![]() Estella ![]() Post Count: 1779 |
Do you ever remove people from your Facebook friends list? If so, why?
Do you ever hide certain friends' updates from your Facebook feed? If so, why? Do you ever prevent certain Facebook friends from seeing your wall, or from seeing certain status updates you make? If so, why? Has anyone ever blocked you on Facebook, or removed you from their friends, or filtered what you see of their updates? How did you become aware of this? Did you care? Do you find you have quite a few Facebook friends that you barely know, you never talk to, and you really don't particularly want on you friends list - but at the same time, you haven't got any problem with them, so it might cause more of a hassle to remove them? The last one is true of me - and gosh, what do you do when you added someone years ago and you barely know each other, and you know that neither of you have any intention of staying in touch? I once unfriended someone who was an arsehole - but never unfriended someone simply because I barely know them and we are not in touch. I sometimes hide certain people's updates from my feed, but that is specifically if they write annoying updates (opinionated in quite an ignorant way, for instance, or regular passive aggressive whining, obviously aimed at certain of their FB friends without naming them). |
![]() Giggle ![]() Post Count: 279 |
Do you ever remove people from your Facebook friends list? If so, why?
I have removed quite a few people from my Facebook friends list about a month ago. It happened after some protests broke out here in Jordan and those people's status updates showed me how incredibly ignorant and judgemental they were. The kind of people I wouldn't want in my life. I deleted them from Facebook and started avoiding them in real life! Do you ever hide certain friends' updates from your Facebook feed? If so, why? Yes, if they spam the newsfeed updating all day long about every single thing they do or if they're too negative and can't stop complaining! Do you ever prevent certain Facebook friends from seeing your wall, or from seeing certain status updates you make? If so, why? No, but I sometimes exclude people from seeing some photo albums. Has anyone ever blocked you on Facebook, or removed you from their friends, or filtered what you see of their updates? How did you become aware of this? Did you care? Don't know, don't care. Do you find you have quite a few Facebook friends that you barely know, you never talk to, and you really don't particularly want on you friends list - but at the same time, you haven't got any problem with them, so it might cause more of a hassle to remove them? Yes, not exactly people I barely know though but people I never talk to anymore and have no interest in keeping in touch with. I can't be bothered to remove them because well, they're harmless so whatever. =P |
![]() Emily the Strange ![]() Post Count: 195 |
Do you ever remove people from your Facebook friends list? If so, why?
-Nah, it's funnier to let them know I don't care enough to remove them. Do you ever hide certain friends' updates from your Facebook feed? If so, why? -I do, especially those who spam with random crap they've seen online, or those horrible quizzes saying "find out your medieval name!" or people who post about every aspect of their lives, post pictures of their every snack, and must tell you every movement their child makes. Do you ever prevent certain Facebook friends from seeing your wall, or from seeing certain status updates you make? If so, why? -I don't, but I should. I'm sure my mother in law hates most of the random things I post. lol Has anyone ever blocked you on Facebook, or removed you from their friends, or filtered what you see of their updates? How did you become aware of this? Did you care? -Not that I know of, but if they did I think it would be funny, because it would mean they did it and didn't tell me and I didn't notice the lack of their existence on my facebook page. lol Do you find you have quite a few Facebook friends that you barely know, you never talk to, and you really don't particularly want on you friends list - but at the same time, you haven't got any problem with them, so it might cause more of a hassle to remove them? -I have a few I barely know because they know Roman, or because they're a friend of a friend. I hide them so I don't have to acknowledge them, but still can be nice enough to say "Oh yeah, we're mutual friends!" :p |
![]() Lovin'MyLittles Post Count: 322 |
I remove people from my friend's list if they are constantly posting awful things. I removed a very old/dear friend of mine for being homophobic. Nothing personal, but I don't wanna read that crap.
