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Smokers/Non-Smokers: What's your opinion?
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30 Apr 2010, 02:30
♥ jes
Post Count: 135
I don't blame you what so ever. I can only imagine what that'd be like.
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30 Apr 2010, 18:23
Post Count: 2651
But even if you don't smoke around your daughter, you're still breathing it out over her, if you've been smoking earlier.

Plus, if something happens to you as a result of smoking, how do you explain to your daughter that she lost her mother because she couldn't give up cigarettes?
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30 Apr 2010, 20:17
♥ jes
Post Count: 135
It's my own life, right?
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30 Apr 2010, 21:13
Post Count: 2651
Of course it is. I was just making the point that just because you don't smoke around your daughter doesn't mean it doesn't affect her.

You're still exposing her to the smoke, and you're still putting her at risk of losing her mother. But that is also still your choice to make.
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30 Apr 2010, 18:20
Post Count: 2651
Your point about your daughter is an important one I think.

One of the anti-smoking ads we had on TV here for a while showed a child watching their mother die from lung cancer. I wonder if that's more likely to be effective than pictures of damaged lungs etc.
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29 Apr 2010, 19:00
Post Count: 269
What's interesting is that that doesn't happen to *everyone* though.

My mother's been smoking she since was 14, and she's about to turn 43. She went to the doctor SEVERAL times in the past few years for her health, and they had to take tissue samples and put her through tests and crap, and one thing that came up was her lungs, and that even though they had some damage done to them from smoking, according to the doctor they were still as healthy as a non-smoker for her age.

I personally think the doctor must have been on crack. Either that or the ridiculous amounts of "body detoxes" that she put herself through did something.
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30 Apr 2010, 02:30
Greta Garbage
Bloop Community Organizer
Post Count: 309
I can't vouch that every person who smokes will eventually get cancer or emphysema, I don't know the exact statistics on that. But you would have to agree that if you smoke you're putting yourself at risk. My grandfather smoked from when he was a teenager up until he was 40 and then quit cold turkey. Never had cancer or emphysema or anything. But I have heard stories about people who quit and then years later of being smoke free they have lung cancer. Everyone is different.
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30 Apr 2010, 18:03
Post Count: 269
Yeah. Exactly. I mean, my grandfather is 85. His morning sabbatical involves reading the paper and a Basic Menthol Light in the basement. Cancer free. Diabetic though and heart problems though. Should have stopped smoking, but he's too stubborn and set in his ways.
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30 Apr 2010, 18:26
Post Count: 2651
Genetics play a factor too. But there's no way of knowing if your genetics will put you at risk of lung cancer or emphysema.
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29 Apr 2010, 02:52
*Forever Changing*
Post Count: 847
It wont help. I love Colorado's no smoking in public building law, and the fact that if you smoke near the entrance of a building its illegal. I dont care if you want to ruin your life, but when your smoking endangers my child, I draw the line.
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29 Apr 2010, 04:42
Post Count: 308
I honestly thought cig packs were pretty plain to begin with. Not sure how things work in other parts of the world, but in Canada, packs are generally recognizable by the brand colours and nothing more. So unless you already knew what, say, Export A tastes like, you wouldn't really have a preference for it and wouldn't be swayed into buying that brand by the packaging alone.

Besides, I've noticed that most people that get into smoking start out smoking whatever they were handed the first time they tried it. I don't think it would have anything to do with the brand's packaging. Seems silly to me, to essentially make brand names pointless.
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29 Apr 2010, 04:57
Post Count: 1
I honestly don't think that will stop me from smoking..
Yeah, yeah call me stupid or whatever, but I don't buy
cigarettes because they look "attractive" I buy them because
I am addicted to them. It will take some serious work to get
me to quit smoking and I don't really care what people think.
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29 Apr 2010, 11:46
lithium layouts.
Post Count: 836
It might be good to prevent new smokers from picking up the habit, but it probably won't make a difference to existing smokers. The government should also invest in more methods to treat the addiction (patches, medication, electric cigarettes, and so on).
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29 Apr 2010, 11:49
Post Count: 260
Unless you believe the theory that the government make too much money from smokers buying cigarettes as well as anti-smoking campaigns. I know I've heard it a few times...the government not only make money off people buying smokes...they also making money from people trying to quit. So long as there are people smoking and trying to quit - we have a rich government.

