![]() Oprah Noodlemantra Post Count: 300 |
What are your favorite tried and true beauty products, ladies? Makeup, hair care, skin, everything. I want to know what brand, how much, and where you got it.
![]() Chris Post Count: 1938 |
Minimal makeup, possibly foundation, a T-shirt and jeans. Random department store, any store that sells T-shirts would sell jeans as well.
Best beauty tip ever received, amirite or amirite? |
![]() Oprah Noodlemantra Post Count: 300 |
Can't deny it, you're right. Is that your routine? You were Lady Anonymous Source for a while, right? Is that where you got your knowledge? ;)
![]() Chris Post Count: 1938 |
Hell yes. Almost developed myself a full-fledged vagina for a minute there.
Dude, I was even posting in the period diary. I don't even know who I am anymore. |
![]() Oprah Noodlemantra Post Count: 300 |
Haha, I didn't know you were posting in the period diary. Maybe the female gender should make you an honorary member?
![]() & skull. Post Count: 1701 |
lol, you just described my look. foundation + jeans and t-shirt.
![]() .Blue Bella. ![]() Post Count: 743 |
Dude... why aren't more guys cool with this look!?
![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
When you say 'minimal make up' what you REALLY mean is make up that LOOKS natural. I'm often told that I look as if I'm not wearing any make up at all but actually I'm wearing foundation, eye shadow, eyeliner and mascara. IT just LOOKS natural. ;)
When guys say they like a girl to look natural, without make up they usually don't realise that most of the girls they're talking about are wearing make up. They've just applied it well. The key is to highlight our good features, not cover them up. |
![]() Chris Post Count: 1938 |
Yes, and possibly eyeliner that's done right.
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
The very idea of him in eyeliner frightens me D:
![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
Whitening toothpaste, and minimal tea/coffee ;)
![]() Oprah Noodlemantra Post Count: 300 |
I use the Aquafresh whitening, and I love it.
![]() Acid Fairy Post Count: 1849 |
I usually use Macleans, but I'm using Sensodyne at the moment because of my hurty teeth :(
![]() Lauren. Post Count: 885 |
My teeth are hurty too :(. I've been using Sensodyne for a while now and it hasn't helped.. I just started trying Sensodyne with Enamel something something.. it's in a fancier tube and costs more, so we shall see :P.
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
ooh let me know how that works.
cuz sensodyne works for crap with me. Although it says to only use it for a month, switch to something else and try it again. Since I've started doing that, i've started to notice it. So I do a month on, month off. |
![]() *~Loving You~* Post Count: 507 |
Make up - bare minerals the starter kit is like 60 bucks an eye shadow for free I love ithad it since aug and I still have a lot left mascara cover girl and rimmel eye linar sometimes rimmel eye shadow for the colors I want and I use aussie shampoo and condionar
And I must have lip gloss either beauty rush from vs or body works their lip gloss shimmer kind |
![]() Lovin'MyLittles Post Count: 322 |
I switch all the time. I've yet to find a steady foundation that I like. Although, I have started using L'oreal 16 hour foundation & powder - but the foundation is quite .. disgusting.. and I feel that I'll probably be switching soon as I go to the store again.
Face wash, I use L'oreal Skin Genesis - it comes in 3 different kinds - pre-wet wipes, soap, and a scrub. I've been using the scrub b/c they were out of the regular wash and it's making my skin dry out and hurt.. so I'll be switching back to the regular soap kind. I also use a tinted acne solution by Neutrogena I believe.. It's a 4 hour removal. It doesn't work in 4 hours though, trust me, but it does work within about 12. I can't use liquid eye liners, and I don't really like any kind of eyeshadow that's bright and colorful =\ Regardless of what I'm wearing, I usually stick to a neutral shade of brown. Eyeliner, I haven't found one I really like all that well. I haven't switched because the two that I've got now are still pretty full. =\ |
![]() Meghans Follie ![]() Post Count: 433 |
I use pure minerals make up. Its alittle cheaper then the bare minerals but works just as good IMHO....
When I lived in Hawaii, the constant exposure to salt water and clorhine started to fry my hair pretty bad. My dad's assistant told me to put coconut water (not milk there is a difference) in my hair before I entered the water. It helped not only protect it from the split ends, but also kept it from bleaching out so bad. Although if your not going to be seriously swimming or in the water - this isnt for you - it will make your hair sticky if your not in the water |
![]() Minda Hey Hey™ ![]() Post Count: 330 |
i love bare minerals foundation...you can get a starter kit that comes with eyeshadows, foundation, mineral veil...and all the brushes for $60. it's a bit pricey but it lasts a long time and you feel like you have no make on at all. for mascara i love the covergirl lashblast, it's my fave! if i can think of anything else i'll let you know.
![]() 24&pregnant. Post Count: 22 |
recently tried lastblast. it's amazing! i've always wanted to try bare minerals.
![]() 24&pregnant. Post Count: 22 |
recently tried lastblast. it's amazing! i've always wanted to try bare minerals.
![]() Makayla Post Count: 751 |
I don't know if this is a really a makeup trick. But I can not live without Carmex! I hate regular lipstick, lip gloss, flavored chapstick, etc. Carmex is the best stuff for your lips, it makes mine shiny & plumper. Plus it makes them feel tingly, which I like. Actually I think I need some right now thinking about it. ;D
![]() Makayla Post Count: 751 |
Oh & you can get it almost everywhere..from Walmart to a gas station..It's under $3.
![]() Meghans Follie ![]() Post Count: 433 |