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French plane lost in ocean storm
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2 Jun 2009, 22:21
Post Count: 1096
Don't tempt me Emily.
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2 Jun 2009, 01:38
Post Count: 76
Global warming is killing us....cow's faring is killing us, obese people are killing us and now air travel is killing us off as a species.....and of course there is 2012. So much for saving the planet :)
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2 Jun 2009, 01:46
Post Count: 460
2012 is a normal date, nothing to fear. just another solstice, like jesus the sun.
an alignment with the dark rift (milky way, our galaxy) sure, done with the naked eye, not in reality.
The Mayans, whom never called themselves that, had no idea what a galaxy was, that they were in one.
the doomsday prophecies didnt entire into their culture, until after the spaniards forced Christianity onto them, with their doomsday revelations nonsense.

you better start some where in saving the planet. you have no right to leave future generation a pile of crap, all bec you think this is the end of times, and Jesus will come and save all those that agree with what you were taught.
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2 Jun 2009, 01:50
Post Count: 76
In case you didn't catch it I was being sarcastic. We do need to do something but we also need to be smart about it and not do a million things hoping something works like we tend to do with knee jerk politics based on fear.
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2 Jun 2009, 01:55
Post Count: 460
I know you were being sarcastic, I was trying to point out how laughing at ancient mythology would be a hell of a lot funnier, if you didnt believe in mythology and doomsdays yourself. ;)

this is why I say all new buildings and homes must have solar panels. it's a start
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2 Jun 2009, 01:58
Post Count: 76
I don't believe in a doomsday where the world just perishes. I believe that God will have a day of judgment and those who are not clothed in the righteousness of Christ will perish. There is a pretty big difference though you might not see it yourself.
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2 Jun 2009, 02:05
Post Count: 460
1. Are we in the end days? time or age? depending on the translation
based on the prophecies. You have said were are.

2. Revelations is a doomsday, maybe you dont see it that way, because it's teh mythology you believe in, and of course it's the only true mythology. and all the other mythological deities that were born of a virgin, preformed miracles, were crucified & resurrected, why of course all those 100's of others god's and SUN's of god, were just mythology, your is the real thing, although completely not an original story at all. but tis one is teh real deal,lol

3. Jim, you are an Atheist when it come to the 100's of other gods. I just happen to go one more god than you.
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2 Jun 2009, 02:12
Post Count: 76
I will deal with #1 Do I believe we are in the End Times. Technically we have been in the end times since the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus and the consummation of those times will be the return of the Lord in Glory. Do I believe the the signs are present and it could be soon. Of course, but then again so did the early apostles of the Lord. While we should anticipate his return with joy I think the Word of God is abundantly clear that no man knows the Day nor the Hour not even the Son of Man. The Word says He will come like a thief in the night, the world will be surprised and when they say peace peace sudden destruction shall reign upon them. So no I don't know if we are in the last generation before the Return of Jesus, but I do know that if I am right I would pray that I am right with him and wouldn't wait to the so called End of the World to make sure of where I was going for eternity.

If he comes today So be it, if it is in 100 years or a 1000 Amen...but we just need to be ready.
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2 Jun 2009, 04:22
Post Count: 460
In order for your jesus to return.
You would first need to prove the existence of an historical jesus.
And that is something christianity does not have.
You have a few lines written much later, some found to be forgeries such as Thallus, Tacitus, Josephus.
and if if one chooses to against the majority of non-bias scholars and believe the christian cliams were not forgeries, they're still not eye witnesses to a jesus at all, it is but hearsay. and very little hearsay at that, this christianity bases the claim of an historical jesus on.

You have the Dead Seas Scrolls, some written by the Essenes, and others. The DSS were written from 200 BCE all the way up to 68 AD
They lived right there, where all this was to have taken place. the DSS (dead sea scrolls) contain the oldest known old testament, which by the way has passages not even found in your bible. But nonetheless the Essenes live right there, wrote about anything, but there is no mention of a living jesus. Not the one in Paul's theology. whom btw Paul never places jesus on earth, paul's letters were of a spirt world, up in heaven, not here on earth.

It wont matter things things, these historical mentions. Your mind is closed off to real evidence,m and you're left guided by faith, which is fine and dandy. But one should not make fun of other faiths, or cast them to hell, when your mythology not only is the same as their, oh no dear sir. your jesus mythology is a duplicate. If you focus to much on an historical man-god, and not what teh anointing is, or teh body of a christ, you're left with little understanding of what a jesus teaching is. remember christianity was born out of gnosticism. Your very first christians, the Essenes (physicians) healers, were shamanic priest studied in plant knowledge. Remember there was a near by drug store to run to back then, all your feel good medicine for headaches, colds n flues, polio and pledges, mankind has always looked to the witch doctor for herbal medicine, and casting out of demons. It wasn't long ago that religion and herbal medication were but a hand and a glove.
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2 Jun 2009, 04:23
Post Count: 460
wrote about everything* ;d
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4 Jun 2009, 16:44
kein mitleid
Post Count: 592
The Mayan 2012 thing is kind of funny if you think about it, since their culture ceased to exist long before 2012.

