![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
How many vegetarians are on Bloop?
I'm just wondering because I fancy a veggie burger and I never trust recipes online; so if anyone has a good recipe, please let me know! Anyway; why are you? Or why aren't you? I'm lactose intolerant and I don't really like meat which makes me practically vegan which is annoying. I don't like the thought of animals dying to be our food but I will eat it if there's nothing else around, aside from chicken. I think chicken tastes gross, and the conditions most are reared in are appalling. I will admit that I don't really understand the point of veganism. Especially people who won't eat eggs. Chicken eggs that we eat were never fertilised. They were never going to be a baby chick. The hen would have laid it anyway. Also, eggs are amazing ;) |
![]() Estella ![]() Post Count: 1779 |
I don't get that about the eggs, yo. Like, I do not know about farming, so am probably understanding it all wrong, but I thought when a hen laid an egg, if they sat on it then it would eventually hatch. But if the eggs are taken for us to eat, then obviously they don't hatch and we can have a nice omelette (or 'omelet' if you're in America!).
I think a lot of people are vegans for health reasons though, because they believe the human body isn't supposed to eat things that come from animals. Although I do remember back in the day my veggie sister would declare that she was not going to eat a 'chicken abortion'! She has changed her mind now and merrily eats eggs! I'm not vegan or vegetarian. I like duck legs and lamb chops. And eggs and bacon and sausages - gosh, English breakfasts would be quite crap if you were vegan! Have you ever tried organic chicken? It tastes better than the chickens who are treated badly and given antibiotics and stuff. |
![]() kein mitleid ![]() Post Count: 592 |
It depends where in America you are, because around here, it's spelled "omelette."
![]() Estella ![]() Post Count: 1779 |
Well, gosh, someone should inform Firefox, because it always underlines my omelettes in red!
![]() kein mitleid ![]() Post Count: 592 |
I wasn't aware Firefox was America.
![]() Estella ![]() Post Count: 1779 |
Yes, yo - it represents America! You should inform it to be more inclusive of your spelling varieties!
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
You can right-click and add omlette to your dictionary ;)
You'll have firefox brit-friendly in no time! |
![]() Transit Post Count: 1096 |
The eggs we eat are on the whole unfertilised. When a human egg isn't fertilised it is flushed out of the body until an egg is eventually fertilised our period, we don't harbor that egg until fertilisation does occur. The same thing happens with chickens, but as they have large eggs, they can be pushed out of the body without a need for a fluid, and of course as the fetus develops outside the chicken, a womb lining isn't needed for development either.
![]() Estella ![]() Post Count: 1779 |
So how do the... er... egg experts know which is a fertilised egg and which is an unfertilised one? How do they know which to take and which to leave? Are they not all the same on the outside?
![]() Transit Post Count: 1096 |
They don't have any cockerels in with the hens.
![]() Estella ![]() Post Count: 1779 |
Hahaha - yes, yo, that would explain it! Unless some naughty cockerel snuck in through a hole in the wall!
![]() Transit Post Count: 1096 |
Some do! That is why sometimes you can crack open and egg and there is a little red thing in there, naughty randy cockerels!
![]() Makayla Post Count: 751 |
My grandfather is a farmer & used to raise chickens. We would sometimes crack open an egg with a baby chicken inside because of that same reason. ;D
![]() Lauren. Post Count: 885 |
You can hold a light up to the egg and tell if it is fertilized or not by what you can see inside of it. We had to learn this to start checking my ducks eggs after we got ducks.. fortunately we ended up with 2 girls, so they both lay eggs but they're never fertilized :P.
![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
But how could it hatch if they haven't had hen sex? Lol.
![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
Vegetarian haggis is delicious!
My friends took me to a vegetarian restaurant for lunch today (they didn't tell me it was vegetarian! I only realised when I could see no fish or meat on the menu! Very little cheese too). I ended up having vegetable tempura with sweet chilli and soy sauce and sweet potato chips, and it was surprisingly tasty for a meal with no fish or meat (not as good as tempura prawns though. Mmmmm....) |
![]() Hayley McBayley ![]() Post Count: 76 |
I'm a vegetarian and have been for quite a few years. I just got to the point where I would eat meat and feel physically sick because I knew what it was before I was eating it lol. I used to feel really, really guilty too. I know that no animals will be saved because I am a vegetarian, but I just can't even think about eating meat again. I feel too bad for all the poor animals (I can't even watch someone kill a spider, even that makes me sad! lol)
![]() [danielle electra.] ![]() Post Count: 62 |
I'm not a vegetarian, but my brother is. He makes his burgers by crushing up beans to make like a paste & he puts onions & other type of cut up whatever he wants & mixes it together & makes burgers that way. & I think he puts a little bit of vegetable oil in it so it sticks together...
He became a vegetarian for a lot of reasons. & it wasn't because of health reasons, because he was healthy when he used to eat meat over 4 or 5 years ago. But my family will never understand why he doesn't eat eggs. His whole thing is that it has eyes... He won't eat anything that has eyes. He has a lot of reasons, though, for being vegetarian & I don't even know all of them because it'll be a loonnggg conversation. |
![]() CrystalShapedHeart Post Count: 11 |
I thought about becoming one a lot of time but...I don't think I can live without steak. :-p
![]() MC Square Post Count: 2 |
I'm a vegetarian. I generally stick with a ovo-vegetarian diet. Meaning I don't eat eggs - egg products - or meat. I found out I was pregnant a few weeks ago and started craving meat really really strongly so I just began eating eggs and drinking milk instead.
I am vegetarian because I believe in reincarnation ((im buddhist)) and I don't think it's my place to take any life. Especially not to rot my own colon with. My daughter and fiance however are both very serious meat eaters haha. Most people who are vegan are that way because of the way that animals are treated in the process of harvesting eggs, milk, and producing cheeses butter yogurt ect., I eat eggs that come from a local farmer that I know. & I see her chickens first hand and know that they're fat and way way too happy :) I don't eat supermarket eggs, or supermarket milk because of the level of antibiots and hormones that are put into the cows and chickens. I suggest researching it a bit. Not to change your mind - but rather just to understand. |
![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
Well I drink soya milk and eat eggs from farm hens so I don't need convincing ;)
![]() Artistic Muse Post Count: 4 |
I'm a vegetarian, have been for about 3 years now. it started with my boyfriend, who is also a vegetarian for about 8 years or so. i always felt awkward eating meat around him, and we ate all our meals at school together, so i just...stopped i guess. i also hate the sight of death, and hate the thought of animals being killed for us to eat. i love animals too much, and those who are close to me weren't at all surprised about me becoming a vegetarian. now when i come home, my parents get a taste of the vegetarian diet, so they look for new and exciting recipes more than i do lol. Morning Star has some really good frozen veggie burgers, the grillers prime ones are my favorite. i also have some great recipes for other meals if you are interested
![]() Transit Post Count: 1096 |
Shop bought chicken eggs are very large, larger than they should be, which makes it very painful for the chicken to expel the egg, some eggs you buy are fertilised, most chickens used for eggs are kept in horrible conditions as well.
![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
Well I buy them from a farm down the road, also we never buy large eggs, only medium, and only free range (if we do get them from a shop). We did a project on battery hens in primary school and it was disgusting.
But the EU are banning battery cages from 2012, thankfully. |