![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
I drink diet coke. I never drink the sugar-containing fizzy drinks. And I didn't drink fizzy drinks at all until I was about 16 (when I developed a taste for them as mixers for alcohol!).
![]() ♥ Steph Post Count: 52 |
Wow. I'm kind of surprised by how much people think is a LOT of soda lol. I must be a freak. Granted I drink diet but soda is almost literally all I drink. I sometimes drink water at work and milk if we have it in the fridge at home but other than that all I drink is soda. I wouldn't say I'm addicted, it's just cheap to buy and I like to drink stuff with flavor (i.e not water lo) and sodas always there :P
![]() CrystalsLost Post Count: 12 |
Im amazed at how many people drink soda too and a lot of it! But I never drink soda..I LOOVE water..I have probably 10 water bottles a day of water. So of course coke doesnt even taste good. Every once in a while Ill have a rootbeer or orange soda but thats usally a special occastion. other than that Ill drink orange gaterade or Apple juice bc everything is just tastes bad, is to sweet, or makes my stomach hurt.
After drinking water for a while, the tastes for sodas will go away and you wont even like it even more..at least thats my experience |
![]() ♥ Steph Post Count: 52 |
I can kinda understand the feeling. Since I switched to diet soda I can't stand regular. I just gotta find something healthier that works with my picky tastes lol
![]() kein mitleid ![]() Post Count: 592 |
Hansen's (in America) is made without high-fructose corn syrup. It really doesn't matter though. When it comes to simple sugars, calories are calories are calories. You shouldn't drink calories, it's pretty dumb, though. You don't consider how much you're consuming when it's a beverage.
What's significantly worse for you than soda is those Starbuck's coffee beverages. Some of those cappucino drinks are essentially like drinking a milkshake. For breakfast. But forgoing all this health issue... switching from coke to diet coke or to water doesn't make a big difference, when it's the beverage accompanying a bacon cheeseburger and large fries. |
![]() already gone. ![]() Post Count: 153 |
I drink a soda maybe once a month. A few years ago I had a bad soda habit. I mean BAD. I was working at a fast food place and we got free soda and I'd drink it all day long. My faves were Mountain Dew, Dr.Pepper, and Strawberry Fanta. I started drinking Gatorade for awhile and then gradually switched to only water. I drink so much water a day, probably about 6+ bottles. And once I switched to water I also noticed that I'm not as thirsty as I used to be. I used to be able to drink two glasses of soda with dinner (I couldn't imagine dinner without soda) and now I hardly even think about something to drink with dinner. I honestly don't even miss it. I thought I would miss all the caffeine but now I can't imagine having all that caffeine and sugar. I'm so glad I kicked that habit. It helped me lose 30lbs :)
![]() crazybeautiful; ![]() Post Count: 56 |
i drink it one or twice a week. i just had some today actually. i'd much rather drink juice :) although i used to drink it quite a bit when i worked in fast food.
![]() SoA ![]() Post Count: 252 |
On average I drink about half a twelve pack a day. I can't stand water because it has no taste, I cant stand juice because it taste way too sweet to me. I drink Diet Pepsi. I know it's not good for me but one of those in the morning & I'm ready for about anything. If I don't have a soda I will be a cranky little bitch because I have a caffeine headache. *shrugs* I've been drinking soda since I was a kid & I started drinking coffee when I was 12. I know for me I'll keep my kids(when I have kids) to one or two sodas a day & a diet since it has less sugar then a regular soda & they wont be allowed to have coffee until they are 15 or 16.
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
Two sodas a day for kids? :( I've seen kids bounce off the walls with just half a can :-/ I can't even imagine two... I sincerely hope when you do have kids you'll lean more towards water and juice instead of soda.
If you're not much for juice you should try vitamin water! :) They even make a flavor with caffeine in it, which I really like (I don't remember what it's called offhand). I'm not much for those types of drinks, but they're actually really good. My brother swears by the lemonades, but I like the fruit punch ones. |
![]() SoA ![]() Post Count: 252 |
well I'm talking when they are like 10 at the youngest. Before that they'll be lucky to get a sip. They will be drinking milk & juice that has as little sugar as possible.
