![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
So I logged onto facebook today, to see a post by a friend of mine. She's got a 9-month old baby. He's just started crawling and whatnot.
Her post was: "So i took my little one to the doctors today... his doctor says he's under weight and gained only 2 pounds in the last 3 months... so now she wants to put him on pediasure to make him gain weight and be all fat... i told her no thanks.. im not about to have a fat chunky kid... dont like fat people.. my kid has high metabolism and thats why he ain't gaining weight that fast... he gets it from me..." Now besides being a tad offended at the "don't like fat people" comment (hello, I'm a big girl! and we've been friends since high school!). I had the biggest what the hell moment over this post. She's always been a very thin girl, obviously. But not sickly thin. Her baby isn't exactly thin, either. He's got the baby chub going on, and he looks healthy. I commented her telling that even if he did gain a little too much weight from it, that he'd be losing it soon anyhow when he starts running around and being the most active. Her friends and mom commented on it, telling her she needed to listen to the doctor. But she wouldn't budge. A few of her other comments, in response to the others: "but he's already chunky with rolls and everything... and he is active... i think im losing weight from chasing after him and picking him up and putting back where he was lol... that doctor just hating cuz my baby is cuter than hers hahahaha" "well im not listening when she wants to make my son fat... he eats all the time... and i mean ALL the time and if he's not gaining weight from it then oh well he's still fine and healthy.. doctors arent always right... im the mother and what i say, goes... sorry if i sound bitchy but he's my kid and i dont like people telling me how to take care of him... this doctor is constantly criticizing me and this time she's wrong.... No pediasure for the baby..." Is it wrong for me to be upset at her? I'm not a mom, so I don't know how things like this really work. But from what I know, pediasure is a very healthy drink for babies, underweight or not. I'm also not sure if pediasure is in countries outside of the US or not, so here's a link to the website http://pediasure.com/ What do you guys think? I'd love to hear your opinions. |
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
Ah, I totally forgot to mention.
This is her first baby, and she's about to turn 21. I don't know if its just immaturity here, or not. :( |
![]() *Forever Changing* ![]() Post Count: 847 |
my daughters have the same problem. Honestly My three year old weighs 25 pounds, and my two year old is 22. They are healthy, we didnt do pediasure like they wanted. My girls eat 3 eggs each in the morning for breakfast PLUS more, as long as he is getting all the nutrients he is fine!!
![]() *Forever Changing* ![]() Post Count: 847 |
I should state we TRIED pediasure for 9 months, and there was no change in their weight.
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
Well I never was really under the assumption that it would cause a baby to gain weight like crazy, lol. Maybe a couple pounds. But for a toddler that's a lot ;D At least I think anyways.
But I don't think it would hurt her to at least try. :( |
![]() *Forever Changing* ![]() Post Count: 847 |
Actually pediasure causes children to gain weight very quickly. My foster sister was on it, she was 16 pounds, and after 3 months, she weighed 25. Honestly its the mothers decision, and I can understand why she doesnt want to put her child on it. The underweight scale is based on other childrens weight, our second doctor told us not to even worry about it, because it was an average, and as long as our children are healthy there is nothing wrong.
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
Wow, that's a lot. I'll have to remember that for when I have kids :)
![]() MaMa tO 2 MiRacLeS Post Count: 9 |
she is really immature with her comments but honestly my son is very underweight from being a premmie and my doc doesnt even think pediasure is necessary, as long as the baby is at least gaining weight thats all that matter.. if the child loses it or doesnt gain period it could be underlying probs which i hope isnt the problem for your friends child. I still give my son pediasure just because it it hasnt fattened him up at all. Thats a shame that that's her mentality about the situation, how stupid
![]() Makayla Post Count: 751 |
This is how I see it. If she doesn't agree with what the doctor says then she should find a different pediatrician or voice her opinion to the doctor & see if it's necessary. At that age babies are supposed to gain around a pound or two a month (I read that in my human growth & development book last night ;D). So I don't think it's really that the baby is underweight per say, but that he isn't putting on weight in the normal pattern. My daughter is small, she has been small all her life. She was born at 5.8 lbs & at 2 1/2 she is about 28 lbs on a good day. Even though she is a smaller child, she still has put on weight like she was supposed too.
There is nothing wrong with disagreeing with your doctor but you shouldn't just let it go in one ear & out the other. If you disagree you should get a second opinion from another doctor. Not just say "I'm the mother and what I say goes" If that is what she is going to go by the rest of her life, then she is going to cause her son some problems unless she has a Ph.D. |
![]() b★bbi Post Count: 7 |
That mother = moron. She is just coming off as ignorant.
However, Robin was considered 'underweight' - 3rd percentile for height and weight. The doctor told me to force-feed her formula all day... But, I decided against it. She's perfectly healthy. She eats all the time. She is just tiny, like her dad. |
![]() Chris Post Count: 1938 |
You should ask her where she got her medical degree. "Doctors aren't always right" isn't a good excuse to completely ignore the opinion of her doctor, regardless of whether or not he's right. He's not a complete idiot, so if he was incorrect about anything, then it most likely has a good, factual backing.
tl;dr: Your friend is an idiot. |
![]() queenbutterfly ![]() Post Count: 425 |
I think what's wrong with this is the attitude she is taking and her responses. She doesn't seem to have the well being in mind she just keeps commented childishly on how fat he would be. I understand wanting to "feed your children a healthy diet" because honestly I am pretty strict with my daughters diet. But I would never with hold something from her if she needed it. I also would not be replying the way she's replying.
