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Cloth Diapers.. which ones to use? Opinions
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21 Aug 2010, 03:11
Post Count: 180
I've decided to cloth diaper my baby (I'm due Jan 12th). I'm still researching diapers and all the information that comes with it but I think we've picked two that we are going to start off with.. the Flip and Best Bottoms.

Do any of you have experience with these diapers? They seem to be the most cost friendly and easiest to use. You put in an insert.. take it out.. wipe down the outter layer (for some diapers) and put in a new insert. With the others I've looked out Bumgenius and Fuzzibuns (spelling?) it seems like you have to buy more because you have to wash after each use.

anyway just looking for some opinions :)
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21 Aug 2010, 03:14
*Forever Changing*
Post Count: 847
We are buying from
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21 Aug 2010, 03:24
Post Count: 180
which diapers? I like what I'm hearing about the wool diapers..
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21 Aug 2010, 03:29
*Forever Changing*
Post Count: 847
We are buying the newborn package deal.
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22 Aug 2010, 20:32
Post Count: 56
A friend of mine on here (♥Lucky18) sells cloth diapers and has used a variety of them.

She knows a lot and would be able to answer questions you may have!
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21 Aug 2010, 03:39
*Forever Changing*
Post Count: 847
You should totally join Cafemom, they have tons of Cloth diaper groups on there and people who know more about it then me :)
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21 Aug 2010, 16:54
Post Count: 180
I'm a member of cafemom and didn't even think about looking there.. how silly! lol
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21 Aug 2010, 17:47
*Forever Changing*
Post Count: 847
I think the name of the group I am in is Cuties With Cloth Booties.
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21 Aug 2010, 03:50
Post Count: 134
I don't have children but I got curious and looked at some eco friendly re-usable diapers [Some of these are actually cute. They have colors and designs.]:
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21 Aug 2010, 06:32
.Blue Bella.
Post Count: 743
Also have a look on facebook... see if they have facebook pages as they sometimes do and sometimes have good specials.
Maybe seek out November Butterfly here on bloop as well, she's quite knowledgeable about cloth diapers.
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21 Aug 2010, 06:38
just samma;
Post Count: 204
There are TONS of cloth diaper makers. What you use depends on what you like. Everyone is different.
check out or
i belong to a forum & there is a ton of resources there.

just off the top of my head the more common ones are:
mothers ease
rad ragz
minky diaper change
urban fluff
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21 Aug 2010, 09:24
Post Count: 210
We used the two part nappies like you mention here :) I loved them, i found that i had less issues with leaking etc, we used the UK brand totsbots and (aussie i think) motherease, motherease do the best wraps EVER but they're not as cute as some are!! i've also used blueberry wraps but they don't fit too well on the motherease nappies (but fine on most others). I loved that you could match a wrap to the outfit for the day!
I don't know the brands you mention here, you might want to buy a couple of each and see how you go before buying a whole set of them. if they're one size they'll be big on a newborn anyway i should think.
The benefit to using pocket nappies though, is the fleece layer because it pulls the wetness away from baby's bum, the motherease etc just has the towelling that the baby is sitting in when wet until you change them. you can use fleece liners though :)

You'll want to have at least 5 wraps(outer).. probably more as you'll have days where you'll just have poo everywhere! and as many inner nappies as you can, the more the easier really, though they recomend minimum 15 (i had 24)

give me a shout by message if you have any questions!
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21 Aug 2010, 16:58
Post Count: 180
Wow this helps a lot! We plan on getting one or two pocket diapers to begin with but those aren't the 'main' ones we are getting. I've been trying to look for fleece liners to get but I also like what I'm reading about bamboo/hemp liners. Have you ever used any of those?

anyway.. thank you so much!
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21 Aug 2010, 20:09
Post Count: 210
not sure about bamboo or hemp liners, i know they do boosters for extra absorbancy though. the fleece liner is just a peice of fabric (you could get some yourself and cut them out its probably cheaper) and because the fleece doesn't absorb, the wetness goes right through it and keeps skin drier :)
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21 Aug 2010, 21:06
.Blue Bella.
Post Count: 743
Quite a popular brand in Australia at the moment are Itti Bitti's.
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