I hide certain people if there's old friends that I don't really care to hear their day to day updates on. I have hid certain things from my in laws in the past. I got tired of my MIL commenting on every single stinkin' thing I posted or uploaded to FB. I said a curse word on FB and my Grandma got upset and deleted me. It was ridiculous. |
![]() Doc ![]() Post Count: 507 |
Do you ever remove people from your Facebook friends list? If so, why? I am sure that I have before. No idea why or even who now that I think about it. *shrugs*
Do you ever hide certain friends' updates from your Facebook feed? If so, why? Yes, usually due to what I like to call "game or app SPAM." Do you ever prevent certain Facebook friends from seeing your wall, or from seeing certain status updates you make? If so, why? Never have. Has anyone ever blocked you on Facebook, or removed you from their friends, or filtered what you see of their updates? How did you become aware of this? Did you care? No idea and nope. Don't care one bit. Do you find you have quite a few Facebook friends that you barely know, you never talk to, and you really don't particularly want on you friends list - but at the same time, you haven't got any problem with them, so it might cause more of a hassle to remove them? Nope... I know everyone on my list. That and if someone annoyed me and I wanted to remove them, I would without any fear. In other words, it wouldn't be a hassle at all to remove anyone. |
![]() TheHighlander Post Count: 3 |
Do you ever remove people from your Facebook friends list? If so, why?
Yes, because we had a falling out in life, because they were in a relationship with a friend and that broke up and we had not established a strong friendship ourselves. Things of this nature. No one has every made me mad enough to remove them for something they did to me. I only have friends on facebook that I am friends with in life. Do you ever hide certain friends' updates from your Facebook feed? If so, why? No Do you ever prevent certain Facebook friends from seeing your wall, or from seeing certain status updates you make? If so, why? No Has anyone ever blocked you on Facebook, or removed you from their friends, or filtered what you see of their updates? How did you become aware of this? Did you care? I've been dropped but I don't care, it's their spot, it's their prerogative. I can't worry about something that silly. Do you find you have quite a few Facebook friends that you barely know, you never talk to, and you really don't particularly want on you friends list - but at the same time, you haven't got any problem with them, so it might cause more of a hassle to remove them? No, all my friends are face to face friends of mine in life and just like in life I talk to some friends more than others. The last one is true of me - and gosh, what do you do when you added someone years ago and you barely know each other, and you know that neither of you have any intention of staying in touch? I once unfriended someone who was an arsehole - but never unfriended someone simply because I barely know them and we are not in touch. I sometimes hide certain people's updates from my feed, but that is specifically if they write annoying updates (opinionated in quite an ignorant way, for instance, or regular passive aggressive whining, obviously aimed at certain of their FB friends without naming them). If I barely know them and we don't want to stay in touch I remove them, period, it's what we both want anyway, lol. |
![]() Bellatrix Lestrange ![]() Post Count: 234 |
Do you ever remove people from your Facebook friends list? If so, why?
Can't be bothered usually! I don't really go on Facebook as much as I used to. If someone is really bothering or harassing me then I remove them, I guess...? *shrugs* Do you ever hide certain friends' updates from your Facebook feed? If so, why? You can do that? But anyway, I wouldn't be bothered. xD. Do you ever prevent certain Facebook friends from seeing your wall, or from seeing certain status updates you make? If so, why? I didn't know you could do this either. Omg, I totally fail at Failbook! D: But, nah, I wouldn't because, if they're on my friends list, isn't the whole point is that they see my updates & shit like that? Besides, I always forget to update my status. Can go for months without updating...Even year!? xD. Has anyone ever blocked you on Facebook, or removed you from their friends, or filtered what you see of their updates? How did you become aware of this? Did you care? I have no idea. I haven't really checked and I don't check. But if someone decides to remove me from my friends list then that's their choice. I wouldn't care. Do you find you have quite a few Facebook friends that you barely know, you never talk to, and you really don't particularly want on you friends list - but at the same time, you haven't got any problem with them, so it might cause more of a hassle to remove them? I only add people I know. Sometimes, I get stranger friend requests and I decline because, well duh, I don't know that person! If someone I know is on my friends list but we never really talk, I don't mind. Can't be bothered to 'unfriend' them. I am so out-of-touch with all this Facebook crap. Twitter ftw! xD. |
![]() & skull. Post Count: 1701 |
Do you ever remove people from your Facebook friends list? If so, why?
