![]() Aubrey; ![]() Post Count: 377 |
If a Facebook friend posts something on their Facebook status that you don't agree with, how likely are you to post a reply?
Would you ignore it? How close do you think you should be to this person before posting a reply, if at all? If they're always posting things you don't agree with, but you get along with them otherwise (like, say you're drinking buddies, and they're fun to hang out with, but you don't agree with them on this one topic), would you keep them as a Facebook friend? Remove them? Block their statuses? If you have several people on your Facebook friends list that don't agree with your views, would you censor what you post in order to appease them? Or would you purposely post in order to cause discussion/argument? The reason I ask is that I never know at what point is it appropriate to comment on someone's status. I never know if they're looking for debate or for everyone to agree with them, or...? |
![]() Aubrey; ![]() Post Count: 377 |
(I also posted this in my diary here, but I wanted to see what more people thought).
![]() Lovin'MyLittles Post Count: 322 |
At first I tried not to.. but then I got tired of my MIL posting all this crap on her FB so I started posting it on mine. I was only ever worried about offending my DH's side of the family and since they feel they can post whatever they want, I post whatever I want. (His Mom is uber religious, anti abortion, anti gay, etc etc etc) so I constantly post things about women's rights and gay rights and encourage them etc. ;]
I won't censor it. It's my facebook. If you don't like it, click the "hide" button. |
![]() Lacey Post Count: 144 |
I think its your facebook, you can post whatever you want. There are consequences to your actions though and people may form opinions about what you say. And if your posting for the world to see you may get comments that you dont like, but its free speach and it goes both ways.
I tend to not relpy to people making stupid posts, because it gives them the attention they are trying to get. (had a friend start using Obama in place of the F bomb... ignored that) I also delete the people who ALWAYS post stupid things, or post 100000 times a day because it irritates me. I will reply to controversial things with my opinion if its obvious they are looking for a debate, but only if its an inteligent one. Pretty much I think common sense needs to be a key factor in facebook posts, dont post things you dont want everyone to know, dont say anything you cant back up... The one thing that irritates the hell out of me is seeing couples arguing over facebook status's your personal life is yours and your just trying to cause drama if you say stuff over status's like that and really nobody wants to read it. |
![]() lithium layouts. ![]() Post Count: 836 |
People can post whatever the hell they want. Swear words, opinions I find absolutely in opposition in mine, whatever. I don't care. They can do what they want! I won't block or defriend them - it would take a lot more than a stupid facebook status for me to do that.
![]() Lovin'MyLittles Post Count: 322 |
I also wanted to add this...
My brother (he is almost 21) had a big huge blow out fight with my Grandfather (yes.. my Grandfather has a facebook. Sigh.. you have no idea the amount of familial issues it has caused) because my brother used the "f bomb" on his facebook status. My Grandfather and he got into it via the facebook status and comments. My Grandpa got all bent out of shape and was threatening to disown my brother. He wanted my brother to "censor" his language on FB. My brother thought my Grandpa should just "deal with it". My MIL has also had some similar issues - though, not with my brother (I don't think). She got very upset because of people using curse words/foul language in their face book posts. My thoughts are this: You should use caution on your facebook when adding family members that you know are going to be "sensitive" to your language and or posts. Perhaps you should not add them. If you choose to add them, you should use caution with your face book updates and statuses. I know that cursing isn't such a big deal for some of us, but for the more older types - like MIL & FIL's similar to mine, and Grandparents - it's offensive and can cause family discord. It isn't worth it. I do agree that with every person's individual FB, they have a right to freedom of speech - and you can use that arguement, etc.. but sometimes it's just called being respectful to others. |
![]() Aubrey; ![]() Post Count: 377 |
@ Baby Makes Four -- I have a couple relatives that are "sensitive" to things like that - a religious aunt, for example, and I have actually blocked her from reading most of my updates.
That's the part, though, where I have trouble. Like, if they're family, I feel like I should accept them, because they're family. I also don't want to "hide" this part of me. But I also feel uncomfortable being the same as I would be in front of a group of friends. Generally, though, I don't find myself saying anything that would make other people awkward or uncomfortable on my Facebook page. (That's what my twitter's for! Lol) |
![]() Lovin'MyLittles Post Count: 322 |
I ended up doing this also - but only because my MIL was constantly commenting on any status update I had.. and I got tired of getting 20 comments a day from her. (Insert my big eye roll here)
I felt the same way also.. I felt that I should accept them because they're family, and I don't feel that I should have to hide anything. I once voiced distress over a play that we attended around Easter, and my Grandpa/Grandma saw it and were furious and were threatening to disown me because of it. @@ My Dad had to sit down and explain to my Grandpa that they were taking things way too seriously and to either get off of facebook or stop. |
![]() Designs by Jess Post Count: 27 |
I hate people who always comment on statuses.
Theres a couple friends I have, where I refuse to comment on their statuses or pictures because anytime I do, I get a hundred notifications the next time I log back on. Nope, won't even do it. |
![]() Lovin'MyLittles Post Count: 322 |
@Designs by Jess: Yep.. This is a problem I have also. I click "LIKE" and I get 30 emails notifying me of everyone else who commented. @@ I get tired of it so I stopped doing it. I used to get notified on my phone of every stinkin' update after I commented and I had to stop that, too. My phone was going off all the time. My MIL just would not stop so I had to hide things. I was getting downright pissed off at her about it.
