![]() ♥ jes ![]() Post Count: 135 |
I wasn't sure what thread to stick this in, so I just stuck in general.
Anyways, I have a Toshiba that I bought in 2009 & I've had a ton of problems with it. As of now, it needs a new screen & a new battery. I'm sure I'm looking at around $600 to fix the whole computer, & I paid about $900 for it. So, I'm trying to decide between buying a new laptop, or keeping my Toshiba. A friend has suggested a Dell Studio 17 or a HP Envy. I've been looking into a MacBook, but that's about $1500 at least & I'm not sure if I want to spend that much - especially when I've always owned a PC. I would like to know what laptop brands you guys like. Pros & Cons you've experienced with both kinds. Thanks. :] |
![]() Luvvy Post Count: 21 |
Personally I would go with the HP Envy and buy an extended warranty for it.
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
I personally don't use a laptop - I'm a desktop girl.
But, I can tell you that when I worked for geek squad, we saw back more Toshibas and waaay more HPs than anything else. I hear really great things about MacBooks, but it's definitely different. My friend has one, and it runs really smoothly. He's in love with it. I didn't see very many Dells (I think maybe five, tops.) but that's most likely because at the time they had JUST started selling them in stores, and the people who bought them offline were usually able to fix them themselves...well that and you can get really good deals through dell if you have a business account (like meeee!) So personally I'm a Dell girl. But I wouldn't knock the HP, I'd consider buying one if/when I get a laptop. I wouldn't get a MacBook out of preference, I think it takes a certain type of person to like a MacBook ;D |
![]() .Broken Angela. Post Count: 114 |
I love my HP..I had two dell desktops past couple years and both have crashed. The one that last crashed I only had for a year. So im against Dell. Defently if it has windows Vista on it.
![]() Mami 2 ♥ 1 Post Count: 361 |
i had a dell inspirion a few years back and it lasted for all of a year. i have had my hp for about 3 years and havent had any problems with it it except the battery died and unless it is on the charger it doesnt work. but it isn't that big of deal to me. i paid for a new charger and it works just fine.
![]() ♥ jes ![]() Post Count: 135 |
I've hard better things about Dells then I have HPs. I think it's all a matter of opinion. I'm looking into the Dell Studio 15, or the HP Envy14. I haven't decided between the two.
![]() Aubrey; ![]() Post Count: 377 |
Consumer Reports (yes, I read Consumer Reports! LOL!) says that MacBooks always do great in their tests. But I can't stand Macs, so I wouldn't know personally.
I've had two Dells and an HP... I personally like Dell. I've had my current one for more than a year and it still runs fine for the most part! |
![]() already gone. ![]() Post Count: 153 |
I have a Dell Inspiron 1525 (in spring green :P) and love it. I've had it for going on two years. My only problem is the battery doesn't last that long if it's not on the charger, but I can live with that.
![]() Poetic Justice Post Count: 229 |
I suppose it would depend on what you need it for. I have an Asus, and I haven't had any real problems with it. I can't recall how long I've had it (2 1/2 years tops), but the only semi-problem I've noticed is that recently (within the last month or so) it has started to overheat and freeze, but it ONLY does it when I'm playing World of Warcraft with the laptop on my lap, not when it's on the table and getting proper ventilation. So that's kind of an obvious fix, it just stands out in my mind because it never did it before. This computer has always run a little hot, though.
I suppose I would also recommend Lenovo Thinkpads, although I don't own one myself. My boyfriend has one, and he's had it for a long time now. He does everything with it, and it's never given him any problems whatsoever. But then again, he is a 'computer guy', so even if he did, he'd hardly notice. |
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
@Poetic Justice: hahaha, WoW crashes my graphics card. (or the drivers? I'm not sure what the correct name is.) and makes my brother's laptop overheat.
I've just decided the game is evil. ;) |
![]() Miss Post Count: 239 |
WoW killed the graphics card on my desktop. had to replace it D:
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
I'm still amused people are even playing it.
WOTLK Got hella boring and I stopped playing it last December. |
![]() Miss Post Count: 239 |
I actually really like WOTLK, a lot more than BC. I have mixed feelings about cata though, I hope it's good but I have a feeling it'll be lame.
