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Top 10 facts to know about health care reform
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27 Mar 2010, 01:44
Post Count: 23
"To elaborate on my opinion of pre-existing conditions - most people who are angry that insurance companies won't cover pre-existing conditions never paid for health insurance in the first place. How is an insurance company supposed to pay thousands of dollars for your treatment when you haven't paid anything to cover it?" I'm extremely tired after mandatory overtime at my job and that was terribly worded.
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27 Mar 2010, 01:48
Post Count: 1938
I wasn't talking about how you worded it -- I understood what you were trying to say. But you're basically saying that people should either, stay with their insurance company for the rest of their lives, despite the shit the company can put the person through, or not have health care, ever. The people who were born with issues are just fucked though.

That's the only way I can see this situation. The pre-existing condition clause was fucked, and there's no way you can spin it to make it seem justified.
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27 Mar 2010, 02:29
*Forever Changing*
Post Count: 847
AGAIN, your argument makes no fucking sense. You cannot just say 'Most people dont pay into the system'. Have you done a survey? Do you know how many people have paid into the system? Hell fucking no you dont. You dont understand this, because the main thing you have to have to understand this is compassion, and you have none, you would rather sit there and see a baby die from no treatment because they were born with something and no insurance will cover them. Hell in some states Medicaid wont even cover them. You are just a wonderful, greedy, ignorant person who has no care about anyone else. That is VERY evident in this branch of your argument alone.
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27 Mar 2010, 01:50
Post Count: 23
Spin? There's absolutely no spin to what I'm saying. What I'm saying is EXACTLY what it is. EXACTLY like expecting a car insurance to pay for your accident even if you never paid for car insurance.
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27 Mar 2010, 02:04
Post Count: 1938
That car insurance argument's fucking retarded, despite my choking down a devil's advocate argument a few pages ago.

Car insurance is not the same as health insurance. Your car insurance doesn't determine your health, which is far more important than the wellbeing of your car. People with pre-existing conditions need health care, and there should be no reason why they're denied it.

I don't know where you're getting this opinion from, but it's cold-hearted. People with health problems aren't the people we should be cutting care from in order to save money.
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27 Mar 2010, 02:04
Post Count: 1938
That should say:

*That car insurance argument's fucking retarded, and you should feel bad for using it...
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28 Mar 2010, 00:54
Post Count: 2651
But people WANT to pay for health insurance... they're not getting the chance to! It's not the same thing. You can't blame them for not paying into the funds if no-one will allow them to pay into it!
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27 Mar 2010, 02:34
Post Count: 23
How can someone with a cold-hearted attitude feel bad for anything? I don't know where you're getting the opinion that it's ok to take MY money that *I* work for, not anyone else and give it away without my consent. There's already too much of it going on. I'm ok with regulating insurance companies and drug companies.... something they didn't even bother touching but not with taking MY money and throwing it at a problem to "solve" it.
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27 Mar 2010, 02:37
Post Count: 1938
Did you even read the post?

It's forcing YOU to get health insurance, not anyone else. People get subsidized who can't afford it.

Look, you're just spouting right-wing talking points without having any idea what's going on, like most aggressive opponents of this bill has. No one is forcing you to pay for anything more than you already have been in the first place.
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27 Mar 2010, 04:33
Post Count: 300
money is taken out of your paycheck everyday to help pay for tons of shit. you live in america - it happens. and back to the "deserving" comment..i surely deserve things for working hard. that's how you get ahead. raises, promotions, healthcare, and much much more!
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27 Mar 2010, 02:39
Post Count: 23
Oh yes, I absolutely LOVE when babies die. That's my favorite. Also, I'm greedy because I would rather keep my money and donate it as how *I* see fit, rather than someone else? Really? That's really interesting to me. I really don't care about anyone else, either.... you are completely right about that one. I most definitely hate everyone.

