.xoxo Post Count: 263 |
Anyone on here have a Twitter? I have one, and I want some new people to follow! So here is mine if anyone wants to follow me! I have had it for a while but forgot about it, so now I will update it more haha. Anywhoo, here's mine: http://twitter.com/holliexoxo88
Chris Post Count: 1938 |
Twitter is like, the status feature on Facebook with its own website. I don't get it. :(
karma. Post Count: 314 |
its EXACTLY like that haha.
i dont understand it at all either ^_^ |
*~Loving You~* Post Count: 507 |
is it like myspace or another bloopdiary?
foreverglow Post Count: 217 |
mine is http://www.twitter.com/lacyx
just samma; Post Count: 204 |
i'm www.twitter.com/justcallmesamma
.xoxo Post Count: 263 |
Thanks guys! I followed you! =] C'mon bloop anyone else?
*Forever Changing* Post Count: 847 |
.love.struck. Post Count: 492 |
What is the purpose of twitter? I've looked at it and it seems like another site but more boring.
.xoxo Post Count: 263 |
It's just a way to update your friends without actually writing an entry. It's kind of like the mood thing in myspace. You can reply to other people and talk to people.
.Broken Angela. Post Count: 114 |
.xoxo Post Count: 263 |
That is ok, I was just looking for people to use it. Not everyone has to like it.
& skull. Post Count: 1701 |
lol, i know. i was just giving my opinion. like anonymous source said, it's just like the facebook status message and that's it.
BOTTOM Post Count: 98 |
Yeah exactly, I have my facebook status for that! Unless there are other features on twitter that I'm missing?
urgent napkin poems Post Count: 17 |
I am addicted to Twitter. I tweet from my phone multiple times a day. It's a problem...
j'dore hailey&ryan Post Count: 70 |
what the heck is TWITTER??
love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
It's pretty much like Facebook statuses. Or as my friend put it, blogging on crack. ^_^
j'dore hailey&ryan Post Count: 70 |
ohhhhhh ok thanks nikki
Hayley McBayley Post Count: 76 |
Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
Wife♥Mommy Post Count: 74 |
RealLifeComics Post Count: 571 |
haha, yeah nah...... nah.. yeah