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
See, I completely LOVED BC. When WOTLK dropped I took my sweet time getting to 80, because none of the raids appealed to me. When I finally did I had all the top Holy Pally gear within a week, and I was back to being bored. One shotting all the raids the day after reset got extremely boring. All that was left was collecting pets (I had 105 when I quit playing.), getting rep for pets (I already had all the factions for gear at revered.), and fishing up the sea turtle (got that after three days of fishing). There was just...nothing to do.
I even tried going Alliance for awhile, but it completely sucked, and I went back to Horde after about a month. I had a lot of fun in BC. I met all my friends there, and we always had something to do. I miss the giant PVP battles on the Sunwell Isle ;D I liked Vanilla a lot more though. After my guild cleared through Black Temple (number 2 on the server ;) After Exodus...but they were #1 US Horde at the time, we didn't stand a chance lol!) we were always going back and doing the old raids for fun. |
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
You know... your post totally showed up in my message. I only read the first line about you being an alliance mage.
To that I say BOO. ;D Gnome? I have a gnome mage named bubblegum on my friend's alliance server (For Arenas lol!). Her hair is pink. ^_^ I have a horde mage too on the same server as my paladin. Her name's Fireprincess rofl. I loves it! I get all the cool names and everyone hates me. My pally is a blood elf named Liadrin. She's even got gear named after her ;) |
![]() Miss Post Count: 239 |
why is this not working? hrm |
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
Forums don't let you post the carrots (the little arrow things)
I'd link mine, but it just tells you my armory is inactive since I haven't played in so long :( Makes me sad, her gear was flipping amazing. My mage's was meh. She had all epics but... they were like Naxx epics lol ;D |
![]() ♥ jes ![]() Post Count: 135 |
The place my mom works, which is a golf resort, they all use Lenovo's. I had never heard of that brand before, so I wasn't sure what it was all about.
It'd mostly be for personal use - internet & music, pretty much. |
![]() Poetic Justice Post Count: 229 |
Lenovos may be a little pricey for that, then. But they're cheaper than a Mac, so if you were looking at one of those, I could be wrong lol.
@Jessica: WoW is evil! I'm not one of those 'hardcore gamers' (for instance, most people can get their characters from level 1-80 in a few weeks. I've had my account for 3 years and my main character just hit 70 a few days ago lol), so I use the game as more of a social outlet. To me, WoW is like Facebook with avatars. And Facebook is evil, so WoW must be too lol |
![]() .Amber. ![]() Post Count: 260 |
I love my Gateway NV53. It wasn't that pricey, it's fast, and I've never had any problems with it.
![]() Tam I Am Post Count: 311 |
I have a Dell Inspiron 1525 and I love it. I haven't had any major problems out of it. The biggest complaint I have is that the battery life off the charger is crap but other than that it's really good. I did have it fall off my lap and crack the screen but that was my fault and it was easy enough to replace. I've had it for about 2 years and plan on keeping it until I'm forced to get another one. If I do I'm going for an alienware computer cause i wanna get back into my gaming.
![]() Transit Post Count: 1096 |
I had a dell inspiron 1525 for about five months the disk drive broke and it started randomly turning itself off, the screen quality wasn't that great either, however we have had a dell desktop which never had any problems at all.
I had a HP entertainment laptop after a year the wireless broke and then a year after that it started turning itself off, the motherboard had failed and it turned out this was a very common problem with 'my' laptop, which is a great shame as it was a very good computer and it had a HD screen. It was a pavillion dv2000. Now I have a macbook, bog standard version I've had it for a year and a half and I'm yet to have any problems with it, the only thing is that my power cable has broken but that is my own fault really as I just leave it on the floor where everyone walks across it. |
![]() Simply Mom Post Count: 85 |
I have th Dell Stuido 17 and had nothing but problems with it after 3 months of owning it. I had to replace pretty much everything on it in the first year. Granted it was under warrenty but still. i would go with either the HP Envy or a Sony. My girlfriend has had her sony for a good 4 years and no issues with it. Hp i know is good. I'm looking for a new laptop and was thinking either Mac, Hp or Sony. More going for the Sony at the momment.