![]() Tam I Am Post Count: 311 |
So it appears there is water in my oil yet again. I think this stupid truck is more trouble than it's worth so I'm looking for a car.
What kind of cars do you guys drive and what's the typical gas mileage you get? |
![]() Talk Nerdy 2 Me Post Count: 43 |
I drive a Honda Prelude. It's great on gas, reliable, never breaks down, it is cute as hell, & it has balls (for a drive -around -town sports car). Street racing is fun!!! VvvrrOoOoM !!! :P
![]() ~RedFraggle~ Post Count: 2651 |
I drive a Vauxhall Corsa, but I'm pretty sure you don't get them over there. I think my mileage is something like 35 miles/gallon. But our cars are generally more efficient than American cars. :P
![]() Aiure Post Count: 308 |
That's cuz y'all dun get all sexed up over oil like them thar Amerikuns. :/
![]() Luvvy Post Count: 21 |
We drive a mustang. Shitty shitty gas mileage. Everyone will comment that they love your car in the summer and look at you like your crazy in the winter. Yes, it's a convertible. Nice car but definitely not family friendly.
![]() Beautiful Lies Post Count: 402 |
Chevy Malibu. About 21 mpg. I love my car.
![]() Aiure Post Count: 308 |
I taketh ze bus. I can't afford a car. And I don't have my license. Someday in the (hopefully not too far) future, my boyfriend and I will buy a new car. We've been most interested in the Smart FourTwo, which gets somewhere around 40 mpg city.
![]() Aubrey; ![]() Post Count: 377 |
Chevy Cobalt 29-31 mpg. I use the highway a lot, which brings it down, but I still manage to get 29 on average. It's a great car, not the best, though. I agree with the hybrid comment.
![]() Simply Mom Post Count: 85 |
I have a Grand Am GT and i get city18-21 and hyw 25-28 mpg. depending on what you are looking for i'm sure you can find something good on gas for cheep. Most Corollas and Camreys get amazing mileage. Im kinda like a car nut so if you want some help you can ask me.
![]() Let It Be Post Count: 226 |
I just bought a 06 Honda civic and I love it. I almost dropped to the ground when I filled it up the first time and it only cost $25 dollars lol. Of course that is because it has a small gas tank, but it does get great mileage. My boyfriend and I share it so it gets driven a lot, but before I had an old saab and he had a Ford f150, so compared to that it feels like we spend nothing on gas now.
![]() .Broken Angela. Post Count: 114 |
I have a Chevy Cavailer its 98 model gets good gas mileage but i dont ever keep up with it..its a good small car.
![]() Makayla Post Count: 751 |
I drive a 07 model Grand Prix! I love it. The gas mileage is really good as well. I'd say I get around 25-30 miles per gallon on average. Sometimes less, sometimes more depending on where I drive. Keep in mind I live out in the mountains, so if you live in a city or a flatter area you will probably get even more than I do.