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Discussion Forums » Layouts and Coding
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Help with autoparagraph
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6 Jan 2011, 21:55
Post Count: 27
So I have used a new layout and love it.. there was a massive gap at the top though and thought I had solved that with turning autoparagraph off.. but then in the entry writing its squished everything together.. is there a simple code I can use to space that out correctly but keep from having the annoying gap at the top? Sorry if this is really simple, I am useless at this stuff.
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7 Jan 2011, 07:42
Jessica [Private]
Post Count: 1751
You can use bloop:lockcode to turn off autoparagraphs in certain parts of the code without using it in the whole entry.
I've got a tutorial up on it at project service... HERE!

That or if you just want to turn off autoparagraphs for the whole entry, you can use line breaks to space out your text.

I personally think using bloop:lockcode is easier.

Just leave a comment on the Project Service entry if you need help with it at all :)
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7 Jan 2011, 18:47
Post Count: 279
Just type < br > < br > between paragraphs but without the spaces.
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7 Jan 2011, 20:13
Jessica [Private]
Post Count: 1751
or you could just use < p > without the spaces ;)
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7 Jan 2011, 20:25
Post Count: 279
That would save an extra couple of seconds! Yay ;D
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