![]() I Am I'm Me Post Count: 5 |
oh wow look at me skull i can name call on a forum omg i'm so cool.
You're so stupid that you took out your glass eye and allowed yerma to cock-sneeze all over your brain tissue. Does your brain fart every single fucking time that you post? You're disoriented, does it feel as if the room is spinning in circles? Be a good little bitch, place the dunce cap on your head and sit in the corner repeating this line 1 thousand consecutive times. "I'm a thoroughly owned fag and antisocial verbally raped me and gassed my parents!". Make that 1001 for good measure, there is that one extra chance of it sinking through your dense skull. goodbye. |
![]() & skull. Post Count: 1701 |
yeah i think you've just gone and shown that you're thin skinned and lacking the intelligence required for constructing a simple sentence. so, well done to you. i hope that little paragraph of anger toward me made you feel better, it was certainly amusing for me to read it. you know, didn't make very much sense, but watching to flailing about verbally was just awesome.
![]() I Am I'm Me Post Count: 5 |
you're as harmless as a gnat attacking an elephant. You do not anger me, I laugh at your lack of wit and ability to properly structure an insult or flame. My 12 year old cousin would school you. Come back to play when you have at least 3 pubic hairs (The ones hanging out your mouth dont count either).
Sit back in the corner with your drool cup and shut the fuck up before it get's ugly and you're scarred even worse. Good god you're fucking stupid, were you beaten silly by your mother with her 12" rubber dick as a young child? now i am done flaming you as your boring without any good comebacks apart from calling me a retard which was the only pea brained thing you can come back with. wow good one. and looking at my insults i think i'm more intelligent then you at least i can say i'm original. |
![]() [mandie knickers] ![]() Post Count: 157 |
I have a question...How exactly can you be more intelligent than anyone when you sit insulting somebody just because they stated an obvious error in your original post?
Also, how does insulting someone with a comment about rubber dicks or glass eyes make one more intelligent than another? I'm just curious, is all. |
![]() & skull. Post Count: 1701 |
haha, wow. you obviously don't like it when someone questions your intelligence. i essentially poked you a little and got a extremely ridiculous reaction from you. dude, calm the fuck down much? all i did was point out that there was no question, and rather than admit that you'd made an error, you exploded with this ridiculous shit. that's speaks volumes of you. any sane, well adjusted person would just laugh a little and move on.
you think i'm stupid and have issues? maybe you wanna re-read your own reaction and have a think about who really is lacking wit or stability. i'd pity you, but i don't pity idiots that crack the shits when it's pointed out to them. |
![]() love♥nik ![]() Post Count: 1010 |
This is wonderful. Amazingly stupid and hilarious. Can you give me some popcorn? I'm really enjoying you making an ass of yourself w/ your word vomit. It's great. XD |
![]() & skull. Post Count: 1701 |
oh, and you started the name calling dear. in that first reply, see? or are your eyes the ones made out of glass? oh lookie, i asked more questions with that little "?" funny how easy it actually is to ask a question.
![]() [mandie knickers] ![]() Post Count: 157 |
oh, ev.
i love you. ;D |
![]() love♥nik ![]() Post Count: 1010 |
OMFG this is amazing. The word vomit coming from his mouth is amaaaaaaaaaaaaazing.
I can't stop laughing. OMG. I love you Ev. Really. Amazing FREE entertainment. xD |
![]() [mandie knickers] ![]() Post Count: 157 |
i swear that entire conversation had me bawling from laughing so hard. ;D
![]() love♥nik ![]() Post Count: 1010 |
I saw it on Ev's lj and nearly died laughing and ran over here. XD
![]() Suzy Post Count: 18 |
I'm 22 and I've made the conscious decision to wait until marriage. I don't think that I could have had sex when I was a teenager, because I don't think at that age you completely know what you're doing. That's just my opinion.
I also didn't want my first time to be with a high school dirtbag. I'll wait, giving myself to someone else is very very very important to me. It means something different to everyone, which I respect. But a lot of people that I know, don't respect the fact that I haven't just opened my legs for the next available guy, and that bugs me. I think you just know when the best time for you is, which probably different for everyone. I hope everyone decides carefully and when they do decide to have sex to make sure that it is with someone they trust and that they are using protection. |
![]() Mark G Post Count: 5 |
I think you made a wise and respectable choice. It's refreshing to know there are at least some people who don't believe in premarital sex.
![]() & skull. Post Count: 1701 |
i lost my virginity at 18. i wanted to wait until i was comfortable, but in the end i just had sex to shut my then boyfriend up. i don't recommend losing it that way. wait until you feel comfortable, married or no.
![]() Michele Post Count: 2 |
Okie dokie. The first time I ever had sex was after I was with a guy for about a year, the problem was we werent really ready and he had pressured me into it. We broke up a few months later. The next guy I had sex with we knew eachother for 6 years, and had been best friends, but only dated 2 months, and now 2 years later we are married... It really all depends on the kind of relationship you have and if the 2 of you are ready.
![]() -Mal- Post Count: 25 |
It is up to you but I wouldn't want to marry someone before I know what the sex is like. What if you like different things in bed or what if you don't like sex with him. There are reasons to have sex before marriage and reasons to wait, but the thing is why are you waiting? Is it because of religion, or your parents told you to, or do you just really feel that you need to wait? Weigh the options and then decide but wait till you are ready. Not when he wants it. Me I'm glad I had sex early because I know that I don't really like sex with guys and so I found out that I'm gay, and that is a good thing because it costs too much to divorce these days. LoL :)
![]() Emily the Strange ![]() Post Count: 195 |
Wait...Mal....You 're not a virgin? I am astonished!!! ^_-
![]() -Mal- Post Count: 25 |
LoL. I haven't been a virgin in forever, hell even my mom was happy when she found out I got laid. She was even more happy when she found out it was someone other than who she thought it was in the first place, I do believe she gave me a high five when she found out it was this hot guy I used to know and not my old best friend who is super gay. LoL
![]() PBK1987 Post Count: 57 |
The rap ground The Ying Yang twins help me make a decision...............
They once said "Ay bitch! wait til you see my dick Wait til you see my dick Ay bitch! wait til you see my dick Imma beat dat pussy up Ay bitch! wait til you see my dick Wait you see my dick Ay bitch! wait til you see my dick Imma beat dat pussy up " Those magical words helped me become a man |
![]() ♥ Pear Post Count: 69 |
Waiting til marriage was never important to me, at least not since I was young. I was 18 my first time and we had only been together a few weeks, but I knew there was something special between us. I waited until I felt ready for it. I'm still with that same guy and probably will be with him for the rest of my life. I don't regret it at all, and am actually glad I didn't wait til marriage.
I agree with -Mal- completely. |
![]() Simply Mom Post Count: 85 |
to me waiting wasn't that important. I do wish i would of waiting for someone else but i can't change that. Its more how you feel about it all.