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
@&baby; Haha, I've had a blackberry for the last two years, so you really can't stop notifications on it. I looked at my phone once, and saw I had 46 updates from facebook, because my friend had like six different conversations going on, on a status that I liked.
And then of course, I had this one friend who would tag me (as well as a ton of other people) in a picture of HERSELF just so they would see it and comment on it. The first two times I just untagged myself. But then she noticed and re-tagged me. I got so pissed off at her because then all those other people commented and it blew up my feed again >:| |
![]() Lovin'MyLittles Post Count: 322 |
@Jessica: I had to stop my email from going to my phone. I have a droid phone so I just didn't hook my email up this time. I got sick of my email going off like crazy. Shit was ridiculous. I could care less if your cousin, mom, brother, dad, and so on and so forth like the same status I did. I frankly think it's stupid that FB notifies you.lol
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
@baybayyy; droids tell you when people like statuses? my BB totally never did that. I always wanted it to, though lol. At least for MY statuses, not other peoples ;D
![]() Designs by Jess Post Count: 27 |
@andbabymakesfour: that right there is EXACTLY why I have my family in a special friends group and they can't see my status updates. ;D
![]() Lovin'MyLittles Post Count: 322 |
@Designs by Jess - YEP.. I ended up doing this also! ;)
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
@andbabymakesfour: haha, I was on the wrong diary! my bad.
I mainly did it because I have my nephew and his cousin on my Friends list, and they're 11 and 7. (Yeah I know, I have no idea why they have them. But my aunt keeps a close eye on them. They just go on for the games, aren't allowed to have pictures, and my aunt has to approve their friends lol. So I suppose its not so bad...but really whats the point? I don't get those kids ;D Always gotta be like us awesome older people.) I don't need them seeing my statuses with swear words and wall posts from my friends talking about how fucked up we were ;D |
![]() Lovin'MyLittles Post Count: 322 |
@Jessica: LOL.. dork ;] My daughter is on facebook. It's just games also. I got tired of her junking up my FB & my friends and family's FB with her games that she was playing. LOL. So I don't give her a password and I sign her in & out on her account and let her play for about 30-45 minutes every day or every few days. It's not a big deal for her. She does have friends and she does have pictures.. lol But yeah, I don't need her seeing that crap either so I make sure whoever is in her friends list is acceptable. My brother can sometimes put questionable things in his statuses so I have his "hidden" from her newsfeed. :)
MIL made a big fuss and a big status update about how she was deleting people who felt the need to cuss and blah blah blah and I was like why announce it like that? you can just hide them. duh. lol |
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
@andbabyyyy; I always think it's funny when grown people get so uptight about swearing. They've been around the block, they know the words exist, and they know people say them.
My dad is one of those. I have never heard anyone swear like him (And I worked at TWO different trucking companies!) when he gets upset I shit you not this man says stuff like "That fucking cocksucker, who the fuck does he think he is? Trying to fuck ME over like that. I told that cocksucker..." etc, etc. :| I can't tell you how many times he's gotten mad about something around my nephews/niece and I've had to literally cover their ears with my hands and pull them out of the room. The last thing I need is one of them to start saying "Cocksucker" like its a funny word. :| |
![]() Lovin'MyLittles Post Count: 322 |
@Jessica; Haha.. right. My MIL even curses once in a while. =X And then has the audacity to get pissy when people on her FB statuses cuss. Whatever. LOL
![]() .Amber. ![]() Post Count: 260 |
If we're not THAT close (drinking buddies definitely doesn't constitute close to me) I'd probably just delete them. And I actually just don't post my views on my facebook. My facebook is for netbooking, not view-venting.
![]() HorrorVixen XO Post Count: 869 |
post whatever u want, thats how i feel. u should never censor what's going on in your life or what you're doing!
![]() The Mama ![]() Post Count: 51 |
The only thing I really censor is throwing around swear words. I think when people have the F word every other word in their status its very immature and unnecessary, but if someone posts something controversial or something I dont agree with, I leave it alone. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.
Also, there is a feature on FB where you can hide people's statuses, so if they are bothering you that much just chose not to view them. Although, I want to point out, there ARE things you dont need to post on facebook, like for instance, if you are going to the bathroom. Or, if you are so drunk and decide to pronounce to the world something you KNOW you will regret later. No one really cares that "OMG man I'm soooo drunk I want to screw a lamp post" or "Wow, my deuce was so big it clogged the toliet for an hour". I mean, honestly, I really dont care. :) So, in that sense, please, consider sensoring those type of things. |
![]() Aubrey; ![]() Post Count: 377 |
@ The Mama - I am so lucky not to know the kinds of people that post about how drunk they are or other disgusting bodily functions!
I do generally leave it alone, but sometimes I am itching to answer but I don't want to lose a friendship over disagreeing. |
![]() The Mama ![]() Post Count: 51 |
LOL, I had one like that. I got really tired of hearing her ridiculous antics and just hid her.
![]() HorrorVixen XO Post Count: 869 |
i agree with THE MAMA.. we don't wanna know how drunk u r, how big ur crap is or who u'r gonna bone!!