yup, mostly people from bloop who've left and i don't speak to much. Do you ever hide certain friends' updates from your Facebook feed? If so, why? yes, i've hidden several friends, because they post stupid facebook fads too frequently or they use facebook to bitch at their ex. Do you ever prevent certain Facebook friends from seeing your wall, or from seeing certain status updates you make? If so, why? i've blocked my cousin from seeing my updates because he kept being a smart arse and i didn't appreciated his shithead comments on every second status i posted. Has anyone ever blocked you on Facebook, or removed you from their friends, or filtered what you see of their updates? How did you become aware of this? Did you care? not to my knowledge, and i probably wouldn't care. i mean unless it's my family or a close friend, it's just facebook. most of these people i wouldn't see otherwise. Do you find you have quite a few Facebook friends that you barely know, you never talk to, and you really don't particularly want on you friends list - but at the same time, you haven't got any problem with them, so it might cause more of a hassle to remove them? not really, i'm more too lazy to remove them and they're nice enough. The last one is true of me - and gosh, what do you do when you added someone years ago and you barely know each other, and you know that neither of you have any intention of staying in touch? i am hardly in touch with any of the people i have on mine, but i just leave them there. |
![]() KerriBlue ![]() Post Count: 260 |
Do you ever remove people from your Facebook friends list? If so, why?
Yes, I did last night. I do it every few months or so. I'm just the type of person who doesn't really want to have people on my friends list if I don't really know them and don't really keep in contact with. I know a lot of my friends just like having randoms added to their list I guess as a "popularity" status (the more friends they appear to have, the more social/popular they appear?) But always thought that I wouldn't add people to my friends list unless I really knew them and had intention of staying in contact with them or I was genuinely interested in keeping up-to-date with that persons life. Do you ever hide certain friends' updates from your Facebook feed? If so, why? Yea I have a few times. Only if a post "theme" is common. For example I had one friend make really bad jokes AND talk about drinking A LOT, so I hid his posts for a while because more often than not they were just annoying me. Same with pregnant/mothers on my friends list and the "loved up" ones. I can handle one or two status updates about certain topics, but when it's continuosly "I luv so&so so much, I rly feel lyk the luckiest persn in da wrld" I feel like shooting myself. I think it's easier and less messy to just hide the posts that annoy me. More often than not, I unhide them after a week or two. I also have a lot of "bogan" friends who have opinions about certain topics I don't agree with, they are usually very ignorant comments about a topic, so instead of lecturing them or starting a fight, I just hide them for a while. Do you ever prevent certain Facebook friends from seeing your wall, or from seeing certain status updates you make? If so, why? Sometimes. I have a few friends on facebook (which sort of contradicts my first answer) but I mean people from primary school and so forth, I 'm genuinely interested in how they are doing in life but there's just some things I don't want to share with them. If on the rare occasion I do add someone I barely know, I limit what they can see until I know them better. I also hide stuff from people I work with & my boss haha. Has anyone ever blocked you on Facebook, or removed you from their friends, or filtered what you see of their updates? How did you become aware of this? Did you care? I don't doubt they have. But I wouldn't know about it! I don't mind either. Do you find you have quite a few Facebook friends that you barely know, you never talk to, and you really don't particularly want on you friends list - but at the same time, you haven't got any problem with them, so it might cause more of a hassle to remove them? Not so far. If I don't particularly want someone on my list, I just restrict there view of me and when it comes to "spring cleaning" time, I reconsider - do I want them on my list or don't I. I think I'm very cut throat about my friends list, but like I said - I only want people on there that I actually know or want to keep in contact with. I've never seen a reason to keep people just because it's convenient. |
![]() Kelsey Lynn xox Post Count: 150 |
oooh, this is interesting
