![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
This is something that has interested me ever since I saw that episode of Nip/Tuck, where this girl wouldn't sleep with Matt because his penis 'looked like an anteater'.
Now, being European, I have never slept with someone who is circumcised. It is not the done thing here. I just wondered why it is so popular in America, even outside of the Jewish community? I know there are the arguments about hygiene but honestly, how difficult is it to teach your kids to wash properly? Personally, I could think of nothing worse than mutilating my baby's penis. |
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
I've only known three people who were un-circ'ed. All were born in other countries.
I don't think that would ever stop me from sleeping with anyone. As for circumcising my baby, if my husband is circumcised, my children will be as well. I don't think I'd ever want to have to field the 'why does my penis look different than dads/my friends?' questions. I personally think that circumcised penises look a lot cleaner...but that's just a matter of preference. |
![]() *Forever Changing* ![]() Post Count: 847 |
I will circumcise my son for mainly religious reasons. It is something that is still done in many religions besides just the Jewish community. I will also circumcise him for personal reasons. Honestly, I put this decision in the hands of my husband, and he said he would like his son to be circumcised.
I dont look "down" at people who do not do it, nor would I ever think differently of them. Its a choice people have to make for their children, and if they believe its what is best, or its best not to, then they are doing right by my book. |
![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
What other religions believe in it?
![]() *Forever Changing* ![]() Post Count: 847 |
Any christian religion that still follows first testament laws and readings. Many African religions follow it as well. I am a mix between Luthern, Pentecostal, and Baptist, my husband is nondenominational, after speaking with my three pastors who have all basically been in charge of the churches I grew up in and speaking to our current pastor it is something that each christian needs to decide for themselves how they interpret the laws of the bible.
![]() Fiat Post Count: 288 |
Circumcision was a sign of the old covenant that God made with Abraham and his people. When Christ came, he did away with the old covenant and instated the new covenant. There is no reason for a Christian to circumcise nowadays unless it's simply a nod to old tradition. Simply put, it's not a Christian ritual.
![]() *Forever Changing* ![]() Post Count: 847 |
Actually christian curches take their own stance on it just like they take their own stance on laws in the first testament some churches still belive you have to follow those laws while others say that those laws don't matter anymore.
![]() Fiat Post Count: 288 |
I have never heard of a Christian church that values circumcision as a modern tradition. Can you point me to an example of one, preferably a statement of faith? Jesus' atonement was so significant. It literally fulfilled the Old Covenant and freed us from it's requirements. That's why it's so hard for me to believe that any Christian church would consider circumcision to be an arguable concept.
![]() *Forever Changing* ![]() Post Count: 847 |
All four of the churches we attened now or have attended in the past have told us it is neither condemned nor is it officially supported by them which is why we had to do seperate bible studies with each one. After those 4 bible studies we decided that our interpretation of the bible as well as our pastors supported circumcision.
![]() Fiat Post Count: 288 |
I would agree with the fact that it is not condemned or supported. But any church that requires it has a misunderstanding of the old and new covenant.
![]() Lovin'MyLittles Post Count: 322 |
I did a lot of research on circumcision when I was pregnant with my daughter, before I knew that she was a she. I decided after much, much research, that I would never allow my son to be circ'd. There just really isn't a medical reason for it, and most insurances refuse to pay for it because of the cosmetic reason versus the medical need. Thankfully my Hubby agrees. He agrees because, he feels that having a baby circ'd is depriving them of length, width, and sensation that they will appreciate when they're older.
![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
Well I did end up reading on Texts From Last Night that apparently handjobs are much easier to give when the bloke still has his foreskin ;D
I mean gosh, why change the way you were made? Foreskin must be there for a reason! |
![]() Lovin'MyLittles Post Count: 322 |
That's kind of how we feel... that it's there for a reason... wouldn't go chopping off your ear, would you? =D
![]() .Amber. ![]() Post Count: 260 |
My husband and I both agreed that our child would be circumcised if we had a son. And yes, for purely cosmetic reasons. I obviously don't criticize those who choose not to. However, cosmetic aside - I have met more men who are NOT circumcised that wish they WERE - than those who are glad they are not. (Religion aside, I'm speaking of non-Jewish, adult males).
