![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
What are some of your pet peeves? The two I can think of at the moment are bad spelling and grammar (especially your and you're, and there, their and they're), and reality TV talent shows. In fact all reality TV. Pisses me off beyond words.
![]() *Forever Changing* ![]() Post Count: 847 |
My biggest pet peeve is when people tell me what I need to do during my pregnancy, how to raise my kids, or telling me I am a bad mom because of the way I do raise them. I also absolutely hate with a passion the stigma against bisexual people in both the gay and straight community. There is obviously a lot more that gets on my nerves but these two are the biggest.
![]() Minda Hey Hey™ ![]() Post Count: 330 |
I SO agree with you! We have this sign on our fridge at school and it says, "Please do not eat there food." I laugh everytime.
![]() ObsidianDreamer Post Count: 50 |
When people stare at you, then get mad because you stare back lol
And dirty ears...idk why...i just do not like dirty ears |
![]() Giggle ![]() Post Count: 279 |
Off the top of my head: Chewing loudly, throwing cigarettes out car windows and wearing black and navy together! I mean I don't mind people wearing mismatching colours it's not like it's any of my business but when they wear black and navy I'm like my goodness are you BLIND! =P
![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
Really; black and navy? I know someone who has a problem with wearing black and brown together but meh; I do it anyway!
![]() Giggle ![]() Post Count: 279 |
yeah I wouldn't wear brown and black together but I have no problem with people who do. My black and navy issue started because our high school uniform was navy pants and a white shirt and some would wear black jackets over it. My God was it ugly :P
![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
I actually have the colour issue with red and green. They should NEVER be seen together!
![]() *~Loving You~* Post Count: 507 |
People with NO comon sense and when people drag their dogs EVERYWHERE maybe on a quick stop to a store then park sure, but I really hate it when ppl drag em EVERYWHERE and I'm parking 2 see a dog while ppl r at the stores, or food shopping, or movie theatres comon really? And when the dog becomes number 1 thing (let's say I deal with certain friend who has an obbession with her dog its so crazy, and my dad takes his dog everywhere even 2 costco leaves her behind for work, my grandma taking hers everywhere including work cuz "she becomes a hastle when I leave her behind" ) this is my biggest pet peeve
![]() *~Loving You~* Post Count: 507 |
And sorry 2 bug u :-( - my spelling sucks (I suck so bad at spelling)
![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
I've seen worse, believe me!!
![]() Lovin'MyLittles Post Count: 322 |
I have soo many...
People not using turn signals. People who drive under the speed limit. People who talk on their cell phones while driving. People who smoke directly outside of a building and when you walk in/out you get smoke in your face [THIS DRIVES ME CRAZY]. Teenagers or people in general who talk inappropriately in public places - hello, there's a child right next to you! People who for some reason do not know what a Q-TIP is.. CLEAN YOUR EARS OUT.. that is DISGUSTING, yo! People who feel the need to tell my Husband and I that we should've waited to get pregnant. As if they pay our bills or are taking care of our children. The girls at the mall who try to get you to try their stupid hand lotion and when you tell them no, they don't understand why you don't want to. UGH! lol Sorry. Early pregnancy hormones have made me BITCHY. |
![]() Aiure Post Count: 308 |
People who smoke directly outside of a building and when you walk in/out you get smoke in your face
I usually (fake) cough a lot when I run into that sort of thing. The smoke bothers me a lot anyway, so I'm not just being a total ass. There's a reason why a lot of places have laws against smoking near building entrances. |
![]() *Forever Changing* ![]() Post Count: 847 |
Colorado has laws against smoking in ANY building as well as within so many feet of any entrance. This includes bars, casinos, and every place that is open to the public. I LOVE living here lol.
![]() Lovin'MyLittles Post Count: 322 |
The law here in Ohio says the same thing.. but people do not follow it. What can you do, report every single one? I mean, it's just irritating. lol If the resteraunt doesn't enforce it, you are basically screwed. It literally makes my stomach turn at the smell of it.
![]() *Forever Changing* ![]() Post Count: 847 |
I do report it everytime, I report it to the resturaunt management. HAHA. If they dont fix it I threaten to call the health department. I admit it, I am a bitch.
![]() lithium layouts. ![]() Post Count: 836 |
Smoke bothers me incredibly, too. I will cough if I have to (like, I won't suppress it) and sometimes even wave my hand in front of my face to disperse the smoke! That's one level of rudeness. It's quite another level when you're talking to someone while they're smoking and they blow the smoke IN YOUR FACE. :@
![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
You shouldn't use Q-tips to clean your ears. It's bad for them and can cause damage.
![]() Lovin'MyLittles Post Count: 322 |
Meh, I use them... Never had any problems.. ;) And for those people who don't use Q-Tips.. use something else. I think tons of wax build up is DIS-GUS-TING
![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
The ears are self cleaning. You do not need to clean them. Wax is there for a reason. There's nothing disgusting about it. And cotton buds just damage them. So if you want to do something dangerous for your ears just because the thought of a little wax is icky to you, go right ahead.
Listen to me dont put cotton buds in your ears Ear care advice |
![]() Giggle ![]() Post Count: 279 |
I think she just means when there's excess ear wax that is visible from the outside. Now that definitely should be at least cleaned out with a tissue...
![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
I don't think that's what she meant... :-/
![]() Lovin'MyLittles Post Count: 322 |
Actually, Giggle had it exactly right. That is exactly what I mean. Excess ear wax that is visible from several feet away from someone that can easily be cleaned out while in the shower or whatever, at least with a towel, etc.. I have seen it all the time, and it doesn't necessarily have to be cleaned with a q-tip.. also, red.. no offense honey, but I'm not stupid :) I know that sticking a q-tip into the deeper parts of your ear is dangerous. I don't do that, and I don't allow my daughter to do that either.. however, they are safe in the outer aspects of your ear, and cause no damage at that point.
![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
Umm... perhaps say what you mean in future then? Of course there's nothing wrong with wiping external wax away with a towel, but YOU said " CLEAN YOUR EARS OUT", which is not the same thing as wiping away wax which is already out of the ear.
And thanks for reminding me of another big pet peeve of mine... people who try and make themselves sound smart by patronisingly referring to others as "honey" or "sweetheart". Those who really ARE smart, don't need to talk to people like that because they have nothing to prove. |
![]() Lovin'MyLittles Post Count: 322 |
You know, I've read your diary for ages, and had you as a fave of mine for ages, and we have never once had a disagreement. I think you're being quite bitchy right now. I'm sorry that I didn't 'properly' explain what I meant. As this was a forum that said pet peeves, and I quickly rattled off a few of mine. Another one of my own personal pet peeves are people who think it's okay to be a bitch, just because it's the internet. I hope you don't act like this in real life, although I rather suspect you do "honey". :)