Do you ever remove people from your Facebook friends list? If so, why? Yes, I have before. Usually it's because I added them because I graduated/went to school with them and they turn out to be creepy. Or if they constantly update their status about how much they love their boyfriend/girlfriend of two and a half hours. Drives me insane. Do you ever hide certain friends' updates from your Facebook feed? If so, why? Only the stupid games. I don't really give two fucks if you've just challenged so and so to a game of snake. Do you ever prevent certain Facebook friends from seeing your wall, or from seeing certain status updates you make? If so, why? Yes, certain older adults that absolutely HAVE to add me on facebook. I usually don't add family and if I have to add older adults who know my parents/really know me, I hide my party photos or certain fb statuses if I'm swearing a lot or something like that. Just don't want them to read/see that or it get back to my parents. Has anyone ever blocked you on Facebook, or removed you from their friends, or filtered what you see of their updates? How did you become aware of this? Did you care? Someone has blocked me on facebook. This crazy girl named Jesse was an ex girlfriend of a friend of mine, and I was friends with his current love interest. I thought for the longest time she just deleted me but my brother was logged in and just to be curious, I searched her up and found out she had reactivated her fb but I couldn't search her on mine. I don't really care, just found it amusing. Do you find you have quite a few Facebook friends that you barely know, you never talk to, and you really don't particularly want on you friends list - but at the same time, you haven't got any problem with them, so it might cause more of a hassle to remove them? Yeah. I mean, I don't talk to 90% of the people I graduated with, but I don't really care so much as to go through and delete them specifically. Too much time and effort for something I don't particularly care about. If they want to stalk my life, let 'em. I'm not really that interesting anyways. |
![]() mo0se Post Count: 72 |
Do you ever remove people from your Facebook friends list? If so, why?
Yes, every now and then I do a bit of a cull. Mainly people I remove are people who I thought may have known me but I've never actually met or I just had no idea who they are. Do you ever hide certain friends' updates from your Facebook feed? If so, why? No, I don't think I've had to. If I don't like something I ignore it Do you ever prevent certain Facebook friends from seeing your wall, or from seeing certain status updates you make? If so, why? No, I feel that if someone doesn't like something I say, or doesn't want to read it, they can stop viewing Has anyone ever blocked you on Facebook, or removed you from their friends, or filtered what you see of their updates? How did you become aware of this? Did you care? I had one person who constantly deletes her whole friends list, then re-adds everyone. After about 5 or 6 times I now ignore her friend requests! It just annoys me, either keep me or don't I don't want to see a new friend request from her every 2 weeks! It was made into a facebook group at one point too, because she adds friends of friends who are always like "who the hell is ******?" I don't really care if someone deletes me unless they're a close friend Do you find you have quite a few Facebook friends that you barely know, you never talk to, and you really don't particularly want on you friends list - but at the same time, you haven't got any with them, so it might cause more of a hassle to remove them? Yes. I have a whole bunch of people I either went to high school with, worked with or met randomly through a friend who I may not talk to but I have no problem with. They cause no harm, so it doesn't bother me so much |
![]() |
Do you ever remove people from your Facebook friends list? If so, why?
Yes I have. One I removed because she was someone I knew from school, not necessarily good friends with. But then she started to act like she was still in high school and if you disagreed with her she would remove you from her friends. Just high drama so I took her off like months and months ago. She just realized I removed her and requested me again and I ignored her lol Do you ever hide certain friends' updates from your Facebook feed? If so, why? No I am too lazy to do it and have no reasons to do it either Do you ever prevent certain Facebook friends from seeing your wall, or from seeing certain status updates you make? If so, why? Again no and blaming the laziness Has anyone ever blocked you on Facebook, or removed you from their friends, or filtered what you see of their updates? How did you become aware of this? Did you care? I've been removed. One girl, whom I was shocked wanted to add me as a friend in the first place (she and I didn't get along in school), eventually removed me. I didn't care so much as I was curious as to why. Do you find you have quite a few Facebook friends that you barely know, you never talk to, and you really don't particularly want on you friends list - but at the same time, you haven't got any problem with them, so it might cause more of a hassle to remove them? Anyone who fits under this description has already been removed. I don't keep people on my list that I don't particular want on my list. I might keep them a tad longer than I like because I might not have time to clean out my list but eventually everyone gets removed who I no longer want there. Or if they piss me off they go right off the bat. |
![]() Let It Be Post Count: 226 |
Do you ever remove people from your Facebook friends list? If so, why?