But like I said - theory(/rumour/conspiracy)
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29 Apr 2010, 12:44
lithium layouts.
Post Count: 836
Yeah, perhaps. But the health consequences of smoking are extremely costly to the government, so surely whatever money they're making from smoking is lost in their funding of health care for stroke-caused cancers, heart disease and stroke.
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30 Apr 2010, 21:17
Post Count: 2651
I don't know where you live, but here in the UK where we have government funded healthcare, smoking related diseases make up a HUGE part of healthcare. So I doubt the government make any profit from the taxation of cigarettes.
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29 Apr 2010, 12:41
Post Count: 279
I don't think adding nasty pictures on the packages would do anything... They put huge nasty pictures on all cigarette packs here, blackened lungs and the likes. It changed nothing. Granted it didn't get to the extent of not having the brand name on the pack but still, the pictures are big enough for a person to completely overlook the brand name. =P Now instead of it helping people stop smoking, everyone jokes that they won spare lungs with the cigarettes LOL.
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30 Apr 2010, 03:03
*~Loving You~*
Post Count: 507
well, i used to smoke but now i smoke on an occassion, it used to be just an adiction of having something some actually smells or taste good. it really isnt their choice weather they want ppl to quit or not... sadly the prices has gone up alot i remember when it ws like 5 bucks a pack and now i gotta pay like 7 something i still bought packs?! thats crazy

people are ALWAYS gonna smoke (the smokers, the people who wants to be the smokers)

its werid, i cannot explain it but i cannot go to the bar with out someone having smokes, or me having ciggs at least because smoking and acohol blends really good at times

No i dont think having anything on the package will do any good, they put and posted nasty pictures in class rooms, builtien boards "If smoking could affect your looks, would you still smoke" with a nasty picture...

it even says "general doctors recommend you to quit..." whatever.. it still doesnt work i think it should be a person's choice, a matter with respect (i hate it when i walk by a bunch of smokers by the door at a entrance and its less than 25 feet away by law it stinks) i know it sounds hypercritcial of me, but i spray and i smoke away from ppl that are not smokers.
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30 Apr 2010, 21:22
Post Count: 885
Yeah, I don't think putting a nasty picture on the box will change anything. People aren't stupid, they already know that smoking can eventually kill them. I work in a hospital, and the majority of NURSES and even some PHYSICIANS take smoke breaks throughout the day. These are people who have medical backgrounds, who went through school and undoubtedly were shown the lungs and body parts of people who died from smoking and yet STILL are smokers. Changing the box will change nothing.
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1 May 2010, 11:45
Post Count: 2651
It's true, a lot of nurses smoke, and they are VERY aware of the risks. I know few doctors who smoke though. I knew more people in med school who did, but most of them quit.
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4 May 2010, 02:22
Post Count: 322
I'm a non smoker - I don't care if people smoke, as long as they aren't doing it around me. I don't let people smoke in my house or in my car. It stinks and I dont want to smell like it =\
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28 Apr 2010, 23:46
Tommy Decentralized
Post Count: 506
would have been a great idea, imo, had this been done from the get go. That it's to late now, and this packaging will not have any affect on sales. imo
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28 Apr 2010, 23:50
Tommy Decentralized
Post Count: 506
If the world wants healthy smokers. It should produce very cheap electric cigarette, imo, whereas you smoke the relaxing drug, without out all the harmful stuff that comes with it.
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28 Apr 2010, 23:55
Acid Fairy
Post Count: 1849
Oh I agree, they are cool.
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29 Apr 2010, 00:36
Post Count: 1010
My dad smoked for nearly 40 years before quitting cold turkey and gave me asthma b/c of it. Before when he did smoke, he didn't give a shit what was on the package, he just bought Malboros, the kind he always got, w/o fail. I don't really see how it'd affect actual smokers. I mean, I've smoked twice my entire life: once when I was 14 b/c I wanted to see what it was like (1 drag), and nearly threw up. Tried it again like a month ago b/c I was piss drunk and was like, "hey everyone always say they smoke when they're drunk, why don't I!?!??!" Took one drag... and then screamed that it made my tits hurt. XD

So even w/ the pretty packaging, I'm not buying cigs. Seems kinda pointless to me besides the fact that they save ink and it's slightly less "cool" b/c really, the Camels packaging now is pretty. XD
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