.Ban.Ignorance. Post Count: 180 |
okay waht is with this coco thing?
love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
Haha, it's Conan O'Brien's nickname. Tom Hanks gave it to him and it stuck. XD
.Ban.Ignorance. Post Count: 180 |
gotcha.. just didn't know where it came from. thank ya dear :)
thedinosaurgoesrawr Post Count: 27 |
I can't honestly believe that anyone would rather watch Leno over Conan.
ICky VICky Post Count: 78 |
agreed, Leno stinks!!!!!!!
.like.a.drug. Post Count: 137 |
Yes! I'm actually one of the only people I know of that can't stand Conan. I love love love Craig Ferguson, too.
love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
Craig is hilarious. I love when he has other Scots on there b/c then they go off on their accents and it's so hilarious. Plus half the time when there's 2 of them I can barely understand them..... XD
love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
I can't when they're in big groups!!!! XD
& skull. Post Count: 1701 |
my mum went there once and had no idea what anyone was saying ;D my dad had to translate.
love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
*lmao* I'm not good w/ heavy accents and Scots are 1 of those heavy accent ppl. XD Same w/ some Vietnamese ppl.... XD
& skull. Post Count: 1701 |
you'd probably be more likely to understand someone from edinburgh than someone from glasgow. edinburgh accents aren't as thick.
love♥nik Post Count: 1010 |
Haha, Glasgow makes me think of Groundskeeper Willie from the Simpsons. XD Can barely understand him either. XD
& skull. Post Count: 1701 |
lol, you should try billy connolly as his accent is genuine.
& skull. Post Count: 1701 |
not familiar with that. look him up on you tube ;)
i blame mac Post Count: 136 |
Yep...that's the dude from Boondock Saints
Meghans Follie Post Count: 433 |
LOVE Billy in any role he is in
& skull. Post Count: 1701 |
i think muppet treasure island was my fave. even if he died in the first ten minutes ;D
starsmaycollide Post Count: 408 |
I loved his speech last night!
NBC is run by morons. If they didn't have SNL (which is still funny some of the time) and the rights to the Olympics coverage, I would never watch it. They obviously have no idea what they are doing. |