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Royal Wedding...
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6 May 2011, 10:38
.Blue Bella.
Post Count: 743
Julia Gillard was there...
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6 May 2011, 10:39
.Blue Bella.
Post Count: 743
Ignore this, it was established but I lost the train of the thread...
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29 Apr 2011, 20:49
Post Count: 252
If it was Prince Harry's wedding *if I remember what I heard correctly* they would have been invited but because it wasn't a state affair that meant there was no snub by not inviting them. It was purely a commonwealth wedding, meaning that the countries that are apart of the commonwealth got invited. America is not apart of that, therefore they did not need to invite him.
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29 Apr 2011, 16:52
HorrorVixen XO
Post Count: 869
I agree with RedFraggle. Not everyone is gonna be invited, no matter how close you are with someone.

Kate looked B E A U T I F U L!
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29 Apr 2011, 17:20
~Just the 3 of Us~
Post Count: 98
My DVR started at 2am this morning and will end at 8pm tonight. LOTS of coverage to watch! lol I remember watching Diana & Charles' wedding when I was 11 with my mom (good thing they got married on summer vacation!). Red Fraggle doesn't understand American interest in the wedding...well, for me, it's partly because it's history in the making. A "commoner" in line for the throne sounds like a big deal to me (especially after hearing all the stories and "fairytales" about commoners cannot mingle with royalty, etc.) and I enjoy weddings. I watch A Wedding Story on TLC. I don't know the people but it's still interesting to see how other people celebrate a wedding. Pure entertainment although I hope that Prince William and Catherine and long and beautiful life together. They both seem to be genuine people with their hearts in the right place. Lastly, I love England. I would love to move there some day although I know that will be unlikely as it's becoming harder and harder due to overpopulation. Anyway, this is just my perspective. I can't speak for every American.
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29 Apr 2011, 21:58
Post Count: 2651
Firstly, they are the Royal family of the UK, not just of England. :P Better get that bit right begore considering moving here. ;)

Secondly, Kate was hardly a "commoner". She may not have royal blood, but her family are not working class by any means. They have money (although it sounds like they worked hard for it) and she and her siblings all went to private schools, and St Andrews is well known for being a popular university choice for the upper and upper middle classes.
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29 Apr 2011, 22:11
Post Count: 252
But isn't it uncommon for a royal marry a non-royal?
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30 Apr 2011, 00:01
~Just the 3 of Us~
Post Count: 98
Sorry if I gave you the impression of anything else. I am aware they are the royals of the whole UK. I loved Scotland as well, just not so sure I'd want to move to Edinburgh. I think I'd rather live in London. :) And I completely agree that Kate is not a "commoner" which is why I put it in quotes. I would be more of a commoner than she is. lol
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30 Apr 2011, 08:19
Post Count: 2651
@mommy bunny: Lol. Why if you moved to Scotland would you have to move to Edinburgh? Edinburgh is not the only city in Scotland and it isn't even the biggest! (Glasgow is, and a much nicer place to live). That comment makes no sense. There's WAY more places you can live in the UK besides London and Edinburgh! (And the UK also includes Wales and Northern Ireland which have cities of their own)
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30 Apr 2011, 12:34
~Just the 3 of Us~
Post Count: 98
Oh there's a ton of the UK that I haven't explored. Several areas look nice. I just through Edinburgh out there as I have been there but haven't been too many other places in Scotland. I would love to tour the whole island and check out many different cities. I would also like to see if Ireland might be more my style. lol
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30 Apr 2011, 22:15
~Just the 3 of Us~
Post Count: 98
Great...I just happened to re-read my post as I was catching up on the forum and I realized that yet again I used "through" instead of "threw". I have no idea what my problem is these last few days with that word! I've done it on more than on occasion! *facepalm*
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30 Apr 2011, 04:06
Post Count: 283
@RedFraggle: I heard some tell that Kate's family has married into royalty 5 times, and that there's some royal blood in her family.

Don't quote me on that though lol.
I don't have a source, it's just something that was mentioned when I was in class the other day ;D
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30 Apr 2011, 08:22
Post Count: 2651
I don't think so. On the commentary during the wedding they said she can't be called Princess Katherine because she has no royal blood, hence why she is Duchess instead.
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30 Apr 2011, 21:26
Acid Fairy
Post Count: 1849
@Red Frag: Won't she become Princess of Wales once the Queen pops her clogs and Charlie and Camilla get to sit on the throne? Since Will is a Prince of Wales, it's pretty odd.
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30 Apr 2011, 22:15
Post Count: 2651
I don't know what happens once the Queen dies. But they said that because Kate has married into the royal family she can only be called princess under William's name... So she is Princess William or Duchess Katherine but can't be Princess Katherine. Apparently the same rule applied to Princess Diana and that was never her official title. She was officially Princess of Wales but otherwise would have been Princess Charles.
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4 May 2011, 13:39
Bellatrix Lestrange
Post Count: 234
@RedFraggle: I thought Prince Charles was the next-in-line...?
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4 May 2011, 18:11
Post Count: 2651
He is. Acid Fairy said she thinks that once the Queen dies and Charles becomes king that then Kate will be called Princess. I'm not so sure though.
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4 May 2011, 18:45
Post Count: 1096
@Redfraggle, she will be called princess under the name of Wales and Williams title, so she will be Catherine, Princess of Wales, where as if she had royal blood she would be called Princess Catherine of Wales, so as with Diana she will not be a princess.
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4 May 2011, 19:20
Post Count: 2651
I already said she's Princess William. I didn't think she was Princess of Wales though. Are you sure?
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4 May 2011, 19:26
Post Count: 1096
@redfraggle, I was just saying what she will be once Charles is King, hence will be Catherine, Princess of Wales.
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4 May 2011, 19:27
Post Count: 2651
Ah, that makes sense.
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4 May 2011, 19:28
Post Count: 1096
I should have made it clearer really
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30 Apr 2011, 22:41
Post Count: 283
Ah ;D Makes sense!

I googled it though, because I was curious. According to wikipedia (source.)

"Catherine shares ancestors with her husband Prince William; the closest relationship is via William's mother through a common descent from Sir Thomas Fairfax and his wife Agnes Gascoine, making the couple fifteenth cousins. She is also related more distantly to William through her father's side through common descent from Sir William Gascoine and his wife, née Lady Margaret Percy. The couple are also possibly twelfth cousins once removed, with circumstantial evidence suggesting that they are both descended from Sir Thomas Leighton and Elizabeth Knollys."

I just thought it was interesting ;D
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29 Apr 2011, 19:04
Emily the Strange
Post Count: 195
This may be an odd pile of truth, but maybe the Obamas weren't invited because we fought a war to break away from any type of monarchy, any kind of royal family. So the Obamas probably didn't feel that their crock pot or other meaningless gift would be welcome, anyways :)
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29 Apr 2011, 20:33
*Forever Changing*
Post Count: 847
I watched it, and I am still recording coverage. I love it. My grandmother immigrated to the United States when she was pregnant with my mother, so England is held very close to my heart. My grandmother instilled that in me very deeply.
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