![]() *~Loving You~* Post Count: 507 |
Y'all gonna hate me for this so ill be blunt and honest
If they get an hrly salary even mim wage tipping should not be expected I don't always tip what ur supposed to my husband does my dad always gave 1 or 2 bucks or none but there's a lot of shitty watress or watiers so it isn't worth it and if they r getting paid hrly why do they need tippers? Its pointless I dun get tipped for helping guest at target |
![]() Oprah Noodlemantra Post Count: 300 |
I've worked at Applebee's for almost two years, and when you're getting paid $2.13 an hour to wait tables, you survive on your tips. A lot of the people I work with are single parents, who support themselves and their children on the money customers leave on tables. Taking care of a $100 table and not getting a tip is like getting punched in the gut, and it's not fair. I tip based on the service I receive. If it sucks, so will the tip. If it's great, the tip reflects that as well. If the service is so bad that I don't want to tip at all, I'll usually get a manager involved before the ticket even comes.
I'm the type of person that believes that if you can't afford a 15% tip, don't eat at a restaurant that has servers. |
![]() starsmaycollide Post Count: 408 |
![]() Oprah Noodlemantra Post Count: 300 |
That being said, I think employers shouldn't be able to get away with paying below minimum wage. I think servers should get paid a set wage across the board, and tips should be a special thing, like if you did your job especially well.
![]() ObsidianDreamer Post Count: 50 |
I second that!
![]() immortalized artiste ![]() Post Count: 112 |
You really get paid only 2.13 an hour??? I find that so unbelievable! In Canada, we get paid minimum wage; in fact, it's going up to $10.25/hr on March 31st. :) The only people that I know of that get paid lower is students under the age of 18 working less than 25 hours a week. They get paid 9.60 instead of 10.25
![]() starsmaycollide Post Count: 408 |
that's typical pay in restaurants in the US-it's a stupid system, because it means servers are left to make up the rest of their wages in tips, but it's hoew they do things. it's why tipping is expected here. my husband made the same amount when he worked for a popular chain restaurant-but as a hostess at the same place, I made an hourly wage of over 7 dollars an hour at the time. Everyone there made a normal hourly wage, except for the servers, because they got tips.
![]() ICky VICky Post Count: 78 |
i think i need to work in canada then.
![]() love♥nik ![]() Post Count: 1010 |
Ditto. I hate it when I work my ass off for a $100 table and they only give $10... and then act all hoity toity b/c they gave me $10. >_____< I work harder than most 9 - 5'ers I know and for ppl not to tip... really gets my gears up.
However, if your server is ignoring you the entire night then of course you don't have an obligation to tip 15-20%. That's just shitty service. |
![]() Lauren. Post Count: 885 |
See, your key part there is "work my ass off". If you do work your ass off and provide good service, you deserve much more than 10%, especially for that kind of table. Tonight Josh and I and one of my friends went to eat and only tipped 10%, but the waitress ignored our empty glasses until we had to ask another server going by if they could give us refills. I base the majority of my tipping off of how full the waitress can keep my drink :P.
![]() love♥nik ![]() Post Count: 1010 |
Pretty much. If it's a $100 ticket and my server is no where to be found? I don't give a shit how many ppl are in our table, you're not going to give a good tip. The only exception I hold to this is if the server is extremely busy and is clearly TRYING to help us, they're just swamped. Happened to us on Mardi Gras, poor guy couldn't keep up and we still gave him a good tip b/c he made up for it.
![]() Lauren. Post Count: 885 |
Oh, yeah, there are definitely exceptions to every rule with this kind of thing!
![]() love♥nik ![]() Post Count: 1010 |
Yeah one time we had such horrible service (for a 6 top) I think we didn't leave anything @ all. We had all given our cash to 1 guy and he didn't leave anything on the card... I knew I should've felt guilty but literally the server came to us twice, once to get our order and then again to give us our food, which was all wrong. It was bad. I was like, wtf!! I don't care if we have 7 ppl here, you suck as a server!
![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
In the UK 10% tip is pretty standard (for good service. I don't tip for poor service). It's so much easier to work out than 15%. I found when I've been in the US I've usually tipped 20% because it's just easier to calculate than 15%!
And we don't tip bar staff here. It's not expected. But then our bar staff earn much more than American bartenders. |
![]() love♥nik ![]() Post Count: 1010 |
I'm not really sure what bartenders make in terms of wages but I can't imagine that it's much more than servers since they get massive tips to. I was waiting to pay for my tab when the bartender told this guy who bought a beer that since he didn't tip, he went to the bottom of the rung, the ppl who tip get their drinks first. *shrug* To be fair, customer was being a dick to the already busy bartender.
I used to have problems w/ 15% but now it's just easier when I think, ok 10% of $10 is $1, so half of that is $.50 so 15% is $1.50. ^____^ |
![]() & skull. Post Count: 1701 |
the concept of tipping baffles me completely. i'd hate to be forced to do it as it's not something done where i live [australia]. i do tip very rarely, and it's usually only taxi drivers and only when i can't be fucked with the change and they weren't a total moron.
![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
Ohhh I hate it when taxi drivers get surly because you don't tip them. They're already getting paid, and they're always rude. Grrr I never tip them, because their attitudes piss me off!
![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
My friend and I recently tipped a taxi driver and then he had the nerve to start yelling at us because we'd paid him the fare in small change (well, in one and two pound coins)! His exact words were "how would YOU like to get your housekeeping in coins?!". I was thinking ummm... you're a friggin taxi driver, it's pretty standard to pay in coins! We were so shocked. We took his plate number so we could complain though.
![]() .Blue Bella. ![]() Post Count: 743 |
Here here. I don't believe in tipping here because they get paid... but not only that, your specific server doesn't actually get the whole tip... all tips go in a jar and they split em. Fuck that shit.
After seeing what Americans get paid, I don't think I'll ever whine about my pay again lol! |
![]() Tam I Am Post Count: 311 |
Waitresses in my town get paid $2.13 an hour.
![]() .Amber. ![]() Post Count: 260 |
I -always- tip. Always. I just couldn't imagine working for such a small wage, and making nothing. However, that said, the amount ... definitely varies by your service to me. If you went above and beyond, you were nice .. and attentive? 20%+. If you just did your job without much enthusiasm or extra assistance? 18%. If you were kind of in a piss-poor mood and we had to ask you for multiple things we shouldn't have... 15%. And if you were just THAT bad, you get the change from my check. (I've only done that once, because literally it took 2.5 hours to eat brunch at Ihop because it took her that long in between things to get us stuff, with a three-year old with us.)
![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
That's fucking amazing. HOW is that legal? That works out at £1.39 an hour! Here, minimum wage is £5.80 once you hit 22, which is $8.84.
That is why I don't understand tipping. It's not my job to pay the waitress wages that she can live on. It's her employer's. Employers that don't pay minimum wage should be fined. It's disgusting! |
![]() Oprah Noodlemantra Post Count: 300 |
They justify it by saying that the tips they make should average out to more than minimum wage. Say I serve for five hours, at $2.13 an hour, and I make $70 in tips. That's (all added together) $16.13 per hour in wages. Do you know of any restaurant willing to shell out $15 an hour for each of their servers? On the other hand, if I work five hours and make $20, that's $7.13 an hour, which is below minimum wage. It's a fucked up system.
![]() ObsidianDreamer Post Count: 50 |
sad but true