matter of time before someone took that next step..
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27 May 2011, 23:35
HorrorVixen XO
Post Count: 869
One day my daughter and I were watching "Toddlers and Tiaras" and she was like, "Mommy, I want to be in one of those(pageant)." Hell no!! I will never ever allow my daughter to do something like that NOR my granddaughters(if I have them)... those pageant moms go too far and they end up looking like wackos!
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27 May 2011, 23:56
Post Count: 53
What a great way to tell your child "you're not good enough the way God made you." Ugh! Then again, like unauthorized, I guess I'm not surprised it came from a beauty pageant mom.
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28 May 2011, 01:16
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
you tube tells me things, so i knew about this already. beauty pageant parents are mostly fucking loopy. i think all of the hard core ones should have their kids taken off them for a bit to realise they're kids, not fucking dolls.
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28 May 2011, 04:32
Post Count: 283
I think the idea of pageants for the little girls is good. Putting them in pretty dresses and stuff.

But seriously, the little ones don't even need makeup :(
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28 May 2011, 06:44
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
the hard core ones i don't like. spending thousands of dollars on dresses, make up and all that shit. it's ridiculous. having them in a nice dress and doing a talent is nice. painting them up like a china doll and spending insane amounts of money is fucked.
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28 May 2011, 13:33
Post Count: 283
I agree! Completely ruins it for people who just want to have fun.
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28 May 2011, 05:18
HorrorVixen XO
Post Count: 869
Jellz: the make-up AND the tanning makes them look like washed up 40 year olds trying to look like 20 year olds. Its insane!! And their attitudes, LORDDDD.. U know I'd knock Hailey out if she EVER talked to me like that!
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3 Jun 2011, 16:06
♥ jes
Post Count: 135
If my daughter wants to do a pageant, fine. I refuse to degrade myself to the level most pageant moms are on.
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