I have to stop agruing with you absolutely lovely people, because I have to get up at four am to go to my job. You know, that thing I do to make money for myself... oh yeah and apparently everyone else. YAY!
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27 Mar 2010, 02:41
Post Count: 1938
I don't even know what you're talking anymore, but it just sounds like baseless fear-mongering to me. The government is not stealing your money, nor are babies going to simultaneously die at the ratification of this bill.
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27 Mar 2010, 02:43
Post Count: 23
It's forcing me to get health insurance. Unless I'm wrong and you may correct me, I do believe I have to PAY for said health insurance. Oh wait, cause.. it's not free right? Oh... right. Right now, I actually don't pay $300 a month for health insurance and I'm never going to. I'll just go to jail, then YOU can pay for MY health insurance and everything else. Isn't that fun? Oh yes and taxes won't increase because The United States has GOBS and GOBS of money just laying around everywhere. I mean, seriously it's almost disgusting.
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27 Mar 2010, 02:45
*Forever Changing*
Post Count: 847
Haha, you wont go to jail, sadly, oh how I wish that was true, they will just take any tax refund you get. It will get paid anyway. I am fine with taxes increasing, because hey guess what I WANT PEOPLE TO BE ABLE TO HAVE HEALTH INSURANCE. Wow. I want to see everyone be able to qualify for health insurance, its not fair that they dont. The only thing thats disgusting is your ignorance, and hateful attitude :) Have a GREAT day at work making money for us, we sure do appreciate it!!
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27 Mar 2010, 02:45
Post Count: 1938
Hahaha, wow. You're *living* in ignorance. If anything, you paying fines will help reduce the deficit. If you don't plan on doing that out of spite, then enjoy your terrible credit score and debt. Please, PLEASE, for the love of god, if you don't want to educate yourself, at least read the first post.
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27 Mar 2010, 02:52
Post Count: 23
Don't have differing opinions than other people. Then, you get called mean names by people on the internet! Oh geeze, seriously? I'm the hateful one? Really? Take a hard look at how I respond (albeit with a TON of sarcasm cause that's how I roll) and then look at how you two respond. Quite a difference. When you learn to debate and "argue" without resorting to name calling and automatically pulling up the "she's ignorant" or "she's blind" card, then you will truly have matured.
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27 Mar 2010, 02:56
Post Count: 1938
I haven't called you a single name. You got disproportionately upset. Being called out on being ignorant isn't an insult, yo. If you educated yourself, you wouldn't be ignorant, but you are, and you choose to remain that way, by instead citing "mean names" when no one called you a mean name. Next time, try actually responding to the questions or statements directed at you, and discussions like this won't turn into a bickering-fest followed by an immediate flounce from the thread and/or Bloop.

Basically, you're the epitome of blind, aggressive ignorance.
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27 Mar 2010, 03:03
Post Count: 41
You will not pay for your health insurance if you fall under a certain income bracket,(correct me if I'm wrong) but if you make under 30 thousand a year you automatically qualify for medicaid. I think it is a great thing because health insurance is very expensive but they want to expand coverage for medicaid recipents that is very helpful.
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27 Mar 2010, 02:58
Post Count: 23
One: You aren't the only one responding, just fyi.
Two: I didn't realize being cold-hearted was a good thing. Thanks for telling me.
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27 Mar 2010, 03:04
*Forever Changing*
Post Count: 847
I told you that you were ignorant and hateful, but if you read your responses and then look at it from someones point of view whos life is DIRECTLY connected and affected by this. There is NO REASON my brother or any one else who should be denied health insurance because of what they are BORN with.
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27 Mar 2010, 03:04
*Forever Changing*
Post Count: 847
Gah, it should say "is DIRECTLY connected and affected by this then you would come off as hateful as well"
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27 Mar 2010, 06:12
Post Count: 1938
There wouldn't be any confusion if you replied properly. Instead of clicking "post to thread," hit "post reply" to the post you're replying to.
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28 Mar 2010, 00:58
Post Count: 2651
You can surely at least see why Mindi's upset? What would be your solution for her brother (as an example)? He is the kind of person who has suffered through no fault of his own because of the way health care is in your country. And he is the kind of person who will really benefit from this bill. Surely even you can see that this is a good thing? I KNOW that you're a good person, so please just look at the position he's in... what if it was your brother?
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27 Mar 2010, 03:07
Post Count: 23
So, since you're directly affected by something means it's ok to insult people? We, as citizens, are ALL directly affected by this.
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27 Mar 2010, 03:09
*Forever Changing*
Post Count: 847
Its not an insult when its the truth. You have even said you were getting more and more cold hearted, so obviously you completely agree that you have no compassion.
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