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Plane Passenger Eats Scratchcard..
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27 Feb 2010, 15:07
Post Count: 63
An airline passenger ate his £8,930 winning scratch card after he was told he could not claim the money immediately, it has emerged.

The unnamed man was flying with Ryanair from Krakow in Poland to East Midlands Airport when he won 10,000 euros with the scratch card.

Crew on board the flight confirmed he had won the prize but told the passenger he would have to collect the jackpot directly from the company that runs the competition as it was such a large sum.

Ryanair said the man then became frustrated and started to eat his winning ticket, ruling out any chance he had of claiming the prize money which will now be donated to charity.

Stephen McNamara, a spokesman for the airline, said: "Passengers have always been delighted to claim their large cash prizes after returning home.

"Unfortunately our latest winner felt that we should have his 10,000 euros prize kicking around on the aircraft."

The airline is now asking passengers to vote online to decide where the money should go, after the win on Thursday. Voting will take place until March 5 at|uk|dl1|link4|
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27 Feb 2010, 20:24
Post Count: 1938
What a stupid, greedy asshole. At least now the money is going to charity.
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27 Feb 2010, 22:47
Greta Garbage
Bloop Community Organizer
Post Count: 309
hes not a stupid, greedy asshole. Because of his retardness charity gets to benefit from it lol
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2 Mar 2010, 12:47
lithium layouts.
Post Count: 836
Yes! Exactly! Sometimes things work out for the better! Hehehe.
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27 Feb 2010, 22:07
*just me*
Post Count: 30
People pack their brains in their suitcases when they fly. Clearly this passenger just didn't even take it with him. Give the money to the crew, they work hard enough for it!!
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27 Feb 2010, 15:10
Post Count: 63
Hmm, if you then actually look at the ryanair website it gives you the types of charity they are asking for people to vote for.. they include an anger management charity, eating disorder charity..they're obviously trying to be funny with their selections..
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27 Feb 2010, 17:57
Post Count: 43
Hahahaha, what a nutter! Gotta love their suggestions. I work in a supermarket, and once I told a woman (with absolute glee!) that she had won so much on the lotto that she'd have to get the money from them - I was so shocked when she started shouting at me for my appalling customer service - crazy person! You have won a jackpot! Why are you ANGRY?!
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27 Feb 2010, 19:13
Post Count: 63
Lol, that's very funny. Crazy people.
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27 Feb 2010, 18:55
Post Count: 1096
Maybe scratch cards could be new cuisine?
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27 Feb 2010, 19:01
Post Count: 239
it's like a toddler throwing a fit
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1 Mar 2010, 15:39
& skull.
Post Count: 1701
so glad that's someone's own stupidity ruined his good luck. fuck that guy.
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1 Mar 2010, 17:22
Post Count: 1
HOW anyone can be angry enough to throw a fit after winning money is way beyond me.
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2 Mar 2010, 00:56
Post Count: 263
What an idiot! This makes me angry! How can someone think they just carry 10,000 euros on the plane?
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2 Mar 2010, 08:20
kein mitleid
Post Count: 592
Anyone notice the irony that the plane was flying from Poland?
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