*I'd* not be too worried about length or width like Steph is, though. An uncircumcised penis actually wouldn't have any more girth than a cir'd because the skin is so tight against the head, and the length would only be skin - so it wouldn't be felt as "extra length" anyhow.. And as far as sensation goes, one of my uncir'd friends actually hates the added sensation. You barely have to touch the head of his penis and he orgasms. He says it makes intercourse incredibly hard, and women tend not to be impressed. *chuckles* But everyone has their reasons - same as breastfeeding, cosleeping, etc etc. As long as we all agree to disagree it's never an issue! =) |
![]() Lovin'MyLittles Post Count: 322 |
I've slept with men with men who are circ'd (like Hubby) and men who aren't (an ex of mine). There is a difference, especially during intercourse.
*I* am not worried about length, etc - that's mainly where Hubby's issue is. My issue is the unnecessary procedure, it's painful, etc, etc. I've actually watched one being performed, and it is awful to watch. I wonder if your friend has some kind of other thing going on? I've slept with a few guys who weren't circ'd.. and honestly, there was never a problem like that! :) |
![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
We actually do a lot of circumcisions in the UK, mostly in Muslim children (usually when they are a few months old). And sometimes it is done for health reasons.
![]() Finally Mrs. Bailey Post Count: 181 |
It's an Islamic religious rite as well as Jewish, but not Christian. It is neither favored or opposed in most Christian churches. I happened to notice too, however, that it's extremely popular in America as opposed to European countries, and not just a Jewish thing anymore.
I've only slept with one uncut man, and he was born in another country, I believe Israel (he was half-Israeli, but I never got to know him that much). I know it can't be difficult to teach a child to wash properly, but sometimes kids (and even adults) can be lazy. It's important for them to keep their parts clean all the time, I read somewhere that it can cause diseases? *shrug* I guess anything can. My fiance is cut and I like him that way. It's not that I would be turned away by an uncut penis, as there can be many benefits to please an uncut man. The skin makes them more sensitive, and there's more things for the partner to do. I would have my son(s) circumcised if I had any, simply for personal preference. It's a simple operation done just after he is born, so I understand. |
![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
A simple PAINFUL operation done without anaesthetic (in America that is).
Out of interest... how would you feel if someone went at your vagina with a scalpel without an anaesthetic? |
![]() Finally Mrs. Bailey Post Count: 181 |
It would probably hurt at the time, but I'd be too young to remember it. And too young to understand.
![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
I've never understood that argument... how can it be OK to inflict pain on your child just because they won't remember it later? That's totally illogical! In that case, you'd be OK with someone taking a scalpel to your vagina then, as long as you didn't remember it afterwards?
Babies still experience it as pain at the time... it still distresses them (perhaps even more so than when an adult experiences pain because they don't understand it). |
![]() Fiat Post Count: 288 |
I don't get the whole "matching penises" thing. Why is that so important? In that situation, my husband would be like, "When I was a baby, my mom had the tip of my penis cut off. You're lucky." Also, a boy's penis will look different from Daddy's anyway in size and proportion.
I'm completely against circumcision. The painful procedure should be enough to deter parents. Also, it shouldn't be the parents' choice. That's a personal decision that only the person should make. If my (hypothetical) sons wish to be circumcised later in life, they can have the procedure done. But if they are circumcised, there's no going back. I know people who wish they were not circumcised. There's actually a procedure being developed that makes it possible to "regrow" a foreskin. Google it! |
![]() Me, I'm Not ![]() Post Count: 93 |
I definately agree, if my next kid is a boy, he will stay intact. I also believe it should be the son's choice, 100%.
![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
I agree on the matching penises thing, that to me is no justification at all for inflicting pain on your child (and it IS painful. We do an injection similar to an epidural on kids getting circumcised, and on one occassion the parents refused... the child woke up screaming his head off in pain) or subjecting them to the risks of a general anaesthetic.
I would personally not put my child through the risks for cosmetic reasons, and there's no evidence of any medical benefit. So I wouldn't have a child circumcised. And while I can't say I personally understand someone putting a child through that for religious reasons either, I can also respect that it is their religion, their beliefs and their choice. |
![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
Oh, and I feel the same way about ear piercing in babies and small children as that too is simply inflicting pain on a child for cosmetic reasons, and damaging their body in a way which they haven't had the chance to choose for themselves.
(Plus for me personally I think putting earrings on a small child looks cheap and tacky) |