![]() Giggle ![]() Post Count: 279 |
OMG on your first day! Now that's literally a 'horror' story =P
![]() love♥nik ![]() Post Count: 1010 |
.... That's totally not what I was expecting. O_O Defintely time to go home yo.
![]() Transit Post Count: 1096 |
It is very rare that we got an angry/rude customers at work, but then again nearly everyone is always polite and do the correct things when helping/serving the customers. I remember once though a supervisor had been transfered to our store and was on all of my shifts, we had basically been told to be as lazy as possible as they wanted a legal reason to sack him, then one da a guy stole something, I'm not sure what it was. Jai the supervisor chased him down the shop and down and alley, bad choice! The guy then punched him chased him back into te shop and Jai was such a pussy he had to lock himself in the office, I think he survived like a week after that.
![]() love♥nik ![]() Post Count: 1010 |
Wait, so your manager knew that they were trying to sack him and he told all of you to be lazy? Why was he giving them a reason? XD
![]() Transit Post Count: 1096 |
Because it is illegal to sack someone without going through proper procedures so he needed a way to give him the correct amount of warnings and such.
![]() & skull. Post Count: 1701 |
here's one from today ;D
i work at a liquor store. this woman came in and wanted to get some flavoured soda and vodka cans. she mixed some of the flavours together and attempted to buy it as a six pack, which we don't do. you have to buy flavours in a straight six. well this pissed her right off! apparently one of the floor staff had told her it was ok to mix the flavours, but it's totally not and sometimes the floor staff think it is, because we do mix a few other products. it happens, simple mistake. instead of being polite, she absolutely lost her shit. started yelling at the top of her lungs that "that fucking guy told me it was ok! i've done it before! this is bullshit! i want to see your fucking manager!". so we called him up and she made a bee line for him. i felt so bad for my manager lol. you could seriously hear this chick through out the store, which is massive i might add. all the other customers were collectively laughing and shitting themselves at the same time. one even said to me that she hoped the woman didn't have a weapon on her. she left the store yelling to someone in a car, her boyfriend it turned out, then she came back in with him. only this time she was a lot quieter and the boyfriend was giving her the eye. i think he may have heard her causing all this commotion, and was not happy. was great for me though because when she appeared in my line i didn't have to deal with her screaming. she just handed over the money and left. lol. everyone was seriously laughing at this woman. customers were like: "doesn't she realise how embarrassing her behaviour is? she'll be kicked out if she keeps it up" i just responded that ironically, if she was nice about it we probably would've sold them to her cheaper. we don't respond to aggression. another, not so much horror story, but amusing one, was this guy trying to return a bottle of wine he bought two years ago. he couldn't remember which of our stores he'd bought it from, and he didn't have a receipt. not that that would've mattered. we did replace it i believe, but still. if i bought some wine two years ago and found it to be gross, i'd chuck it out. not attempt to get a refund. |
![]() love♥nik ![]() Post Count: 1010 |
Fuck ppl are retarded. Srsly. And wth does he think he's fooling trying to return old wine?!?! Jesus. |
![]() omg it's jessica! Post Count: 92 |
I work as a vendor, through a merchandising company. Basically, I'm an independent contractor and I go do random jobs. My least favorite is TNR, The New Release or The Movie Cube. Those DVD machines you see in Krogers and HEBs? I stock and do maintenance on those. It's pretty ridiculous...but last week, I had a lady at a customer service counter at one of the HEBs call me over...while I'm working...to talk to her co-worker on the phone.
This lady tells me that I need to refund her $150. While seeing a man walk up and mess with my machine and the five weeks of new movies I have ready to to load (because it's been down a month), I'm trying to tell the lady to call customer service. She says she has, she can't get through. They won't answer "for me. They don't pick up when I call." Mhm. Okay. So I tell her there's not a lot I can do as I'm not an employee of TNR, simply a contracted merchandiser. She tells me that she had called when the machine broke the first time (about 2 months ago), and returned the movies that way - they read her movies, dates rented, and CC number back to her over the phone. Said she'd be charged X days for X days of rentals. So okay. I ask her if she has the confirmation numbers that they gave her so I can give them to my boss, even though neither of us work for TNR. Mhm. "Well, no I don't have them, because they told me they'd been returned and I didn't think to keep them because it was two months ago, and I've been charged over $150 for four movies, and I was overdrawn from my credit card because of these charges and I couldn't make some payments on bills on time, and this is just unacceptable." Mhm. Okay. So now somebody ELSE is messing with my machine. GREAT. They're getting mad that it's "locked" while receiving signals for the new movies that need to go into the machine. Cool. After 20 minutes on the phone, I tell her to call customer service and that there's not a lot I can do. "But I over-drew, that's a lot of money and it was only four movies!" Yes, but if a movie is rented out for 14 days, the movie is essentially sold to the renter. $1 a day only applies through day 13 - after 14 days, you get charged $35 plus tax. Per movie. "But I couldn't pay some bills on time and I work in this store and customer service never answers when I call!" That was fun. |
![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
I have previously worked in Waterstone's (big chain of very middle class bookstores in the UK) and a pub, as both a waitress and bar maid. I haven't really had any horror stories per se, but I just got fed up of working with the public. I still can't believe how rude some people are.
