![]() queenbutterfly ![]() Post Count: 425 |
I work as a leasing consultant in a very "upscale" area of Charlotte. Often times we will get "noise and incident" complaints and have to put them in. I was bored, and browsing around other communities complaints. This is a community that is about 20 minutes from the one I work at. Check it out:
"Michael came into the leasing office on 4/14/2010 and stated that there has been a increase amount of noise in her building. She was very upset stating she could no longer tolerate the noise coming from her neighbor in ***. She stated that the girlfriend of our resident is extremely loud while they are having intimate relations. Michael stated if we did not make them stop she was going to have to move." If I worked at this particular community I would have looked at her and said, "Ok, so would you like me to try and get them to stop having sex, or would you like me to help you find someone that can give you a good time too?" Ha ha. What makes you laugh at work? ;-D |
![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
Haha that's funny!
Well I work with kids so they come out with some great things. My favourite one was when I was going through a colour book with a toddler, and we got to orange. He was stumped, so I said 'It's also the name of a fruit' He goes, 'Tomato!' Haha. Cracked me up. One kid was feeling my ankle under my trousers and says, 'Your legs are prickly' (I hadn't shaved) ;D There are loads more but my memory is failing me right now! |
![]() queenbutterfly ![]() Post Count: 425 |
Haha the legs are pickly would have made me pee my pants! ha ha!!!
![]() KerriBlue ![]() Post Count: 260 |
I work with kids too...they can say some really random and funny things some times. I loved it last week - i had to do a site observation for uni (ok granted - it wasn't my work...but still counts) A boy and girl were playing house. The boy said "Boys can't have babies" the girl replied; It's ok. These are all my babies"
I looked around her - there were around 7 baby dolls. |
![]() Lovin'MyLittles Post Count: 322 |
Hahaha, Megan. That is HILARIOUS. What are you really supposed to say? I'd just turn up the radio or walk away from that area while they do it. The only other option is to send an anonymous letter that says "I CAN HEAR YOU WHEN YOU DO IT" - and hope they get the hint. LOLOL! Oh well. At least they're enjoying themselves ;)
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
Seriously. I'm pretty sure just a note would suffice. Or beat on the wall/ceiling ;D
How weird would that be. In the middle of booty and just hear 'bam bam bam' ;D Oh I'm amused now. |
![]() Music God CJ Plain Post Count: 550 |
My best one didn't happen directly to me, it just happened at a place I worked at when I was in college. I worked as a night cashier at a local liquor store. We experienced a rash of break in's. Someone threw a cinder block through the front door and grabbed a bunch of beer that was stacked there. The only camera's in the store at the time were by the front counter. After closing on night, we installed camera's facing the front of the store and the front door. We also had the door replaced with one that had shatter-proof glass.
2 nights later, the camera captured on of the most EPIC things ever. A guy pulls up in a truck. He then grabbed a cinder block from the back and chucks it at the door. Before he could even move, the brick hit the door, flew back at him and smacked him dead in the face...knocking him unconscious. Which was where he was a few minutes later when the Cops rolled up to arrest him. |
![]() ♥ Kaidens Mum Post Count: 13 |
Haha. That should be sent to "Worlds Dumbest Criminals" TV show. That is classic.
![]() Music God CJ Plain Post Count: 550 |
Actually, it WAS. I think you can actually view it on their site, if I'm not mistaken. I'll see if I can find the link.
![]() Aubrey; ![]() Post Count: 377 |
I was gonna say, that reminds me of something you'd see on one of those TruTV shows. Ha
![]() queenbutterfly ![]() Post Count: 425 |
HAHA! Priceless!!!
![]() Mami 2 ♥ 1 Post Count: 361 |
I recently started working as a teller at a credit union and the other day a woman came through my drive through lane. No lie she had like 3 different transaction slips for her and her family members accounts. I just finished training and am still in the learning process so I knew this would take me a few mins to complete. Well I did one transaction at a time and didn't rush since I didn't want to make a mistake on the accounts. Well I finally finished the transaction and I said thanks and good bye and sent her receipts out. 1 minute later she buzzed me. I asked her if I could help her. She accused me of not doing one of her transactions. I politely told her I did everything that was on her transaction slips and then she tells me "I just sent up another paper and my ID" (the new transaction request form was never sent up and neither was her ID with the previous transactions) But she accused me of not doing her transaction like I was supposed to read her mind and do a transaction I had no clue needed to be done. It wouldn't have been so bad to do all of those transactions if they were all organized but, she had wads of money, slips, and checks all mixed up so it took me a significant amount of time to figure out what checks belonged to which slip, make sure there were no checks in the cash, make sure everything was going into the right accounts. I told my boss that people with complicated transactions like that shouldn't be allowed in the drive-thru.
