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Obama releases his long-form birth certificate.
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27 Apr 2011, 18:12
Post Count: 1938

Can we all finally shut the fuck up about this absolutely pitiful nonsense already?
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27 Apr 2011, 22:09
Bellatrix Lestrange
Post Count: 234
Ooh! Obama's star sign is Leo! ^_^
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30 Apr 2011, 05:11
Post Count: 2
The leader ;)
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27 Apr 2011, 18:13
Conservative Values
Post Count: 51
why did it take him so long to release it though?
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27 Apr 2011, 18:13
Post Count: 1938
You can not be serious...
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27 Apr 2011, 18:17
Conservative Values
Post Count: 51
only took a few hours but its already been proved as a fake. the birth certificate is computer generated.
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27 Apr 2011, 18:48
Beautiful Lies
Post Count: 402
When someone looks at the original document and tells me it's fake then I'll believe it. I'm not believing some self-proclaimed "expert" on youtube who most likely has not seen the actual document, JUST the freakin' PDF file released to the public.

I mean, do you really think that Obama would risk his entire candidacy for president on something that could so easily be discovered? They have also shown that there are TWO birth announcements in the two major papers in Hawaii. They had shown the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Barack H. Obama on August 4, 1961.

So chill out. Obama is a US Citizen. If you don't like him, fine, but just let this bullshit go.
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27 Apr 2011, 18:18
Post Count: 1010
.... Takes me back to the old days where Bloop was filled with wackos like you. Notice they're gone. ;)
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27 Apr 2011, 18:43
.Blue Bella.
Post Count: 743
You're going to have to explain to me why he'd need to do this??? *dumb Aussie alert!!!!*
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27 Apr 2011, 18:51
Post Count: 1938
@Blue Bella: Basically, there's a small movement in America called the "Birther movement," which consist of people who believe that Barrack Obama was not born in the United States, which invalidates his entire presidency, as you need to be born on U.S. soil in order to run for president.
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27 Apr 2011, 19:04
Emily the Strange
Post Count: 195
I don't know, apparently even if you have a legit birth certificate, witnesses of your birth, and the governor of your state saying "Yup, it's all gravy", you're still not American-born. I'm so glad we have this birther movement to help us see the flaws in our logic.
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27 Apr 2011, 19:12
Post Count: 1938
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27 Apr 2011, 19:13
Emily the Strange
Post Count: 195
*snort* I believe it. "Amerkunz wouldn't vote for YER kind!"
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27 Apr 2011, 19:32
Post Count: 377
Gosh, this shouldn't even matter.
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27 Apr 2011, 19:33
Conservative Values
Post Count: 51
why shouldnt it matter? if he is not actually a citizen of the united states, then he is not eligible for office. period.
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27 Apr 2011, 19:42
Post Count: 377
The only people who give a shit about his birth certificate are people who don't like him because he's a.) not a republican OR b.) black.
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27 Apr 2011, 19:42
Post Count: 377
It's the same as people making a big fuss saying "OMG HE'S MUSLIM".
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27 Apr 2011, 19:44
Conservative Values
Post Count: 51
or because he is not qualified to rule the free world...he is not eligible. period. nothing more to be said about it.

but of course, another liberal making things up and spinning my words to make me seem like a racist. its not like i am even surprised anymore.
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27 Apr 2011, 19:48
Post Count: 377
I said nothing about you being racist.
Say there was a Republican president who had German heritage and didn't show his birth certificate. Would you be jumping on that going "HE'S NOT FIT!"

Obama's ability to rule has NOTHING to do with a birth certificate.
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27 Apr 2011, 19:51
Conservative Values
Post Count: 51
i would question it if he didnt show his birth certificate, something it took hussein obongo years to do.

he could be the best president we ever had (and trust me, he is FAR FAR FAR FAR from that) and he still would not have a right to serve in office.
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27 Apr 2011, 19:53
Post Count: 377
"hussein obongo"

That's not racist?
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2 May 2011, 01:02
I agree with conservative values. Obama is not a good president to say the least... but at the same time, since he's been placed in office (sadly) we still have to show him respect as a president... and I believe, as a christian, we need to, should, and are required, to pray for him. ( we are to pray for the rulers of the world, no matter who they are) And no, I'm not tryin to be 'preacher' so I hope no one takes that the wrong way-but its the truth anyhow.

Obama doesnt have proof to rightfully have the power he does... but he has it nonetheless.. so...we all just have to accept it, and not let it be another reason for heated debates and fights on here...although thats pretty much all it leads to. :(
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30 Apr 2011, 22:45
Post Count: 283
@aubrey; I think if there were a president with German heritage, who spent the majority of his life living in another country, it would cause speculation as well.
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30 Apr 2011, 23:03
Post Count: 377
@ jellyka -- Uh, but Obama did not spend a majority of his time living in a foreign country, so that doesn't fit with my comparison.
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30 Apr 2011, 23:08
Post Count: 283
@Aubrey; from what I read, he spent a good chunk of his life living in Thailand, so yes it does.
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