I now work in childcare and whilst I won't be there for the rest of my life, it's nice to have a break from being yelled at because someone doesn't like their meal! |
![]() That.Darn.Miranda. Post Count: 12 |
Here's one none of y'all would want to happen to you.
I worked at a store that sold women's underwear. It was a Saturday during the Christmas season, so it was really busy in the store. This lady came in and wanted to buy some bras that were on sale 3 for $15. She didn't want to pay that so she freakin' tried to BARTER with us. She said she'd pay $11 and give us some coupons she had for the foodcourt! lol. I promptly told her that we couldn't accept that, and that she'd have to pay the $15 like everyone else. She asked to try the bras on, so I let her into our big dressing room. She was the only one we let in to that dressing room that day. That night when we were straightening the store...one of the girls who worked there was all "What is that horrible smell?"...so we searched around, and finally ended up back in the big dressing room. The skanky woman had pooped right there in our dressing room, then smeared it on the wall. I seriously freaked out. And totally pulled rank over the other girl that worked there and made her clean it up. lol |
![]() love♥nik ![]() Post Count: 1010 |
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 WTF?!?!?!!??!!?!?! Srsly!!!! Just the bartering thing is bad enough!!!!! But the poo?!?! OMFG. @_@ *turns green* |
![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
Hmm sounds like she has some mental problems!!!
![]() Toffee Sprinkles Post Count: 87 |
I sell coffee.
One day, a lady came in and had a complaint about an espresso machine she purchased. She said it was "broken" because her beverages didn't taste like ours, and she wanted to know how to fix it. One of my co-workers proceeded to tell her what SHE thought was the way to fix it, so I jumped in and told the lady that's how we fix the OUR machines, and that what my co-worker told her might not work for HER machine. The lady started getting angry and wanted to know why I wouldn't help her, and I told her we are NOT TRAINED to handle equipment maintenance. I told her if the espresso machine was broken, she should check the user's manual for a troubleshooting guide, and if that didn't fix her problem, she needed to call the manufacturer and see if it was covered under a warranty, or if they'd send her a replacement. I even went as far as telling her she could google the problem and see if anyone else had the same trouble as her, but that wasn't enough. She went on and on about how I was supposed to know how to fix her espresso machine and that I wasn't providing the customer service she was used to getting because I gave her several pieces of advice, and she didn't want to take any of it. Eventually, she threatened to kick my ass, and left the store. That same night, I went out to my car after work and my windshield, mirrors, door, and tires were all COVERED in ice cream. I know she did it, and I know she knows I know she did it. I think she's afraid I'll poison her or something because she's been extremely nice to me since then. |
![]() omg it's jessica! Post Count: 92 |
It's people like her who should never be allowed to drink coffee. Ever.
![]() love♥nik ![]() Post Count: 1010 |
Aw Jude. I remember when that happened. @_@
Bleh. |
![]() Me, I'm Not ![]() Post Count: 93 |
I would call this a horror/humor story. At my current job, I work with truck drivers. I know a majority of them because my boyfriend is their boss. One day, one of the drivers came in wearing the company's shirt, but it was dark purple. I wanted that shirt and I had made a joke about it. The driver proceeded to strip the shirt of and hand it to me, jokingly of course. This man has bigger boobs than I do, it was a disturbing sight, but it was friggin' hilarious.