I've tried it & I do like the lemonade one but kind of expensive. I like the crystal like packets & that new mio water flavor thing. |
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
@SOA: Ten still sounds... really young to me :-/ My nephews are 9 and 12... and I can't even imagine them with one soda in a day, they'd never stop moving. o.O But to each their own, I suppose ;D
But! If you keep an eye on the vitamin waters, they usually have them 10/$10 at Target. :) That's when I get them (and also the reason I was willing to try them in the first place!) |
![]() SoA ![]() Post Count: 252 |
@Patchwork: that's true & come that time I may change it. I know w/my eight year old sister my mom gives her half a can w/a tone of ice cubes so that way as she drinks it the water from the ice waters it down. I may even do what my mom does & have it be they only get a soda when its a special night. like going out to a restaurant to celebrate something.
That's true. I need to find a Target so I can keep an eye out for that. |
![]() Beautiful Lies Post Count: 402 |
You should try tea. It has taste (unlike water) but it's not sweet like juice (unless you add sweetener). I hate water also and the only reason I'm able to drink a lot is because I drink tea. Or use crystal light. Green Tea with Lemon is my favorite.
![]() SoA ![]() Post Count: 252 |
yeah I started drinking more water when I got the summer blend tea from Peet's Coffee & Tea. That is some yummy stuff right there. But no Peet's out here in Texas. I just got to suck it up & drink more water.
![]() .love.struck. Post Count: 492 |
Have you tried Arnold Palmer lite? It's only 7 grams of sugar, it's not overly sweet. Adding lemon to your water taste good too or even limes.
![]() SoA ![]() Post Count: 252 |
I love the Arnold Palmer drinks but I haven't seen them in lite. I'll have to keep an eye out for that. Hmm the adding lemon or lime sounds like its worth a try. Thank you.
![]() .love.struck. Post Count: 492 |
I got a gallon size Arnold Palmer lite at Target. It was on sale for $3.
![]() SoA ![]() Post Count: 252 |
nice, the down fall to the house i live in.... i'd maybe get half a glass out of that.
![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
@SoA: 12 a day?!? That's a ridiculous amount of caffiene! Take the caffeine headaches as a warning sign you need to cut down.
![]() SoA ![]() Post Count: 252 |
@RedFraggle: I have about 5 or 6 a day. Not twelve. I think I'd hurl after seven.
![]() HorrorVixen XO Post Count: 869 |
I'm trying to get my husband to STOP drinking soda!! He like never drinks water[not even when taking meds]. I told him more water= less breakouts!! But noooo he can't put the can down. He bought a 12 pk of Shasta saturday night and here it is monday and its gone!!
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
@Fearless: yeah that's how my dad is. All he drinks is soda. 7up or Mountain Dew. In the mornings he has a glass of OJ to take his pills... but that's it (except for the occasional glass of milk). I don't get how they can do that o.O
(Ah, if you think that 12 pack is bad, you should see my pantry when Mountain Dew goes on sale. Last time they had a big sale, we had about 50 12-packs in there) |
![]() Blitch. [+1] ![]() Post Count: 82 |
I. Love. Carbonation. ♥
In all honesty, I probably have a can of carbonated goodness per day. Always diet. I am on the South Beach Diet and we're not allowed anything but I substitute diet. Coke Zero and Pepsi Max are amazing. After not having regular Mt. Dew for over 2 months, the diet tastes like heaven, and mmm mmm mmm diet root beer. My mouth is watering. Also, as a full time mom & student... I need the caffeine! |
![]() Transit Post Count: 1096 |
Until I was about ten literally all I would drink was lemonade I don't know what age I started, sometimes I could be tricked into drinking fizzy water with squash in it, if there wasn't anything fizzy in the house I would simply not drink anything until there was. Somehow I haven't ruined my teeth, I still occasionally have a small bottle of coke, but not very often, not even once a fortnight, fizzy drinks are so expensive, we had a BBQ a while ago and it was almost £2 for 2 litre's of coke.
I do still drink squash, but not very often, I don't drink tea too often here either as I don't want to stain my teeth so I mainly drink water and sometimes milk. |