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Jackson doctor to be charged
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8 Jan 2010, 23:56
Post Count: 2651
About time too...

Jackson's Doc Faces Charge Over Death
Sky News 2010

Michael Jackson's doctor looks set to be charged over the singer's death, according to the website TMZ. Los Angeles police will present their case against Dr Conrad Murray to the District Attorney's office within weeks, the celebrity site said. LAPD sources are quoted as saying Dr Murray will most likely face a charge of involuntary manslaughter which requires proof of gross negligence.

Jackson died suddenly last June, aged 50, at his LA home while under the care of Dr Murray. The pop superstar had been due to launch a series of concerts at London's 02 Arena just days later. Miranda Sevcik, a spokeswoman for Dr Murray, and his lawyer, Edward Chernoff, said he has no comment. Both insisted the doctor had not prescribed or administered anything that should have killed Michael Jackson, according to the Associated Press news agency.

Authorities have apparently also lined up medical expert witnesses who will testify about the normal standard of care expected in a situation such as Jackson's, the source told AP.
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9 Jan 2010, 23:36
*~Loving You~*
Post Count: 507
About time - he shoulda been charged that week
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9 Jan 2010, 23:40
Post Count: 2651
Well I don't think he could have been charged until the post mortem revealed the propofol in his blood actually. But still, that was months ago. And he openly admitted to administering it so I don't understand why it's taken so long either.
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11 Jan 2010, 19:29
Post Count: 242
Good. Just because MJ WANTED the medication, does not mean that it was safe, or ethical. He SHOULD be charged. Instead of doing what was best for his patient, he did what was best for his pocketbook.
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9 Jan 2010, 00:01
Post Count: 2651
Both insisted the doctor had not prescribed or administered anything that should have killed Michael Jackson

I can't quite believe he's still trying to claim he did nothing wrong when he's already admitted administering propofol to Michael Jackson in his home AND leaving him alone on the infusion. That is quite clearly something which is capable of killing someone!

There'll be no difficulty in finding someone to testify about how propofol SHOULD be administered because ask virtually any anaesthetist who is practicing, virtually anywhere in the world and they will all say exactly the same thing... propofol stops people breathing. It is an anaesthetic. Not an answer to insomnia. It should NEVER be given by someone who is not a trained anaesthetist, it should NEVER be given at home and someone recieving it should certainly NEVER be left alone while receiving it.

This guy didn't care about Michael Jackson. If he had he would have refused to give him such an insane choice of drug for a sleeping disorder. He just cared about the money. And he should go to prison because he is responsible for MJ's death.
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9 Jan 2010, 23:37
*~Loving You~*
Post Count: 507
Agreed he wanted money
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10 Jan 2010, 06:29
Immortal Shadows
Post Count: 109
My bf has a theory had Michael's father is the one who had him killed for all of his money.
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11 Jan 2010, 00:23
Post Count: 1938
I'm sure your boyfriend is close enough to the situation to be able to have that kind of theory.
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11 Jan 2010, 10:25
Immortal Shadows
Post Count: 109
Of course he isn't close to the situation, that's why it's called a THEORY, not the truth! I was going to write something rude, but I decided to stand above you, and not insult you.
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11 Jan 2010, 12:31
Post Count: 1938
A theory is an educated guess, not a baseless assumption. And plus, writing something rude would put you below me, since I didn't write anything rude. Even mentioning it puts you a few notches below me.
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11 Jan 2010, 20:37
Immortal Shadows
Post Count: 109
Whatever, I'm not going to argue with a complete stranger I don't even know. So just leave it at that. Have a good day!!
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11 Jan 2010, 20:49
Post Count: 1938
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10 Jan 2010, 22:46
Post Count: 8
So happy! I love Michael too much and reading this is painful but also makes me happy. Sure Michael put himself in danger, he should have known what the drugs were doing. But it was the doctor's fault mostly- he's the professional. He should know what's right and wrong.
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