And one more.... I use to work at Flying J *truck stop*. They were doing construction on the showers and someone failed to mention not to sell shower 3, because it was the next to be torn down. There was a driver getting dressed when they put a sledge hammer through the wall. I was about to go into one of the other showers to clean it when the door to shower 3 flew open with a half naked (disturbing sight once again) driver. He threw the shower chair at me, got in my face and called me all kinds of names. I yelled back of course and told him to back off or I would crush his skull with my radio. I was serious too. He back off, got dressed, got a refund and left. That was only my second night working by myself. |
![]() Lauren. Post Count: 885 |
Oh, this is fun! I work as a hospital biller. Unless one has worked in said situation, one cannot IMAGINE the BS that billers get daily. I am the first person in patient accounting that any patients get to talk to. I get yelled at daily because of the following:
A.) Medicare sucks. In 1998 in hopes of lessening amounts spent by Medicare yearly, they made budget cutbacks. One of the main cutbacks was that they will deny any and all "self administered" drugs on an outpatient basis. This basically means if someone who has Medicare (maybe you should know the main qualification for Medicare is being 65+ years old) comes to our Emergency Room and has a pain pill, that pain pill is going to cost $28 (or, ya know, they could have a 500MG antibiotic that is $120 per pill) and Medicare isn't going to pay for it. A pill, patch, cream, inhaler, some injections - ANYTHING Medicare deems "self administered", you're going to pay for, because even if you pay out the butt for a secondary like AARP, secondary insurances will not pay for anything denied by the primary. So I get pissed off 93 year old men calling me and telling me I'm lying and pocketing their money myself and threatening to sue me. Because yes, I can screw Medicare over and pocket that money. I'm JUST that good. B.) Our prices are high. Okay, and? I don't see why people seem to think that they let ME, the girl who answers the phone, set the freaking prices. Really, I just sit down and say "Hey, this person had an albuterol inhaler! Let me charge them $75!" And then "Oh, and THIS person TOO had an albuterol inhaler, but their last name sucks, so I'll charge them $100!" Yes. I have been accused of this. OR I get the asshats who decide to tell me that if they were Mexican, they wouldn't be paying for it. And people think that we have different prices for different folks. Example: Patient: So you're telling me it costs $300 to put a splint on my finger!? Me: Yes, sir. Patient: What if I didn't have insurance? Me: What do you mean? Patient: What would you charge me if I hadn't had insurance. Me: *confused* Er... $300. Patient: And if I had Medicare? Me: ....$300. Patient: And if I had Medicaid? Me: THREE. HUNDRED. DOLLARS. IS IT REALLY THAT HARD OF A CONCEPT TO GRASP? We don't make up different prices for different folks. It's all the same! C.) We have NOTHING to do with what you end up paying. Absolutely nothing. We bill your insurance, they process the claim, they send us an Explanation of Benefits telling us what they paid and what to charge you. So if you paid your $100.00 co-pay in the ER and now are being billed by us for $200.00 more, thats your INSURANCES fault. No, we can't fix it. Take it up with them. They're generally as big of jerks to us as they are to you. D.) I get people every single day to tell me their sob story and ask me to write off their bill. "I'm not working right now, I'm living off of child support, I have no money to pay this bill." And what do you want me to do about that? YOU are the idiot that came to the ER for something as stupid as a headache or toothache or congestion, you got treated, you pay up. There is no if and or but about that situation. I'm not going to just ERASE the bill because you're sitting in front of me with your designer purse and your nails done because you aren't working. Cry about it. I love my job, really..... ;-D. |
![]() Fiat Post Count: 288 |
About point B....I think I know why those folks are asking. A lot of times if a medical office sees you're insured, they'll charge you more since they KNOW they can weasel the money out of your insurance. If you're self-employed scum like my family and don't have insurance, then they tend to charge a more reasonable amount. Now this isn't the case with ALL doctor's, but it was definitely the case with our oral surgeon!
![]() Lauren. Post Count: 885 |
It isn't that they charge a more reasonable amount, it's that they give you a self pay price which is at a considerable discount. We do that as well if it's a scheduled service (such as a surgery or procedure or even delivering a baby), but if it's an ER visit, we can't give a discounted price beforehand because we don't know what all will be done. Does that make sense? Of course after the ER visit we will offer a pay in full discount, but there aren't different prices for different circumstances which is what some people seem to believe!
![]() Fiat Post Count: 288 |
I worked for my family's business in high school. On Thursdays, it was my job to run credit card numbers for our regular weekly customers. We keep all the credit card numbers in an excel database. Info is stored in columns...L to R is name, address, card number, expiration date. Well, I highlighted the credit card number column to make it easier to read on the computer monitor. Apparently I unknowingly "sorted" them from least to greatest without realizing it - basically rearranging the card numbers from their designated row.
I then proceeded to run over fifty credit card orders...to the wrong people. Luckily my mom was my boss or I would have been in HUGE trouble. We were on the phone with Visa ALLL night sorting out the problem. Eventually they reversed all the charges. I fixed the database by closing the window and not saving the changes. However, many of the poor people who I charged called us when they saw the reversal on their statement. Some were not happy. Haha! Oh boy, I still can't believe I did that! |