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Anyone else got lots of commas on the main page?
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1 Jun 2010, 19:42
Post Count: 260
In most if not all of the titles of entries on the main page, I see commas where there should be spaces and it's making everything look expanded. Anyone else see this or is my computer effing up?
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1 Jun 2010, 19:44
Post Count: 1938
Yeah, I'm getting it too. How weird, yo.
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1 Jun 2010, 20:43
*Forever Changing*
Post Count: 847
Haha I thought people decided commas were better then spaces!
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1 Jun 2010, 21:38
Tommy Decentralized
Post Count: 506
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1 Jun 2010, 19:44
*amour de bebe*
Post Count: 235
Same here, must be a bloop bug :-\
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1 Jun 2010, 19:45
Post Count: 288
Me too!
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1 Jun 2010, 19:46
Hidden Depths
Post Count: 81
I was going to raise a ticket before I saw this thread... I'm sure they'll fix it.
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1 Jun 2010, 19:58
Post Count: 260
Whew, alright, LOL. Thought maybe I'd gotten a virus or something! =\
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1 Jun 2010, 23:45
HorrorVixen XO
Post Count: 869
im pretty sure it was b.c of prittiz(idk how to spell her dumbass name) fault.. she had another banaanaannananananananaaz entry...
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2 Jun 2010, 00:26
Jessica [Private]
Post Count: 1751
Nah, lots of entries stretch out the main page. I don't think that would cause it.
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2 Jun 2010, 00:40
HorrorVixen XO
Post Count: 869
idk.. i noticed it after her stupid entry title..
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2 Jun 2010, 00:53
Jessica [Private]
Post Count: 1751
Meh, I still doubt it.
If long entries made the frontpage go wonky, we'd have the frontpage screwed up a couple times a week.
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2 Jun 2010, 12:11
Post Count: 1779
It was because of prittii! She was experimenting, after seeing someone write an entry with lots of exclamation marks which stretched out the main page a little. Long entries with no spaces in apparently do mess up the main page. Most people's long entries have spaces in, which enable the next word to go onto a new line. But a long entry with no spaces causes the main page to widen.

This was a bug that was fixed at one point, but I guess there are problems with it again. Prittii was making the Bloop powerz aware! ;D Such a conscientious little bug spotter she is, yo! ;D Wonder if it's fixed now.
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2 Jun 2010, 12:15
LaYdEe pRiTtIi
Post Count: 11
awl fikst now. :) i bet the kommaz wer steev fiksing the bug. :)
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3 Jun 2010, 00:49
Jessica [Private]
Post Count: 1751
Hadn't thought of that!
Good point ;D
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2 Jun 2010, 16:24
Zombie Steve
Bloop Owner
Post Count: 110
I fixed it.
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3 Jun 2010, 01:23
HorrorVixen XO
Post Count: 869
lord have mercy, i need a redbull and vodka...
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