![]() Lacey Post Count: 144 |
i dont have a take on the whole gaining weight thing, but as a mother myself, if my doctor told me that my son wasnt gaining weight like he should, and we should try to do something about it, i totally would! and the way she words things i just want to kick her in the face... no her doctor is not jealous because her baby is cuter, her doctor is trying to keep your friend from malnourishing and eventually killing a child (i know thats extream.. but thats the point). im sorry, but your friend is an idiot and there is nothing wrong with pediasure, ... if it was steriods and she had a reasonable reason that she could back for why she didnt want it i could understand... but from the sounds of her comments she is being immaure and selfish, because she might have to pick up a chunky baby. she needs to get over herself. as a mother her comments make me very mad because i would never ever keep my son from getting healhy over my own selfishness or thinking he might get 'fat'.
![]() Aiure Post Count: 308 |
I can understand if she didn't want to go on Pediasure because she believed her genes were the cause of her son's high metabolism. But her main reason is that she doesn't want her son to get "fat," which screams immaturity. Her comment about her baby being cuter than the doctor's really doesn't help her case any, either.
Doctors may not know everything, but seeing as how she's only 21 and this is her first child, it might do her some good to actually listen to them. If the Pediasure doesn't work, then she can tell the doctor I told ya so. |
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
I agree. All she seems to care about is the possibility of him getting fat, not insisting that he's healthy. :(
![]() Lacey Post Count: 144 |
PS i keep having to keep from laughing at my son from all the mommies on here with petite babies (is not funny thier small, is funny my kid is such a dense little fat ass) my son is in above 100 percentile for height weight and head size and at 22 months old he weighed 37 pounds... and i keep seeing all these posts about 2 year old weighing 27 pounds... jeeze im raising a monster.
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
Lol thats how both of my nephews were ;D
Definitely little monsters. |
![]() *Forever Changing* ![]() Post Count: 847 |
I had my first child at 17, just because she is young doesnt impare her judgement. I have seen 17 year olds who are better moms then 40 year olds.
![]() Aiure Post Count: 308 |
I never said every young parent is that way. In my experience, however, they are more often than not.
![]() Laurarose Post Count: 78 |
I've had a very small skinny kid with my eldest. She only gained half a pound every six weeks. I never had anyone even BOTHER to try to tell me she was underweight though, they just said "well she's always been like this, you're small so tahts why she is" and it's the same with my youngest daughter *but she has that chubby baby look ;D* they've just said that her sister was small, you're small so she's small.
I think if someone tried to tell me that Holly (my youngest) wasn't gaining weight properly I most likely just dismiss it to begin with because I would be thinking "thats bollocks, my eldest kid is the smallest that I've known of and she's fine!" lol but i'd take it on board and think about it for me, gaining two pounds in three months is about right but I've only got my kids to compare to!! If that child normally gains double that amount in that amount of time then I think she should get off her high horse and concider this. there could be an underlying problem there and thats probably why they want her to try that stuff and see if it works. The way she's talking just aggrovates me so I'm not going to comment on that but in terms of the baby not gaining "enough" wait, I personally don't think that 2lb in three months is anythign to worry about. but like i said, i don't know her kid and how he normally gains weight. |
![]() Jessica [Private] ![]() Post Count: 1751 |
I think the slowed weight gain is what was giving the doctor a bit of a nudge to get her to put him on it. If I remember the last time he went to the doctor, he had gained a bit more (I don't remember the exact number.) But I do remember her commenting that he was getting "fat". :( Poor kid =/
I wish she'd at least think about the pediasure thing, lord knows I would if my doctor told me that. |
![]() Mojo Jojo Post Count: 278 |
Babies SHOULD be fat before they start moving around. I had a rolypoly pudding of a baby who put on 2lb a month until he started to crawl, and then his weight gain dropped dramatically and he's a lovely kid now, not fat at all.
He's almost 9 months and he's put on 3lb in the last 3 months. Is her baby on solids? Maybe he's just not eating enough to compensate for the extra moving around. |
![]() Mami 2 ♥ 1 Post Count: 361 |
I believe as long as her baby is eating a healthy diet and getting his nutrients then there is no need for pediasure. My son is very thin too and in the 10th percentile for his weight. His doctor just said he anticipates him to be very tall and he wasnt concerned that he only gained 1lb in 3 months. I would love to put a lil weight on him bcuz pants are hard for him to wear bcuz he is so tall and so skinny he needs a 12 month size waist and 18-24 size length wise. But we are ok and it isnt a big deal. I am not really about to fatten my baby up bcuz he is predisposed to be morbidly obese and if i can prevent it i will.
![]() HorrorVixen XO Post Count: 869 |
honestly she sounds really immature!! the fact that she's saying she doesn't want her baby to get fat is what's annoying me the most.
my son was a very very chubby baby but that's b.c he was put on steroids when we was about 5-6 months. he had a bad cough that wouldn't go away. well now his baby chubs is gone & he only gained 2 pounds from his 12m check up to his 18m check up. my mom was freaking out about that & his dr wasn't even concerned!! my son eats like a horse & doesn't gain weight. but I think that's in our genes b.c my metabolism(sp?) was speedy when I was young & so was my husbands. |
![]() Estella ![]() Post Count: 1779 |
I dunno - I can see how a mother might prefer to feed her baby with her own food and trust her instincts regarding the baby's weight - and of course that is her decision. If the baby's health was in real danger, then she'd be forced to take action or her baby would be given to social services.
On the other hand, if she's said she doesn't like fat people, and you're a friend of hers who is fat, well, in your place I'd totally comment on that, like half-jokily, but still making my point. Something along the lines of 'Oh noz - you don't like fat people? I never realised! Alas, I thought we were friends. Bye then, yo - have a nice life!' |