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Let's staple a note onto your child.
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11 Mar 2011, 04:43
Beautiful Lies
Post Count: 402
Um could you please tell me what being an 'involved parent' has to do with anything I said? My comments have had nothing to do with the involvement of parents. It has to do with the behavior of the little brat who can't bring home a note about said behavior to his parents.
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11 Mar 2011, 21:04
Emily the Strange
Post Count: 195
My question is about "undue embarrassment." What is "due embarrassment?"
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11 Mar 2011, 04:44
Beautiful Lies
Post Count: 402
Actually, don't. Let's just let the thread die.
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9 Mar 2011, 05:14
HorrorVixen XO
Post Count: 869
@music god: yeah man, I use to get stuff saftey pinned to my shirt all the time. So did my brother. They don't do it so much now. If they did it to my daughter right now, I wouldn't freak out... IMO this is kinda dramatic..
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9 Mar 2011, 12:33
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
why do teachers think kids would pass on notes about how they're shit at life to their parents? how about MAIL THE DAMN NOTE or CALL the fucking parents? if it makes the kid stop being a little shit, then fine, but why not just go to the parents rather than this bullshit?
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9 Mar 2011, 14:39
Meghans Follie
Post Count: 433
while i see nothing really wrong with her doing this... in this day and age - how hard is it to collect parents email addresses at the start of the yr and then email the parent... I am in constant email contact with all the teachers at the jr hgh my oldest goes to, as well as my youngest daughters teacher. rarely does anything come home on paper anymore at my kids schools here
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9 Mar 2011, 16:17
Post Count: 53
I think people in general, but parents especially, choose to get upset over way too many things. People blow things way out of proportion and completely overreact. If the kid's too irresponsible or untrustworthy to carry a note home, this seems like a logical solution; it gets the note home, and it teaches the kid that he can't get away with hiding notes, or teaches him that he'd better pay more attention or he'll suffer slight embarrassment. Parents are way too protective of their kids' feelings these days, which is one of the reasons kids are so self-centered.
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9 Mar 2011, 19:08
Post Count: 322
@Avonlea@ITW: I have to disagree. I think that by shaming our kids and embarrassing we create a self esteem issue and make them hate school, which causes even further issues for years and years down the road. My daughter has hated school since first grade. If something like this happened, I'd never get her to enjoy school again. I really think that in Elem. school kids should still ENJOY going to school rather than despise it and their teacher. If it were me, I'd never feel comfortable talking to my teacher about anything again for fear she'd embarrass me.
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10 Mar 2011, 00:47
Post Count: 72
As far as teachers go-I think the first solution to the problem should have been to call the parent. Whatever happened to parent-teacher conferences? Or even, mail a note. Some parents aren't easy to get along with, so perhaps the parent in this case was hateful to the teacher as well and this was the teacher's revenge...

However, we all know how some parents can't handle the truth, and they can't handle someone telling them their precious angel is a rude, inconsiderate jerk with no respect for anyone. Or even, your child isn't getting his work done..even saying something like that is extremely offensive to some parents.

Some little kids are monsters.

Personally, if my son came home with a note stapled to his shirt, I'd ask him what he did to deserve it..if he was disrespectful to the teacher, I would hope it would embarrass him. If it did, it's a hard way to learn a lesson, but sometimes that's what it takes..

Parents are so quick to jump on someone for 'wronging' their child. Which I would, if I felt my child was actually harmed. This-I'd probably laugh about it. It's not going to cause the child to need therapy. If it did, we'd have a lot more children in therapy. Every single one of them.

Now, if the staples actually scratched the child's skin..or something like that..then yeah, I'd be pissed..but just a note on his shirt..who really cares?

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10 Mar 2011, 01:07
Post Count: 751
Honestly if the child's behavior was that terrible she should have called the parent, requested a parent teacher meeting or something. If she can't handle the situation any better than that then she obviously shouldn't be a teacher.
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10 Mar 2011, 01:10
.Blue Bella.
Post Count: 743
Call it the 'little shit' in me... but I would have just pulled the note off haha.
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10 Mar 2011, 02:23
Miss Ice Fingers
Post Count: 27
That's exactly what I was thinking. A staple is hardly difficult to remove. If the kid is that intent on his parent not seeing the note, I don't think stapling it to his clothes is really going to solve the problem.
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10 Mar 2011, 09:50
Post Count: 1096
If you can't be bothered to raise your children properly you cannot complain when someone else is left to discipline them, if anyone believes that teachers don't need to discipline their students maybe they should try being a teacher for just one day.
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10 Mar 2011, 19:19
Jessica [Private]
Post Count: 1751
@Transit: Thank you! There are maybe like... five sets of parents who even mildly CARE in most schools, out of like ~30 kids? That's a lot of shit for that teacher to deal with.
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11 Mar 2011, 20:25
Post Count: 19
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10 Mar 2011, 17:17
Post Count: 492
I remember a few papers pinned to and I remembered hating it. I took it off ha ha. The teacher should of called his mother instead. I know if a teacher did that to me I wouldn't feel comfortable talking or asking her for help.
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12 Mar 2011, 17:02
Post Count: 7
Even though (when I have kids) I would rather the teacher call me or email me about my child's behavior (*especially when we get approved to foster and send our foster children to school), I would giggle a little if there was a note pinned to my child. I've never had this done or heard of it before. Kinda creative IMO. But I would probably call the teacher and ask why they didn't just call me and set up a conference.

*I say especially when I foster, since we've been warned that a lot of foster children need extra help in school and I plan on being extra involved to make sure they stay on track.
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13 Mar 2011, 04:30
Post Count: 12
lol. someone should really reword this because i thought they meant that the child had a note literally stapled on him. i don't quite understand why some people are up in arms about this because lets face it, kids can be little shitheads these days, i see it all the time where i go to work/school. though with all the technology we have now i find it odd that the teacher didn't just call the mom because obviously i'm sure the kid is bright enough to take the note off himself.

quite honestly if that were me i don't think my mom would have been upset, she probably would have asked me what i did and why i did it.

i think people tend to overreact these days because to be honest i'm sure it's not going to be detrimental to the child if the teacher happened to staple a note on his/her shirt. people are way too worried about disciplining kids these days.

p.s. meesa, i love you.
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16 Mar 2011, 00:29
Winged Centaur
Post Count: 301
I imagine that gathering the contact information for 30 sets of parents can be especially hard for teachers of small children. The children themselves most likely don't know the information, so a note of some sort has to be sent home to get the information, and then there's no guarantee that the parents will send the information back with their children. Meanwhile, a kid is having problems of some sort. For small children, the faster the discipline, the faster the problem can be solved. So even if the teacher has managed to gather the contact information, there's no guarantee that the teacher will be able to reach that person on the phone . It seems like a lot of extra work and stress for a teacher when a note can be simple and safely stapled onto a kid's shirt. And then the parent can read and respond to the note in their own time frame that evening. It's the simplest solution ever.
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