![]() queenbutterfly ![]() Post Count: 425 |
Totally agree! They should have sent her to go inside!
![]() Lovin'MyLittles Post Count: 322 |
We bank with US BANK and you can only have one (MAYBE two?) transactions per car. Anything more than that & you have to come inside. It even has a sign that says "complicated transactions need to be handled inside please for the courtesy of other customers". :)
![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
I love that America has drive through banks!! It seems so ludicrous to me! ;D
![]() Lovin'MyLittles Post Count: 322 |
It's cos we're lazy - you know that! =) Seriously, the stupid drive up windows take LONGER than going inside and taking care of the transaction INSIDE.. it's nutty. They usually have one teller working the ENTIRE drive through and she'll have 6-7 cars lined up at a time. It's crazy. I never go to the bank, I use internet banking & bill pay. It's easy. =D
![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
Oh god yeah, I couldn't live without internet banking!
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
It's actually really convenient.
I have to go to the bank every two weeks (When I get paid.) to transfer money to my dad's account. So I just drive up, hand the dude my slips to transfer, and I'm on my merry way ;D Saves me butt loads of time. |
![]() & skull. Post Count: 1701 |
banks have drive thrus there? we don't have that in australia. how odd. lol.
![]() Mami 2 ♥ 1 Post Count: 361 |
Yes, the majority of our banks here in the US have drive thrus. It is wonderful when you have a sleeping baby in the car or a hurt back or your old and dont want to get out of your car. The majority of the people that use it are just plain lazy though. Oh well. lol.
![]() Lacey Post Count: 144 |
I work for an insurance company and do claims processing and have to look at all kinds of medical diagnosis codes. some of them are very interesting... they have a code for EVERYHTHING, things getting caught in orfises (sp) is one I enjoy looking at. Its funny to read the member submitted claims and HOW things happened to... All they have to tell us is where, when, and what, and sometimes we get HOW... Like back injuries ;)
![]() .erica. Post Count: 56 |
I worked in a small family owned grocery store as a cashier. This one happened when I worked during the day. A some what older woman came in and I really do not know what happened. She popped in an entire aisle. Diarrhea. None of us knew it since she said nothing. She came to me, I was the only cashier, and I rang her up thinking the whole time she smelled lke shit. I never fathomed she actually shit. I thought she had a lot of cats or animals and it wasn't very clean so she smelled like her house. She took her time putting her change away, but I had to get away so I walked away to put her carrier away. Well, one of the owner's daughters came over and I told her. She looked and said she must have sat in something cause she had a spot on her dress. Then the other owner's daughter and her boyfriend ran up from the deli asking "who did that?" and pointed to the aisle. We had no clue what happened, I had a soda fridge blocking my view. All three went down there and I had another customer come up. She said she wanted to go down that aisle, but she wasn't going to. I asked her why because I was confused and she told me someone pooped in it. I then put two and two together. Shortly after I had to have someone clean by the register too because I looked and noticed tiny little dropping spots there and going out the door. So gross.
Then when I switched to nights after having my daughter, we always had this drunk guy come in. He never did anything so we never said anything. It was funny thought when he peed in his pants in another aisle. |
![]() queenbutterfly ![]() Post Count: 425 |
EWWW! I had something similar happened but at least the ladies pooped in her depends; and than kindly left them in our guests bathroom in our clubhouse. IT SMELLED like crap for three days. :-P
![]() & skull. Post Count: 1701 |
i had an old guy piss himself in an aisle then he had the nerve to come up to me SCREAMING that the store smelt awful. i thought he meant the paint fumes wafting over occasionally from some renovations to a store next door, so i apologised and said there wasn't much i could do about that. he then started saying the managers must have trained me well to bullshit to customers. at this point i got irritated so i said that i wasn't bullshitting, that i had no idea what he was talking about and that if he continued to be abusive i'd call my manager and have him removed from the store. he fucked off after that. about a second later my manager came up bitching about some old guy pissing in an aisle. lol. i couldn't believe the guy was yelling at me because he'd pissed himself.
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
I had a kid diarrhea in an aisle once. Terrible. His mother didn't even say anything.
Then another lady, she checked out at my register. Then went two lanes over to change her kids shit diaper (on the bagging area mind you in full view of tons of people.) and just left the diaper there in all it's glory and walked out of the store. I was like wtf really? |