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Watching Movies Online.
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3 Apr 2010, 19:27
Post Count: 751
So I've heard you can watch movies online. But I haven't found a legit website yet, everytime I go to one it says I need to download something to watch it. Is there any good websites out there that you don't have to do 100 things before watching the movie? I'm wanting to watch Remember Me if that helps.
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3 Apr 2010, 20:04
Jessica [Private]
Post Count: 1751

The website I use. You don't have to download anything. And it gives sources to stream the videos from on the side.
Megavideo seems to be the best quality one :)
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3 Apr 2010, 20:04
Jessica [Private]
Post Count: 1751
oh and: there's your movie ;)
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3 Apr 2010, 20:53
Post Count: 751
Thank you much!
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3 Apr 2010, 22:23
Jessica [Private]
Post Count: 1751
Anytime! :)
I should also mention that occasionally when you press play you'll get a pop up (it usually opens for me in another tab.)

Just close it, there's nothing important on the page (and it doesn't give viruses or anything. they just want you to sign up for crap :P)
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4 Apr 2010, 02:49
Post Count: 217
Doesn't megavideo stop after like 72 minutes of watching it though? Always does for me.
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4 Apr 2010, 18:41
Post Count: 53
It does, but as long as you let the whole movie buffer, clear your browser cookies and then turn your internet off until you're done watching the movie and you'll be able to watch the whole thing!
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4 Apr 2010, 18:46
Post Count: 217
oh, that is pretty awesome. I wish I had known about this a long time ago. Thanks! lol
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4 Apr 2010, 18:51
Post Count: 53
The bf told me about it a while ago, works for us everytime! It's definitely worth the two mins it takes to clear cookies and turn your internet off lol.
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3 Apr 2010, 22:43
Post Count: 18
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6 Apr 2010, 16:48
ICky VICky
Post Count: 78

How it works is like a library of all the possible places for a specific movie to be watched. I search my movie, and pick the site to watch it from and if that site is giving me problems like to download something i go back to the search page and get a different site.
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7 Apr 2010, 00:25
Post Count: 751
Oh that's awesome. Thanks!
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3 Apr 2010, 20:10
Music God CJ Plain
Post Count: 550 has a bunch of tv series and older movies that you can watch as well.
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3 Apr 2010, 23:02
Post Count: 260

is amazing.
No commercials (at least on the shows I watch). Great quality. No pop-ups or annoying things like that.
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4 Apr 2010, 02:00
Beautiful Lies
Post Count: 402
CH131.COM for the WIN!
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