I think the reason their calendar ends is because the calendar maker (let's call him Bob), died, and his replacement came in and said, "Crikey, Bob did the calendar up to 2012 -- let's see, it's the year 450 AD... fuck this shit! I'll updated the calendar once we start getting a little closer."

And that was the end of that.
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4 Jun 2009, 16:56
Post Count: 460
There are more Mayans living today, then there were back then

The calendar doesnt really end end, it's just the beginning of a cycle.

There's an easy way to do this ;)

I took a pod cast:

The 2012 Meme
An Interview with Prof. John Hoopes
Hosted by Jan Irvin (

and put it in a video :)

2012 Doomsday: Fact or Fiction?
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1 Jun 2009, 20:14
Dreamer ♥
Post Count: 167
Planes are designed to be hit so many times by lightening, do you think they would be allowed to fly if they weren't?

Also reading what French minister Jean-Louis Borloo said disgusts me!

I quote "By now it would be beyond its kerosene reserves so unfortunately we must now envisage the most tragic scenario,"

Who is to say they haven't landed the plane in the middle of nwhere haven't been found and have no radios? Who knows? Worse scenario, yes they are dead.

Also it has not even been 24 hours yet! I am on GMT and they have another 5hours to go before it's 24 hours!

I feel for the families, I hope they do re-appear soon.
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1 Jun 2009, 22:14
Post Count: 162
It's rather grim, though. Certainly someone from the plane would have contacted someone as a last minute hurrah unless the plane went down too quickly. Or they hit big enough a dead zone that nobody's cellphone would have functioned. I think they're trying to give the most realistic possibilities here. Sadly.
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1 Jun 2009, 23:52
Post Count: 885
They are saying that they think it had to be extremely quick, as the pilot didn't even make a Mayday Call. It's tragic :(.
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2 Jun 2009, 00:22
Post Count: 162
I read the same. :/ Just furthering why the minister is forced to be realistic. I'm sure everyone wishes for some kind of miracle. Things like this though... It's hard to say there's much hope.
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2 Jun 2009, 02:27
Post Count: 200
I heard many things throughout the day (considering it left from Brazil). Aparently another plane saw some orangish stuff below that could've been fire. =/

I've travelled a lot. I don't remember the first time I was on a plane, but I do remember enjoying it immensely as a child. However, plane accidents don't seem to be so rare anymore. Kinda scary. Maybe more so when you realise that you, or someone you know could have easily been on that plane. I'm from Brazil, I've lived in Paris. I know a lot of people that travel that flight. I'm just glad no one I know was on that plane.
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2 Jun 2009, 02:33
Post Count: 425
I would still fly as well. This is very sad though. I will pray those people's families.
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2 Jun 2009, 03:52
Tam I Am
Post Count: 311
My friend's mom was supposed to have gotten on this plane. Once it got to France it was supposed to have gone on to England and she was to fly back to the States on it. This is tragic and sad for the families of those on board. Thoughts and prayers go out to them.
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2 Jun 2009, 07:34
take me there
Post Count: 40
This is extremely sad. I am nervous about letting my boyfriend get on a plane (in Europe) to come here (America) because of this. However I have been on a plane at least 4 times every year since I was young. This year already I have been on a plane 6-8 times. I fear something happening, but you must always hope for the best because at the end of the day things like this are out of our control (as the passengers, and sometimes the pilots.)
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5 Jun 2009, 01:32
Post Count: 885
Whats sad is that a thread about the 228 lives lost on a plane that just disappeared turned into an argument about global warming and the end of times and such as.
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6 Jun 2009, 01:57
Post Count: 460
That's what normal people do. They start talking about one thing...and that can lead into talking and communicating about all kinds of things. perfectly normal
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6 Jun 2009, 13:22
Post Count: 885
Ah, silly me! I thought normal people had the capacity to stay on topic! ;)
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6 Jun 2009, 14:32
Post Count: 460
point taken

I'm guilty of not knowing much about the crash at all.

I do have some very odd friends though. perhaps later on I'll check and see what the CT's (conspiracy theorist) have to say about it.
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6 Jun 2009, 01:21
Post Count: 74
Well Lauren.... what's a thread without argument?? LoL
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