![]() Bellatrix Lestrange ![]() Post Count: 234 |
Have you seen Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 yet?
Are you planning on seeing this epic film? If you've seen it already, what are your thoughts on it? SPILL! (: |
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
Had I known that hardly anything happened in this movie, I would have waited until the next part came out and just watched them both in one sitting. (Hello, a five hour harry potter movie? That would be amazing!)
If you haven't seen the movie - don't read the rest of this post. . . . I was very disappointed in the movie overall. Minus the scene at Malfoy Manner... nothing really happened. It was all them just running around and arguing. Although Dobby dying did have me sobbing hysterically. (He was my favorite. Through the whole movie I got so happy every time he popped in.) The lot of us walked out of the theater asking what REALLY happened in the two and a half hours of movie. They got the one Horcrux and destroyed it... that's really it. |
![]() Chris Post Count: 1938 |
@Jessica: Yeah. That's what happened in the book.
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
@ Anon: Yes, I know. I've read/have the book. Doesn't make the movie any less crap.
![]() Chris Post Count: 1938 |
@Jessica: Don't really know what you were expecting. It was like 400 pages of camping and arguing.
![]() Chris Post Count: 1938 |
Fan. Fucking. Tastic. Cried my eyes out when Dobby died.
Highlight for spoiler. |
![]() love♥nik ![]() Post Count: 1010 |
I don't really get how that's a spoiler if you've read the book. I had ppl freaking out on my fb over other ppl saying certain things happened and I'm going... YOU READ THE BOOK!!! Granted it's spoiler b/c if you haven't seen the film you don't really know where it ends but... Idk. I don't really get how it's spoiler. *not really meant to be ranting on you, I just got annoyed at ppl on fb xD
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
@noobs: I think people expect the movie to be different? I'm not sure. I just know there are a lot of people who haven't read the books but are in love with the movies... so I'm not going to ruin it ;D
![]() Bellatrix Lestrange ![]() Post Count: 234 |
@love♥nik: People were going crazy that others were "spoiling" DH for them - on Twitter & Facebook, etc. - and it's so pointless of them to be going crazy. There's a simple solution for them... READ THE DAMN BOOK! xD
![]() DarkKitsune Post Count: 1 |
I saw it on Friday morning. I really wanted to go to the midnight premier but my husband's work schedule messed that up. Like all the movies there were changes in it but I enjoyed it. There were scenes that made me cry even though I knew what to expect because I'd read the book. This one was probably my favorite of all the Harry Potter movies. I won't be sure of that till July when part 2 comes out.
![]() .Ban.Ignorance. Post Count: 180 |
I've seen it :) I loved it! I haven't read the books though so I have nothing to compare it to.. I've heard that the movies leave A LOT out from the books.. A LOT a lot.. and there were two times during this movie that I was a little confused but I really enjoyed it :)
![]() Aubrey; ![]() Post Count: 377 |
@BanIgnorance - Yeah, the movies have to leave a lot out from the books, because the books are just so darned long! Lol, I don't mind, though - not everything is made to be put on film. I like them both (the movies and the books) as separate entities.
Sadly, I'm behind on the movies... last one I saw was number 5 - Order of the Phoenix? Read all the books, though. |
![]() starsmaycollide Post Count: 408 |
Loved it, but knew I would-I absolutely love what Yates has done with his movies, and I wish very much that he had done them all from the beginning (even though I also enjoyed Cuaron's style in the 3rd one, I was not a fan of Columbus or Newell.)
It was very faithful and fulfilled everything that was needed to in order to lead up to the finale. Very satisfying. I also think the trio has grown tremendously-Emma Watson did especially well in this one. |
![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
@ stars may collide: I totally agree about Emma. In a lot of ways this really is Hermione's movie and I'm glad she did the character justice.
![]() & skull. Post Count: 1701 |
i still haven't seen half blood prince. i kinda lost interest.
![]() Bellatrix Lestrange ![]() Post Count: 234 |
Oh, don't lose interest!
Deathly Hallows is quite amazing, actually! VERY different to all the other films. Epic torture scene at the end *chuckles* |
![]() & skull. Post Count: 1701 |
harry's not my thing. i grew up on narnia. the voyage of the dawn treader's out soon.
![]() .Ban.Ignorance. Post Count: 180 |
Dec 10th! i'm super excited
![]() Bellatrix Lestrange ![]() Post Count: 234 |
I love Narnia!
I'm definitely going to see that film when it's released D: |
![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
@ & skull: I grew up on Narnia too, and still love them (I'm looking forward to Dawn Treader) but the Harry Potter books are better. They're also not young childrens books (well except the first three) quite like the Narnia ones are.
![]() & skull. Post Count: 1701 |
~RedFraggle~ i don't like harry potter because there's way way way too much detail. i stopped reading goblet of fire before the dream he was having at the start was even over. to be honest, i don't think much of rowling. she's better than meyer, but i really don't see the big deal behind her. my dad read the books, but he skipped chunks of what he felt was unnecessary detail. i ended up just wiki'ing them all because i cou;dn't get myself to read them any more. i prefer my books to be simpler. which is why i liked narnia a whole lot more. still has enough detail to create the world in my head, but doesn't bog me down with crap.
![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
@& skull: I think the detail is needed in the books. I'm not usually a fan of books with detail, but with the HP books it allowed me to create this scene in my mind which, like I said before, translated to the screen almost exactly as I imagined it. That takes some talent, to get everyone imagining the same scene.
I can't believe you just put Rowling and Meyer in the same sentence. Oh god! There is NO COMPARISON. Meyer's characters are poorly developed, whiny bitches. Rowling's characters are strong and 3-dimensional. Meyer created a story that has been done over and over more or less. But Rowling's creation was something completely new and out of this world. There's a reason she had such difficulty getting it published; nobody had seen anything like it before and didn't think it would sell. |
![]() & skull. Post Count: 1701 |
@acid fairy: i know meyer is far worse than rowling, but i still don't see the huge fan fare over either of them. meyer wrote a self insert sex fantasy, which is full of horrible grammar and bad examples for kids to follow. rowling's writing is better and has better morals, but i honestly think there's so much unnecessary shit in her series that i just can't read them.
![]() Bellatrix Lestrange ![]() Post Count: 234 |
Curiousity: Like, what kind of unnecessary shit?
![]() & skull. Post Count: 1701 |
@Bellatrix Lestrange: i haven't read the books beyond azkaban so i won't claim to know anything, but in goblet of fire i didn't even get past the dream sequence at the start. in movie it took under two minutes. that whole thing about the old guy and blah blah. i just thought "if she's putting this much background detail into a fucking dream he's having then i'm done with this". dad has confirmed that he feels the book is over detailed with things that don't really matter to the main plot and he and i share a similar taste in books so i'll take his word for it.