Once in a while. If I never speak to someone or don't care about keeping in touch in the future, and they post annoying crap, then I'll remove them. Do you ever hide certain friends' updates from your Facebook feed? If so, why? No, I hide specific posts like Farmville and such. I would if someones updates always annoyed me but I didn't want to remove them from my list for some reason. Do you ever prevent certain Facebook friends from seeing your wall, or from seeing certain status updates you make? If so, why? Yes, a few people like some old family friends, and some of my partner's aunts and cousins. I'd rather just block people from my wall who I don't want to see certain things rather than sensor myself. Has anyone ever blocked you on Facebook, or removed you from their friends, or filtered what you see of their updates? How did you become aware of this? Did you care? One person I know of has blocked me, my old landlord/bf's aunt, because she's super immature like that. I prefer it this way though lol so no I didn't care. I noticed recently that his cousin removed me too (I became aware when I tried to see her profile and it told me to add her as a friend lol), and I have no idea why seeing as we get along well and had no drama between us. I figure it was either an accident or she was trying to get more FB privacy, either way I don't care much. Do you find you have quite a few Facebook friends that you barely know, you never talk to, and you really don't particularly want on you friends list - but at the same time, you haven't got any problem with them, so it might cause more of a hassle to remove them? Yes and No. A few years ago I removed the great bulk of people that I went to high school/college with that I really didn't know or didn't like and no longer wanted to have access to my page. I still have some people on there who I almost never talk to, but they are people who I was at least decent friends with once upon a time so I don't remove them cause I care enough to see what they're up to and how they're doing once in a while. I've removed some people in the past who fall into the 1st category, only to have them ask to re-add me sometime later. Depending on how much I can tolerate that person I may or may not re-add them lol. |
![]() *Forever Changing* ![]() Post Count: 847 |
Do you ever remove people from your Facebook friends list? If so, why? Yes, people who I do not talk to, but thats pretty much it.
Do you ever hide certain friends' updates from your Facebook feed? If so, why? No, I dont, I have no problem being who I am to everyone :) Do you ever prevent certain Facebook friends from seeing your wall, or from seeing certain status updates you make? If so, why?Again no. Has anyone ever blocked you on Facebook, or removed you from their friends, or filtered what you see of their updates? How did you become aware of this? Did you care? Yes, actually a month or so ago a very dear friend did. I noticed right away, we got into a fight and she blocked me on other sites so I checked facebook, and I was gone again. It sucks, because despite the fight and difference of opinion, I miss her. Do you find you have quite a few Facebook friends that you barely know, you never talk to, and you really don't particularly want on you friends list - but at the same time, you haven't got any problem with them, so it might cause more of a hassle to remove them? I removed a whole bunch of people a few months ago who I just didnt talk to. I only do it when I decide it needs to be done, I dont really have a reason to remove them, but I dont have a reason to keep them either lol. |
![]() HorrorVixen XO Post Count: 869 |
Do you ever remove people from your Facebook friends list? If so, why?
-i haven't removed anyone from my friends list. they're there for a reason. Do you ever hide certain friends' updates from your Facebook feed? If so, why? -no b.c if i didn't wanna read their updates, i'd unfriend them. simple as that! Do you ever prevent certain Facebook friends from seeing your wall, or from seeing certain status updates you make? If so, why? -no everyone can see my business! Has anyone ever blocked you on Facebook, or removed you from their friends, or filtered what you see of their updates? How did you become aware of this? Did you care? -yeah but i dont care b.c obviously its their issue. the latest person to unfriend me was my cousin's husband but who gives a fck about his racist ass!?!? not me! Do you find you have quite a few Facebook friends that you barely know, you never talk to, and you really don't particularly want on you friends list - but at the same time, you haven't got any problem with them, so it might cause more of a hassle to remove them? -no. everyone i have on there i talk to. plus i only friend people i know. i'm not gonna be friends with some random! The last one is true of me - and gosh, what do you do when you added someone years ago and you barely know each other, and you know that neither of you have any intention of staying in touch? -just unfriend them. this isn't a popularity contest. if u dont K.I.T with them, then whats the point!?!? |